His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

Chapter 542 - The Revelation Part II

Chapter 542 - The Revelation Part II

The big boss and the higher-ups of Bright Summit didn’t know that one of their current star managers, Tang Yiyi, was already lighting a candle for them in the event that they ever suppressed Iris Long. Bright Summit might even have a sudden hostile takeover. If not Iris herself, it would definitely be Jin Liwei who would never forgive anyone for harming his (future) wife.

It wasn’t only the big boss and the higher-ups of Bright Summit who were shocked to learn that Iris Long was the Owner, President and CEO of Orchidia Beauty.

All members of the Pandemonium band were stunned silly. Their jaws fell down and their eyes almost popped out of their heads.

Blaze: "Senior Iris is the... Wha-what the hell...?"

Eros pinched himself. "It doesn’t look like I’m dreaming..."

Night: "..."

Thunder: "Holy!!! Goddess Iris owns Orchidia Beauty?!! I’m so stoked!!! Hey hey hey! Can we ask her for a discount when we buy the products? I’m rationing the free samples Goddess Iris gave us before because I don’t want it to run out before the products are officially launched! Well, can we? CAN WE?!!"

Blaze, Eros and Night didn’t pay attention to their youngest member’s hyperactive chatter. They were too busy processing the bombshell their senior dropped to all of them.

The other celebrities managed by Tang Yiyi were also shocked. They were amazed...and envious of her achievements.

Across the entire grand hall, everyone couldn’t hide their shock. They watched Iris Long stand up from her seat and receive a hug from Jin Liwei before making her way to the stage. Their hands automatically clapped for her, but their minds couldn’t seem to process the information.

Iris Long owns Orchidia Beauty?!!!

There were many big names, heavyweights, famous and influential people from the country and abroad who attended tonight’s event. All of these people came for a company owned by...IRIS LONG?!!!

Dom and Alric acted extra gentlemanly, as they helped Iris up the stage. After thanking them and nodding at the others, she took the mic from Dom and stood at the very centre of the stage. Her position emphasized her status at the top of the company’s hierarchy.

"On behalf of my colleagues and everyone working for us, I would like to thank you all for coming here tonight to celebrate the official launch of MY company, Orchidia Beauty," she began her speech, emphasizing her ownership of the company.

The people stayed silent and listened to her words, as if doing so would help them understand how in the world she became a business owner. And not just any business. She became the owner of one of the most hyped new companies of the year which received rave reviews from the best influencers in the beauty community including celebrities before it even launched.

Not only that. Just look at this over the top grand launch party! The lavish red carpet event! The thousands of fans who attended! All the media! And most importantly, the guest list. Oh, the guest list!

Even the current most popular celebrity couple in the country didn’t have such a high calibre guest list when they married. Their wedding was dubbed the "royal wedding" back then but compared to this launch party’s guest list which included Maestro Ludovico De Luca, Enrique Valdez, the Jins, the Lus, Feng Wan and her three posh friends who all had deep backgrounds in high society, and the famous artist Ashandra Knightson, that "royal wedding" might as well be for peasants. The media called it a "star-studded" wedding that time. But comparing it to this launch? This was the real star-studded event!

Iris interrupted their thoughts with her speech. "You’ve already heard from our two lovely emcees here—"



The siblings Dom and Clover pretended to feel shy by her praise, even though it was obvious that they were delighted. Because of them, the audience felt relaxed again. People laughed at their antics, lightening up the atmosphere.

Iris smiled at the siblings, grateful to them. Now it felt easier to speak.

"You’ve heard from them the tale of how the idea of creating Orchidia Beauty came to me while I was in Germany last year," she continued. "Some of you might remember that I’ve disappeared for a period of time last year. I was in Europe back then. I performed with the great Maestro Ludovico De Luca at his orchestral concert in Munich. It was during that time that fate led me to meet the Bauer siblings. After persuading them to partner with me, I built the company with them from the ground up.

"I also stole my sister, Long Jinjing and her friend who’s also now my friend, Chen Fei. They’re supposed to work at my father’s company after they graduate from business school, but I poached them away to work with me in running my company instead."

The guests all looked at Long Tengfei who nodded, confirming what his daughter said.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Before I stole my sister and Chen Fei from my father, I partnered with his company, Long Industries, for our shipping needs. So you can rest assured that all the ingredients in our products that we can’t source locally will arrive at the fastest speed possible from where we’re sourcing them abroad to maintain their freshness. Just like our claim, everything is 100% natural. We’ll also deliver them to you as quickly as we can."

Once again, Long Tengfei nodded his head. A small smile also lifted the corners of his lips. Iris might sound like she was only singing the praises of her own company, but the truth was that she was also indicating to everyone that his company, Long Industries, was a fast and reliable shipping service.

He was especially pleased that she didn’t forget to mention the company name, Long Industries. Indeed, she would be an effective brand ambassador for his company. Now all he needed to do was to persuade his other executives to agree with the idea. He could use this speech as one of the evidences to prove that she would be a great brand ambassador. There were also a lot of media in attendance. Many of them were recording this moment right now.

Iris glanced at Long Tengfei and saw that her plan worked based on his pleased expression. She made sure to include that part about Long Industries in her speech, specifically targeting Long Tengfei, to tip him more in her favour regarding her request to become his company’s brand ambassador. She made her praise for the company subtle so it wouldn’t come off as brownnosing.

’Thank you, darling, for teaching me the subtle art of getting what I want in business.’

She sent her word of thanks through her smile to Jin Liwei back at their table. He was watching her intently, as if she was the only person in the room and the others were just air. He seemed to have understood the meaning of her smile because he nodded, his eyes warmed up despite his outward cold expression.

Jin Liwei was helping her develop subtleness in her business skills. Both Iris and Grandpa Lu were very straightforward people. If there was something they wanted, they gunned for it relentlessly until they had it in the palm of their hands. Some may call them passionate and determined, but others would call them too willful and aggressive.

Iris wanted to be versatile in her careers in music, languages, and business. Fortunately, she had her darling to help add additional ammo to her repertoire. This way, she could be as aggressive or subtle as she wanted depending on the situation.

In short, more ways to get what she wanted!

Her smile at her darling became brighter, blinding the people looking at her. She was just too beautiful!

Someone coughed beside her.

"Boss. Boss!" Dom whisper-shouted at her.

Iris regained her senses thanks to Dom. Ah, she actually got distracted because her darling was too handsome!

Her friends, the girl squad, all snickered at her.

She cleared her throat in an elegant manner while trying to remember where she left off her speech. Good thing that she had an excellent memory. She continued:

"I’ve been working on this company ever since I returned from Germany last year. That’s why I’m so excited that we’re finally having our grand launch today! But all of these—" She swept an arm in a wide arc. "—would not be possible without the assistance of my special dear friends from abroad."

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