Chapter 690 - Perfect MatChapter

In the end, both Iris and Jin Liwei came to an agreement to change the clauses in the prenuptial agreement. They decided to keep the clause saying that she would receive US$10 million for every child she gave him. She wanted to remove it at first but Jin Liwei was adamant on keeping it, even wanting to increase it to US$100 million per child but she managed to stop him.

"Just like you, no amount of money could measure the worth of our kids but I still want to give you something for every bundle of joy you bless me. Don’t deny me this privilege, love," he told her.

She sighed. "You’re so annoying. But fine. I’ll just save the money and invest it until our kids grow up. Then I’ll give it to them when they’re responsible enough to handle it on their own."

With that, the 10 million per child clause stayed. Next were the cheating and divorce clauses. Instead of being heavily favourable to Iris and severely disadvantageous to Jin Liwei, they changed it so that both would pay the same price if they ever violate the clauses. The new clauses were as follows:

If any of them cheated on the other, the violator would give up his or her entire wealth to the other.

In the event of a divorce, both of them would transfer 50% of their total wealth to their children. That wealth would belong to their children and they wouldn’t be allowed to touch them. Their lawyers, Hong Shaoqiang and Kang Huizhong, would be the legal financial guardians for their children when that happened so that Iris and Jin Liwei wouldn’t have any access to their children’s wealth. As for the remaining 50% of their wealth, they would donate everything to various charities of their choice, not including the ones belonging to them, namely Iris of Hope and the Jin Corporation Foundation. Hence, both Iris and Jin Liwei would be left with nothing and need to start from scratch if they ever divorce.

The child custody clause was also adjusted to take into account the children’s preferences. If a child was too young to make his or her own decision, then it would be up to a judge to determine an appropriate custody arrangement.

They also made similar changes to the other minor clauses in the prenup. Iris and Jin Liwei were very satisfied at the changes especially because they made them together.

Dom looked at them in awe, his eyes sparkling. He still couldn’t wrap his mind around the contents of the prenup which handled money and other assets worth billions of dollars as if they were nothing.

’Can’t relate,’ he thought.

Given how many salary raises and bonuses he received since he started working as Iris’ assistant, he was now actually quite rich in his own right especially in comparison to people around the same age and social class as him in his mother country, the Philippines. Nevertheless, he still acted in the same way like he always did from when he started working for Iris. It was one of the many important reasons why Iris appreciated him so much because he didn’t let everything get into his head and still managed to remain humble, albeit still overdramatic as usual, no matter how high his salary had become.

The Chua family wasn’t wealthy. Dom would say that they belonged in the lower bracket of the middle class. Nevertheless, most of them were educated and were working modest but successful careers, especially the younger generation. It was actually Dom and Clover who were treated as the most successful ones among the Chuas, giving tremendous pride to all of them. Both Dom and Clover regularly sent money and packages to the Philippines every month, helping out not only their parents and immediate family but also their other relatives. As a result, the entire Chua family’s quality of life had greatly increased ever since the siblings started working for Iris Long.

Iris didn’t know it but she was now being worshiped by the entire Chua family and their relatives in the Philippines. To them, she was their great benefactor who gave such amazing career opportunities to both Dom and Clover and in turn, improved the entire family’s social station.

Dom was the right-hand man of an extremely talented musician, polyglot and now businesswoman like Iris Long. Meaning, he also basked in her success. Similarly, Clover had been promoted and became the COO of Iris’ perfume company which would be launching in the near future if things went well.

How proud could the Chuas be? Super-duper!

No matter how they thought about it, everything was due to Iris Long’s generosity. If she ever visited the Philippines, the entire Chua family would guarantee to treat her like royalty.

Back to the present, Dom continued to feel amazed at the prenup. Although billions of dollars worth of wealth were mentioned, there was no greed in his eyes at all. His loyalty to his boss and best friend Iris ensured that he would always support her no matter what, even if he couldn’t relate to the things she was doing.

As for the others, Lu Zihao felt like he was going to have a headache when he heard the changes his sister and her lover made to the prenup he originally suggested. He made the suggestions as extreme as possible in order to provide his sister with maximum security for the rest of her life and also as a warning to Jin Liwei not to hurt her.

It wasn’t only him who felt flabbergasted at the new changes.

Even Qiao Yu and the lawyers could barely maintain their professional demeanors. Yes, the prenup became fair to both parties, making Kang Huizhong, Jin Liwei’s lawyer, relieved for his client.

But still.

What the heck?

Lu Zihao’s original version of the prenup was extreme but it turned out that the weird couple was even more extreme. If they ever divorced, both would basically become broke. Even their children would automatically become richer than them.

’Hai! They’re truly a perfect match,’Qiao Yu and Hong Shaoqiang thought.

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