Chapter 589 - Afterthough

Grandpa Lu’s booming questions about the new white cat lightened the atmosphere and temporarily diverted everyone’s attention from their worry about Iris’ safety and well-being.

"Sir, that’s Ketchup. She’s Ice Cream and Popcorn’s new cat sister," Jiang Ying Yue answered him.

Jin Chonglin began muttering under his breath. "Huh... Ice Cream and Popcorn... Now it’s Ketchup... What the hell is with that woman’s naming sense? Now I feel nervous about what she’s gonna name her kids with my brother in the future... I don’t want a niece named Tofu or a nephew called Steamed Bun..."

The others cringed after hearing Tofu and Steamed Bun, except for Grandpa Lu who threw his head back and guffawed. His booming laughter echoed in the grand foyer. Like Jin Chonglin, the others also worried about what Iris and Jin Liwei were going to name their future children. They prayed that it wouldn’t be Tofu or Steamed bun or any other food names for that matter.

"So where’s this Ketchup then? I want to meet her! Also where are the other cats? They haven’t greeted their beloved great-grandpa yet!"

"Sir, Ketchup is, uh, she’, shy around people. She likes to hide all the time. She must be hiding somewhere, I think," Jiang Ying Yue explained in an awkward tone. "Or maybe she’s with Ice Cream and Popcorn in Xiulan’s room."

"I see, I see. Liwei my boy and Xiulan my girl got a timid one this time, huh. Tsk tsk."

The ones who knew that Ketchup was a talkative and naughty cat AI could only blink in discomfort. Ketchup was timid? That was an adjective least suitable to describe the cat.

Jiang Ying Yue used the break in the conversation to lead everyone to the living area where the butler and a maid served them calming tea and light biscuits. Dom appeared at this time, coming out of his bedroom after hearing about their arrival.

After a dramatic "reunion" with his sister Clover and the other members of the girl squad, he began telling everyone about everything that happened. Despite his injuries, he was very energetic in re-enacting the scenes, complete with exaggerated expressions and gestures, and of course, self-made sound effects.

"Boss threw the cake box up in the air like a professional baseball player. It went up so high to about the same level of the second floor and then she grabbed me and Big Sis Yiyi to the floor..."

He actually threw himself to the floor. "And then BOOM!!! The bomb exploded and I can’t remember all the things that happened after that because I was so shocked and scared!" Then his face suddenly contorted in pain. "Aiyaya! My back! Oh, my back! It hurts! Wuwuwuwu!"

"Big Bro!" Clover helped him from the floor and peeked at the injuries on his back underneath his shirt.

"Don’t move too much, you careless child!" Yi Mei scolded him but there was worry in the old housekeeper’s eyes. She also checked his injuries.

Jin Liwei arrived while Dom was taking a break from his dramatic re-enactment. Everyone asked him about Iris. A flash of worry broke his usual cold and hard expression.

"Xiulan has a lot of injuries all over her body but nothing life-threatening. She’s sleeping right now and I don’t want her to be disturbed. I want her to get plenty of rest and focus on recovering," he told everyone in a firm tone, knowing that they all wanted to see her, especially Wei Lan who started crying again in the arms of his mother.

Hearing about Iris’ injuries, all of them were concerned about her. On one hand, they felt relieved that she was alive. On the other hand, they were all shaken after learning that Iris was the central target of a bomb attack from a crazy, obsessed fan. It was no wonder that Jin Liwei was being extra protective of her right now and didn’t want anyone to disturb her.

"Yes, dear Xiulan should focus on healing from her injuries," Grandma Li agreed. "It’s already very late, anyway. We’ll talk to her tomorrow instead."

Jin Liwei nodded at his grandmother before addressing everyone. "Talk to my butler if you wish to sleep over here tonight. He’ll arrange your accommodations. If you’ll excuse me, I need to be with Xiulan right now. I don’t want to leave her for too long."

"Big Bro, wait!" Jin Chonglin called.

Jin Liwei turned to look at him.

"I want to stay here for a few days. Can I?"

Jin Liwei raised an eyebrow.

Huang Yuyan spoke up. "Son, let your brother stay here for now, alright? Even though he didn’t suffer any major injuries like Xiulan, he’s still involved in the incident today. The media are already starting to hound him. It’s safer for him to be here in your place."

Jin Liwei didn’t answer right away. The others waited in silence for his decision. When he finally answered, everyone could hear the reluctance in his voice. "Fine. But don’t disturb your sister-in-law too much while she’s recovering or I’ll kick you out."

With that, he left.

Jin Chonglin couldn’t help but sulk a little. Huang Yuyan only shook her head, a helpless smile on her face, at her eldest son’s attitude towards her youngest son.


The corners of Jin Chonglin’s lips turned down even more when Grandpa Lu started laughing in his booming voice.The old man was laughing at him.

His family was so mean, especially his older brother. Although his brother had never been warm and outwardly affectionate to him, Jin Liwei was never this sharp-tongued before. Ever since his brother became engaged to Iris Long, Jin Chonglin felt like he was just an afterthought to his brother.

’If I was him, I think I’ll also be the same way and start treating other people except for her as an afterthought,’ he thought, sighing.

Despite understanding his brother, he still couldn’t stop himself from inwardly grumbling at Jin Liwei’s poor attitude towards him.

’We’re flesh and blood brothers, you know!’

He also felt traumatized by the bomb incident, even though he didn’t have bloody injuries like Iris, Dom and the others in their group. He only suffered some scratches and bruises from the resulting stampede. Nevertheless, he thought that he still deserved some tender loving care from his family. He also had his fair share of obsessed fans and even stalkers in the past, but this was the first time that he experienced something as terrifying as this. A bomb! Who wouldn’t be traumatized? Just remembering it caused him to shudder.

In addition to Grandpa Lu’s boisterous laughter, to which Grandma Li was already scolding the old man, snickers could also be heard from the girl squad.

Jin Chonglin turned to glare at them, looking at Chen Fei first because he was expecting that the annoyingly bossy woman would be the one laughing at him the most. Contrary to his expectation, however, Chen Fei had a solemn expression on her face as she looked him. It was actually just Meimei, Dom and Clover who were snickering at him. Long Jinjing was too nice to laugh at anyone.

Jin Chonglin and Chen Fei stared at each other. He felt a little surprised that she wasn’t laughing at him like her friends.

Was that...concern in her eyes? Concern for him?

The corners of his lips curved upward.


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