His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

Chapter 523 - LunChapter At The Jin Family’s Old House Part VI

Chapter 523 - LunChapter At The Jin Family’s Old House Part VI

Gasps sounded from almost everyone. Even Huang Yuyan looked surprised. Grandma Li, however, looked like she was already expecting it. She even nodded in approval of her grandson’s decision.

Iris also didn’t react much. She wasn’t an official member of the Jin family yet, so she didn’t want to overstep her boundaries (for now) by interfering or influencing Jin Liwei’s decision about his clan. This branch family meant nothing to her, so whatever happened to them had nothing to do with her.

She neither approved nor disapproved of his decision, but she appreciated him defending her. If their situations were reversed, she would also do the same thing for him. In fact, she imagined that she would act more ruthless than him. Just imagining any of the Long branch families insulting her darling was already enough to make her blood boil. She held no love for the Long branch families plus she wasn’t the family head, so there was no need for her to act cautious when meting punishment to anyone insulting her man.

For now, Iris stood beside her man, giving him her silent support.

Jin Liwei glanced at Jin Chenggong’s expression of stunned disbelief before turning to the members of the other branch families. "If you wish to join their branch family in defying me, the clan head, go ahead. Just tell me and I’ll cut you all off. Our Jin clan can function well enough with just the main family on our own."

The adult members of the branch families immediately shook their heads and put distance between themselves and Jin Chenggong. Then they gave warning looks at their own children. The other girls beside Jin Jiali immediately abandoned her, their leader, and returned by their parents’ side.

Jin Chenggong and Jin Jiali, the father and daughter, couldn’t believe what was happening. Both of them felt humiliated as they looked at everyone. Then they felt angry at Jin Liwei and Iris.

"You’re breaking up the clan and throwing blood relations out of the window because of a mere woman?! Your grandfather will be so ashamed of you!" Jin Chenggong shouted while pointing an angry finger at Jin Liwei.

"Uncle Chenggong, my grandfather built the Jin clan from the ground up with just the main family. If there is a need for it, I’ll just return the clan to its original state. Even a healthy body can grow malignant tumours. If left untreated, it’ll make the entire body sick or even die. The tumours need to be removed in order for the body to become healthy again," Jin Liwei said.

"You’re saying that my branch family is a malignant tumour?! How dare you?!! I’ve never felt so insulted in my entire life!" Jin Chenggong was beyond furious by Jin Liwei’s analogy.

"No, how dare YOU say that?!!" Now it was Grandma Li’s turn to snap. "You’re not even close to my husband! If my husband were alive today, he would’ve done the same thing as what his grandson is doing right now! True Jin men never abandon their women for anything, even for distant blood relatives. My grandson is a true Jin man, unlike most of you! Besides, if it weren’t for my husband, all of you wouldn’t even experience the glory of being part of the Jin clan! What you’re all enjoying right now—the wealth, the status—everything is due to my husband, my son, and now my grandson! Don’t you dare point a finger at my grandson and accuse him of anything! You don’t have the right!!!"

Huang Yuyan stood beside her mother-in-law and held Grandma Li’s hand. "That’s right! My son made Jin Corporation even more successful in the global level after he succeeded my husband. He strengthened the position of not only the company but also the entire Jin clan in the country. If he wants to marry Long Xiulan, he can do so! I accept Xiulan as my daughter-in-law."

Seeing the previous two Jin madams defending Jin Liwei’s decision to prioritize Iris over the branch families, Jin Chenggong sneered. Now that Jin Liwei had cut his branch family off from the clan, Jin Chenggong tossed away any civility he had left in him towards the main family. He had nothing to lose now.

"You say that because you’re not true Jins! The two of you are only wives! You don’t have any Jin blood flowing in your veins, so of course you don’t understand true blood relations! You’re the ones who are the outsiders in this clan!" he told Grandma Li, Huang Yuyan and even Iris. His expression was filled with spite.

"You!" Grandma Li clutched her chest, stiffened and paled all of a sudden.

"Mother!" Huang Yuyan panicked.


"Grandma Li!"

Both Jin Liwei and Iris hurried to the elder. They sat her down on the nearest chair in the hallway beside a window. The others also looked anxious.

Even Jin Chenggong looked worried...and a little guilty, but he quickly hardened his expression.

"Mother, what’s happening? What are you feeling?" Huang Yuyan was now close to tears.

"Grandmother, please focus on breathing slowly and deeply," Jin Liwei said, desperately trying to be calm when his heart was pounding in fear for his grandmother. Then he turned to Iris, "Love, call an ambulance."

Iris nodded and immediately fished her phone out of her pocket.

"No! I...I’m o-kay..." Grandma Li forced out the words in between gasping.

Nobody listened to her. She didn’t look okay.

While Iris was talking on the phone with the emergency dispatcher, Jin Liwei glared at Jin Chenggong.

"If something bad happens to my grandmother, I’ll never forgive you," he said in a dangerous tone. "We don’t want you here anymore. Get out!"

Jin Chenggong’s mouth pressed together in a tight line. "We’re getting out of here. No need to yell. Although I feel sorry for what’s happening to Madam Li, it’s not my fault. She’s the one who got emotional on her own."

"You! Get out of my house right now!!!" Huang Yuyan shrieked at the man, pointing a shaking finger at him. She was now crying.

"Your house? It may be under your name now, but it’s not yours! It’s my uncle and cousin’s house! You’re not a Jin! You’re only a wife!"

"GET OUT!!!" Jin Liwei roared at Jin Chenggong. Then he saw that his men along with Lu Zihao’s subordinates were only coming now. "Where were you?!" he scolded them before commanding, "Throw that man and his daughter out of here!"

His men bowed in apology before moving to follow his order.

Lu Zihao’s men stayed and positioned themselves near Iris. They had grave expressions on their faces, knowing that their Boss Hao would be furious after hearing that they didn’t watch his sister for the entire time. What could they do? His sister hated bodyguards following her everywhere. She was able to persuade them that she would be safe inside the property. And now this happened. All they could do was sigh and steel themselves to face their Boss Hao’s wrath later on when they report what happened today.

"Don’t put your hands on me!" Jin Chenggong shouted when the men headed straight towards him.

"Dad!" Jin Jiali ran to her father’s side and clutched him like a lifeline.

"No need to throw us out! We don’t want to be here anymore either! We’re going out on our own! Don’t touch me or my daughter!"

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