Chapter 702 - White Tigress

An unassuming company quietly launched a few days later. It was small but had quitea domineering name.

White Tigress International Virtual Assistant Services.

Its registered owner was Dominic Chua and had, for now, two Filipino employees who were also Chuas. They were his cousins.

However, it was interesting to note that the two employees called someone else their boss. Their cousin Dom said that he wasn’t the real boss but someone named Kitty Jin. Due to a special situation, he decided to lend his name and become the registered owner on paper of the virtual assistant company. The way their cousin described it sounded shady so they couldn’t help but worry at first.

"You’re not doing something illegal, are you?" they asked him.

"Illegal? What are you talking about? Your gorgeous cousin will never do something like that!" Dom denied in an overdramatic voice as usual. "Rest assured that this is a legitimate company. Don’t worry about that. Do you think that I’ll recruit you into something illegal? If I do that, my Momsy together with your own momsies will surely murder me! Ah! I don’t want to die yet without meeting my soulmate!"

His two cousins agreed with him regarding their frightening mothers. Their initial doubts about the job offer also started to disappear.

"And I’ll tell you something very important but don’t tell anyone else. It’s a secret," Dom said in a conspiratorial tone.

"What is it?"

"Do you remember the real boss’ surname?" Dom quizzed them.

"It’s Jin, right? Her name is Kitty Jin, if I remember correctly," one cousin said.

"Wait. Isn’t your sir boss’ surname also Jin? Are they related to each other?" the other cousin asked.

"Bingo! White Tigress is actually backed by my sir boss Jin Liwei himself, that’s why you don’t need to worry about this being illegal. Remember that my sir boss is the head of Jin Corporation, one of the biggest companies in Asia that has influence all over the world. He won’t risk his name and reputation to back a small, illegal company."

"Then why won’t your sir boss just openly back this company or maybe even take it as a subsidiary of Jin Corporation? Then White Tigress won’t need to start from scratch like this."

"Hmph! It’s because sir boss wants Baby Ketch—I mean Kitty to learn the value of hard work and not expect everything to be served to her in a silver platter!" Dom told them.

"Baby Ketch? Is that the real boss’ nickname? How cute~"

"Hmph! Of course Kitty is cute! But you have to be professional and don’t call her by her nickname or you’ll bring shame to me, your most handsome, beautiful and gorgeous cousin ever who recommended you! I recruited you not just because we’re family but because you also speak Mandarin. But if you don’t do a good job, I’m sure I can find other more suitable candidates, even if they’re not from our Chua family!"

In the end, the two cousins were persuaded to work for the small, start-up company White Tigress after feeling reassured that Jin Liwei, President-CEO of the Chinese giant Jin Corporation, was the one personally backing it.

When they finally had the chance to speak to their new boss via voice call, they were very surprised at how young she sounded. She sounded like a child, for goodness’ sake! She was also very weird because she kept on meowing and purring. Maybe she had some issues in the mental department, that was why their cousin Dom was asked to lend his name as the registered owner. A boss like this who acted like a cat would definitely drive away potential clients no matter how adorable she was. Despite this, they still signed the contract and became the first employees of White Tigress International Virtual Assistant Services.

Their initial impression of their Boss Kitty wasn’t good because of her childish voice and overall weirdness but when they finally started working, they were shocked at her abilities. What the freaking fuck?! Was she still human? She was like a freaking robot!

"Damn. I think our boss is a genius or something."

"Yeah. Maybe she’s one of those who has...what is it called again? Savage syndrome?"

"Savant syndrome, you idiot."

"Yeah, that one!"

"I agree. Come to think of it, doesn’t our Cousin Dom always brag that his boss, the goddess Iris Long, is a genius? She invents new musical techniques like nothing and can speak more than ten languages and I heard that her new business sells out all of its products in mere days."

"Maybe Boss Kitty is Sir Liwei and Goddess Iris’ love child. Isn’t her surname Jin? And if she’s really a genius, then she must have inherited it from Goddess Iris."

The two cousins laughed at the ridiculousness of the idea, treating it as a joke. They didn’t believe that someone as young as Iris Long who was only in her early twenties would already have a grown child like their Boss Kitty. If she did, then Iris Long gave birth when she was only a child herself! Ridiculous! Hahaha!


Jin Corporation.

"It seems that Ketchup has been secretly learning from your lessons with Grandpa Lu," Jin Liwei told his baby girl while video chatting with her.

He and Xu Tian were currently eating lunch after the dishes Iris sent them arrived from Dragon Palace. On the tablet’s screen, he could see his baby girl also eating lunch in a hotel room with Dom and her glam team. She flew to another city three hours away by plane before dawn this morning to attend an event as Long Industries’ brand ambassador later tonight.

"Did she tell you that?" Iris asked.

"No, but I discovered this morning that Ketchup used my important business contacts and reached out to them recommending her White Tigress company. When I caught her, she told me that she heard Grandpa Lu always saying that it’s okay to be shameless with family when it comes to business. The people in my contacts aren’t ordinary. What’s even more amazing is that Ketchup was able to secure a couple of them as her clients."

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