His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

Chapter 610 - We Want More Of Iris Long!

Chapter 610 - We Want More Of Iris Long!

"Hello, darling?" Iris answered the phonewhile being glammed up.

Everyone was silent while eavesdropping on the couple’s phone conversation. Except for Dom who was already used to it, Tang Yiyi and the others, including the bodyguards at the front, still found it weird listening to the usually cold and indifferent CEO Jin Liwei sound very gentle and loving. It was as if they were seeing a proud and mighty lion acting like a tamed kitten in front of Iris. So deceptive!

Ever since Iris returned to work full-time after the bomb incident, Jin Liwei made it a point to call her despite his busy schedule. He didn’t have much time to spare but still didn’t miss a day checking up on her. In turn, Iris made sure to arrange hearty lunches to be sent to Jin Corporation for him every day.

"Congratulations, love. I just received word that ’Shining Eyes’reached #1 in Singapore and the Philippines today," he informed her.


"En. I told you that your song will make it to the top outside China."

Iris turned to Tang Yiyi.

Her manager mouthed, "Let me check."

Before Tang Yiyi could confirm the information, her phone started ringing, almost making her throw it away.

"Aiya! Who the hell—oh! It’s—"

"Hey, Little Tang! Why is that brat not answering her phone? I’ve called two times already but it’s busy! Tell her to answer her damn phone! I have important news!"

"Hello, Mr. JJ," Tang Yiyi greeted in a hurry while wiping imaginary cold sweat from her forehead. Most people would react this way to JJ, the notorious temperamental music producer.

"Well, where’s the brat?! Let me talk to her! Hurry!"

"I’m here, Mr. JJ," Iris replied in a relaxed manner while still on the phone with Jin Liwei.

"There you are! Guess what happened today! Hahahaha!"

"My song ’Shining Eyes’ has become #1 in the Philippines and Singapore?"

"I bet a brat like you would never guess—huh? How did you know?!! It’s supposed to be a surprise! Have you been monitoring your song’s rankings in other countries?"

Iris chuckled, her voice tinkling like crystal bells. "No, I haven’t but Liwei did. He just told me about it."

"Oh. Tsk." The music producer sounded disappointed that he wasn’t able to surprise her with the news. However, he quickly recovered. "Everyone is crazy about ’Shining Eyes’ in other Asian countries. It’s now #1 in Singapore and the Philippines but it’s also quickly climbing up to the top of the music charts in other countries. The localized versions of the song are #6 in Vietnam, #3 in Cambodia and Indonesia, and #2 in Malaysia and Thailand! It would’ve been so much better if you and that pipsqueak Jin Chonglin sang the localized versions because I know that you can speak their languages but whatever, this is good too! No, this is awesome! As awesome as me, JJ!"

Iris’ smile was bright as she listened to JJ raving about her song’s success in other Asian countries. Dom, Tang Yiyi and the others, even the bodyguards in the front seat, were also all beaming.

"I have to go, love. Congrats again," Jin Liwei interrupted.

"Thank you, darling. See you later at home."

"En. I love you."

"I love you, too."


Dom began a muted squealing alongside the makeup artist and hairstylist. Tang Yiyi also wanted to squeal but stopped herself because she had to maintain her image as a capable manager. As for the two female bodyguards in the front passenger seat, their expressions twitched for a fraction of a second upon hearing the lovey-doveyness between their employers but quickly recovered and maintained their emotionless countenance as if nothing happened.

"Blegh!" JJ could be heard reacting on the phone and then muttering, "Young people."

After ending the call with Jin Liwei, Iris focused on talking with JJ while continuing to be glammed up. The fact that her song "Shining Eyes" had been released outside the country wasn’t news to her. The hit drama "Our Love, Our Destiny" became available for international streaming at the same time it premiered in China. However, it took a few weeks before it gained traction among foreign audience. But once it did, the drama barreled its way to become an international hit.

And as the official theme song, "Shining Eyes" rose to prominence as well along with the drama. Iris was an unknown musician outside of China and Europe but her heavenly voice in the song caught the attention of the foreign viewers. Most of them already knew Jin Chonglin and were fans of him from before but they also became her fans after listening to the two of them sing together. These new fans became even more impressed after learning that she was the one who wrote the song.

As the drama and the song became more popular outside China with each airing episode every week, especially in Asia, Iris Long became one of the most searched for celebrities in the region. There wasn’t a lot of information available on the internet about her private life but the new foreign fans were impressed by what they learned so far.

Survived a car crash and a year-long coma!

Successful instrumental album, Rebirth Melodies, especially in Europe!

Performed with Maestro Ludovico De Luca and the hitmaker Enrique Valdez—both legendary musicians!

Multi-award-winning musician!

History-making musician for creating new musical techniques!

Recipient of the Soleil d’Or Award for Best Soundtrack at the highly-respected Sommet International Film Festival in France!

Skilled polyglot who was appointed official interpreter and translator in the just-finished International Business Conference this year!

Engaged to marry billionaire Jin Liwei, the current President-CEO of Jin Corporation, the top company in China and one of the biggest in Asia!

Future sister-in-law of Chinese superstar Jin Chonglin!

A businesswoman in her own right with the successful and record-breaking launch of her own company, Orchidia Beauty!

And her mother was a viscountess of Spain?!

The new foreign fans were all asking, "What in the world is with this talented woman?! We want more of Iris Long!!!"


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