Chapter 670 - Bought For Love

"Dada?" Little Jun turned to his mother while pointing at Long Hui on TV. "Mommi, iz Dada!"

Jiang Ying Yue didn’t hear her son because she was shocked at learning that Long Hui might have cheated on her while they were still engaged. Although all her love for him had recently been killed in her heart, the betrayal still stung.

"Look here, Junie boy!" Dom distracted Little Jun by showing his favourite baby cartoon program on his phone. "Come, let’s watch together!" Then hecarried the child to the other side of the room while the two cats followed them.

Back to the other group in front of the TV, all had ugly expressions on their faces while continuing to watch the news.

"Son of a bitch," Jin Liwei cursed under his breath.

Iris squeezed his hand, silently agreeing with him. She glanced at her friend and saw the betrayed expression on Jiang Ying Yue’s face. Still, Iris was pleased that Jiang Ying Yue wasn’t crying for Long Hui unlike before. It was good that her friend had finally realized that Long Hui wasn’t worth even a drop of her tears. The man had the audacity to accuse Jiang Ying Yue of cheating with Lin Yehan when he was actually the one who cheated first? What scum!

Assured that Jiang Ying Yue looked fine, Iris turned to her darling beside him and asked in a curious tone, "Is this Eldest Brother’s work?"

"It should be," Jin Liwei replied. "I think I remember hearing that he hired a private detective a few days ago."

"He didn’t ask for your help?"

"No. Eldest Brother is the type who tries to solve his own problems by himself first. It’s only when everything fails that he’ll ask me or our other brothers for assistance. Actually, it’s not only him. All of us brothers are like this."

She nodded.

"It’s quite impressive that the private detective he hired was able to dig all this evidence in just a few days. He works fast," he said.

"I’m faster," she replied, pursing her lips. "I can uncover all of these and more in just a couple of hours, maybe even faster because I have Ketchup."

The corners of his mouth lifted into a proud, doting smile. "I know. My wife is the best."

She couldn’t help but smile, too, and also didn’t correct him when he referred to her as his wife. They would marry in a few weeks, anyway. She would become his wife and he her husband soon enough.

"Let’s sit back and just watch this time," he added. "Eldest Brother can handle this well enough without our help. I’m sure that he’ll be able to clear not only his own name and reputation but Jiang Ying Yue’s as well, so don’t worry. Besides, we don’t have the time to constantly worry about others’ problems at the moment. We have a wedding to finish planning, not to mention that both of us are still busy with a mountain of work commitments for the remainder of the year."

She sighed at his reminder of their work obligations. Indeed, both of their schedules were filled almost to the brim. If they didn’t make it a point of keeping at least one day a week completely free, they wouldn’t be able to spend any quality time together at all. Despite this, Iris loved keeping herself busy with work, especially with her music and companies. It made her feel gloriously alive with a sense of purpose, something she lacked in her past life.

Thanks to Jin Liwei, she was improving on how to maintain the right work-life balance. He was also extremely busy running the country’s number one company, and yet he would drop everything and rush to her whenever she needed him. His love and commitment to her made her fall in love with him more deeply.

Their lovey-dovey segue was interrupted by a furious, booming voice.

Grandpa Lu, who had been keeping unusually quiet since the news story shifted its focus to Long Hui, finally exploded.

"Gah! Ying Yue my girl, how could you fall in love with such a loser?! I want to know! The only good thing that dum-dum did was provide the sperm to make my cute beloved great-grandbaby, Little Junjun! I must admit that he has excellent ability in that area but that’s where it ends! Did his balls got cut off?! Because a real man wouldn’t do those stupid things to the mother of his child! Hmph!! This old man is so angry!!!"

Jiang Ying Yue didn’t know how to respond to Grandpa Lu, so she remained quiet instead. She looked down at her lap and clenched her hands into tight fists.

On the other side of the room, Little Jun was startled by his great-grandfather’s angry, booming voice. "Huh? Ampa Lu?"

Dom quickly distracted the child once again and managed to prevent Little Jun from running back where Grandpa Lu and the others sat in front of the TV. When Little Jun became absorbed by another cartoon, Dom quickly carried him out of the living area so that the adults could talk freely without needing to worry about the child. Popcorn followed them out while Ice Cream stayed and headed straight to her mommy’s lap.

Iris, Jin Liwei and Jiang Ying Yue allowed Grandpa Lu to vent his anger long after the news program already moved on to another story. Watching the old man get angry at Long Hui for betraying her, Jiang Ying Yue felt better. When Grandpa Lu finally calmed down, Iris suggested that they play a game of chess to take their minds off of Long Hui until lunch time.

However, before the butler could set up the chessboard and the pieces, Jin Liwei’s phone dinged.

It was a message from Ketchup.

"Hi Daddy! I saw all of you interested in the news about Uncle Yehan and that good-for-nothing scumbag Long Hui, so I compiled the latest news updates online for you! Meow~"

Iris peeked at his phone and they read the first headline together.

"Mao Qiuyue Bought Deputy CFO Long Hui’s Love in Exchange for 5% Long Industries Shares?!"

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