His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

Chapter 530 - My Man Is The Bes

Chapter 530 - My Man Is The Bes

Everyone waited with bated breath for Long Tengfei’s reply. As for Iris, her expression was calm, serene even. Her current expression was far from her earlier angry one directed towards Long Hui.

Finally, Long Tengfei spoke.

"Fine. I’ll discuss this idea of appointing you as a brand ambassador for Long Industries with my fellow executives first. If they approve, I’ll contact you," he told Iris, maintaining a stern and serious tone.

"Thank you, Father." She might look calm on the outside but inside, she released a big sigh of relief.

This was the first step!

"Xiulan, you are my daughter," Long Tengfei said. He looked stiff and awkward all of a sudden. He opened and closed his mouth several times, wanting to say something but struggling to do so.

The others waited for him, curious at what he wanted to say.

He cleared his throat. "I might not always say or show it but I...I love you. My daughter, I love you. This is perhaps the first time I’m telling you this...no, it is the first time."

A look of surprise appeared on Iris’ face. She didn’t expect Long Tengfei to tell her that he loved her in a direct manner like this. Despite not treating Long Tengfei as her real father deep inside (he wasn’t her real father as Evelina), a heavy and complicated emotion swept over her. Before she knew it, tears were flowing down her face.

She was confused at first why her vision became blurry all of a sudden. She touched her face and discovered that her cheeks were wet.


She stared at her wet hands like a dumb person. It was only when she felt a strong pair of arms envelop her into a tight and warm embrace that she started regaining her senses.

"It’s okay, love. It’s okay," she heard Jin Liwei’s low voice murmuring to her. His tone was filled with gentleness.

He took a handkerchief from his pocket and ever so gently wiped her tears. He did this while rubbing her back, kissing her forehead and murmuring soothing words to her, as if comforting a child.

Iris still felt a little confused at her sudden surge of emotions. All she could do was lean into her darling’s warmth and melt into his embrace. To her, he was the personification of safety and comfort.

When she glanced around, she saw an awkward-looking Long Tengfei. He looked a little funny, like he suddenly had no idea how to move his body properly so he just sat there, stiff and frozen like a statue.

His wife, Yang Jiahui, was sniffing and wiping her own tears beside him. Meimei looked touched as well.

Later, the atmosphere improved. It felt lighter. There was happiness yet also sadness in the air.

Iris was confused. Long Tengfei felt awkward.

Touching her chest with her hand, Iris felt her beating heart inside. She hadn’t felt the remnant ever since its revenge against Fan Luo last year. Then what was this confusing surge of emotion? It didn’t feel like her own yet also hers at the same time. There was no differentiation. It was all very confusing!

"Xiulan..." Long Tengfei called, hesitant.

Iris blinked and forced herself to focus on the present instead of trying to analyze her emotions. "Yes, Father?"

Long Tengfei cleared his throat once again. "You heard me. I just told you that I...I l-love you..."

"Thank you, Father."

A hint of sadness flashed in his eyes when she didn’t tell him she loved him, too. But he quickly covered it up and gave a rare smile. "In the same way, I also love your siblings, your brothers and sister. All of you are my children. Your brothers Hui and Jian. And your sister, Jinjing."

She nodded, silently telling him that she understood.

"I know that I’m not the best father and that I wasn’t always there when you needed me, but I care about all of you. You all have different mothers and that’s my fault. Regardless of that, I’m still proud to be the father of all of you. I know that it might be too much for me to ask for you to all get along, especially since you didn’t grow up together with me. But...I don’t want you fight. I want all of my children to live harmonious lives and to be at peace with each other."

Yang Jiahui held her husband’s hand to show her support.

Iris straightened but didn’t completely leave Jin Liwei’s embrace. She was silent for a few moments before replying to Long Tengfei.

"Father, to those who treat me well, I’ll treat them the same way, even many times better than how they treat me. But for those who hurt me or my loved ones, I’ll hurt them a million times worse. I’m not an angel or a saint. But I’m not completely evil either. At least, I don’t think so. I’m just a human with my own dignity and pride. I’m also reasonable and will humble myself to those who I think deserve it."

The others were quiet while listening to her firm words. She felt Jin Liwei squeeze her a little, making her feel that he supported her every step of the way. It encouraged her to finish what she was saying.

"You must understand, Father. There should be give and take. The situation regarding your eldest son isn’t just between me and him. It has more to do with his conflict with the mother of his child and my friend, Ying Yue. Liwei and I are only acting as Ying Yue and your grandson’s support system—"

"Me too! I’m also part of their support system!" Meimei interrupted.

"Yes, of course. You’re part of it, too," Iris agreed before smoothly continuing her speech. "We are their support system. If your eldest son continues this foolishness, then...I’m sorry to say this, Father, but I’m on my friend’s side. Liwei and I will always prioritize our godson’s wellbeing. And we believe that your eldest son can’t give Little Jun a good and sane life with that new fiancée of his. No. Way."

Long Tengfei sighed. He could see that his daughter’s decision was final. It also bothered him that she didn’t once call Long Hui "Elder Brother", as if they weren’t related to each other at all.

His daughter had become mature and sensible ever since waking up from her coma. It gladdened him and made him proud. Because of this, he and his wife were hoping that she would at least agree to their request of humbling herself to make peace with her older brother. Unfortunately, she refused to budge. He couldn’t place the blame on her, though. He sighed once again.

"The two of you are such prideful people. You are truly brother and sister, my children from the Long clan. I’ll try talking to your brother again. I hope that if I succeed in persuading him to make peace with you and Jiang Ying Yue that you’ll accept his apology and forgive each other," he said.

Iris didn’t reply right away. But eventually she nodded. "I give you my word, Father. I may not forget but I will forgive if Ying Yue does. However, Liwei and I will still not allow him to take Little Jun away."

Long Tengfei nodded. Deep in his heart, he also agreed that his grandson would be better off with his mother, Jiang Ying Yue, than with his son and his new fiancée. Long Hui spent almost the entire day working at the company, only going home late at night.

In this aspect, his son was very similar to him. It was a good trait to be hardworking but it was difficult to be a good father like this. Make money and climb the business ranks? Or be a good father and spend quality time with one’s children?

Long Tengfei had chosen his decision long ago. He chose Long Industries over personally raising his own children. Yes, he was generous to them, financial-wise. But as a hands-on father? Not at all.

If Long Hui was like him, then he wouldn’t be able to spend quality time with Little Jun. Long Tengfei also didn’t trust his son’s new fiancée to properly raise his grandson. It was better for the mother, Jiang Ying Yue, to raise Little Jun. He also felt better that her youngest daughter and her fiancé cared so much for Little Jun and were willing to help raise the child.

And with that, the dinner concluded.

Although it wasn’t as satisfying as how Long Tengfei and Yang Jiahui expected it, at least Iris and Jin Liwei didn’t storm off like Long Hui did. She was at least more receptive and listened, even if she didn’t agree in making the first step to reconcile with her brother.

In the end, they all felt relieved that the dinner was over. They didn’t even remember what they ate. All they remembered were the emotional events one after another, and then Iris’ unexpected request to become more involved in Long Industries.

Iris and Jin Liwei left the ancestral residence, feeling extremely exhausted. It had been a long day. So many things had happened.

It was already very late in the evening. The weather was cold, almost freezing but not quite. Jin Liwei ignored his baby girl’s protests and wrapped her tightly like a burrito with a few scarves they borrowed from Meimei.

On the way home inside their car, they discussed her earlier request to Long Tengfei.

"I think Father liked the idea of me becoming brand ambassador for Long Industries. The only question is...will the other executives agree to it?"

Jin Liwei quickly glanced at her before returning his attention to driving. This area wasn’t very busy. There weren’t a lot of streetlights so the road was quite dark in some places.

"If they’re smart, they will," he replied. Quick glance at her, then focus on the road. "You’ve become more famous after winning an award at the Sommet International Film Festival. I’ve heard that there are many companies wanting to sign you. If Long Industries doesn’t sign you, then they’re stupid. I was hoping to make you Jin Corporation’s brand ambassador after we marry but I guess I’ll let Long Industries temporarily have you for now."

"You want me to become an ambassador for Jin Corporation? Darling, I’m very expensive. Always have been. You know that."

He chuckled. "Of course, I know. Even until now, you still charge me millions for one of your reports. And don’t think I don’t know that you’ve delegated most of the work to Ketchup. Not that I’m complaining. I’m happy to pay. Everything of mine is also yours now."

Iris smiled. "Thank you."




"If I really become a brand ambassador for Long Industries, I’ll become even busier."

He was quiet for a moments before saying, "I know."

"Is that alright with you?"

"I don’t like it. I want to spend more time with you. But if this is what you have to do, then I’ll have to accept it," he told her.

Iris turned her head and rested her cheek on the seat’s headrest. She studied Jin Liwei. Lights and shadows played on his profile as they drove in the night. They made him look more handsome and alluring in her eyes.

"I’m sorry," she whispered.

He glanced at her. "What for?"

"I’m always doing my thing and asking you to understand me."

"I love you," he simply said. For him, these words were enough explanation.

"I love you too, Jin Liwei."

The two descended into a comfortable silence, enjoying with each other’s presence.



"Things will start getting messy after I become brand ambassador for Long Industries. You’ll be caught up in it. Maybe it will even affect the Jin clan and Jin Corporation. I’m going to conquer Long Industries and the Long clan," she told him.

"Go ahead, love. I’ll help you in choosing your weapons and in organizing your army for the war. My woman, Jin Liwei’s woman, is meant for victory."

Iris smiled, feeling content. "My man is the best," she murmured before falling asleep.

A soft smile made Jin Liwei’s harsh profile in the dark gentler. He made sure to drive carefully in order to bring his queen home safely.

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