His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

Chapter 499 - Theyre Our Family

Chapter 499 - They're Our Family

While Iris and Jin Liwei were busy attending events everyday in the Sommet International Film Festival, Long Hui was trying to make trouble for Jiang Ying Yue back in China regarding the custody battle between them for their son, Little Jun.

Fortunately, Attorney Hong Shaoqiang had already predicted Long Hui’s reaction. He was prepared and managed to deflect the official complaint filed by Long Hui’s lawyer.

Hong Shaoqiang was Iris’ lawyer who she lent to Jiang Ying Yue for the custody battle. He was also being assisted by Jin Liwei’s lawyer in secret. With the two of these skilled lawyers working in tandem, Long Hui’s lawyer couldn’t act as aggressive as he wanted.

Long Hui was hoping to force Jiang Ying Yue to immediately bring Little Jun home to China from France. He accused Jiang Ying Yue of hiding their son away from him. He was afraid that she wouldn’t return Little Jun to China anymore.

At first, Jiang Ying Yue panicked after learning that Long Hui’s lawyer filed an official complaint against her. Fortunately, Iris and the others reassured her. Jiang Ying Yue could only trust Attorney Hong Shaoqiang and Jin Liwei’s lawyer to defend her rights as Little Jun’s mother against Long Hui’s repeated attempts of bullying.

She calmed down but a certain old man was angered.

Grandpa Lu became furious when he learned about the custody battle. He loved Little Jun who he considered as his first great-grandbaby.

He actually called his own lawyer and friend who previously held a seat at the International Court of Justice before semi-retiring as a private lawyer to select VIP clients like Grandpa Lu. In the next few days, his impressive lawyer would be taking over the custody battle. Hong Shaoqiang and Jin Liwei’s lawyer would become the assistants instead.

Jiang Ying Yue actually felt a little sorry for Long Hui after discovering what Grandpa Lu did. Although the custody battle was of the utmost importance to her, to the eyes of other people, it was just a simple case.

Was there a need to appoint three of the country’s most talented lawyers for a custody case? It was, simply speaking, an overkill. Iris, Jin Liwei and Grandpa Lu figuratively sent a nuclear missile each to crack a measly peanut.

After the initial pity for Long Hui, however, Jiang Ying Yue hardened her heart. He was clearly making trouble for her. If she continued to allow her previous feelings for him to cloud her judgment, he would always be successful in hurting her. She didn’t want to be weak anymore. She wanted to be like the mother and daughter, Wei Lan and Iris—both very strong and confident women.

Although it was difficult, Jiang Ying Yue was able to grow her confidence level slowly but surely. Her son, Little Jun, gave her strength everyday. He was her life.

Now that Long Hui had decided to marry another woman, Jiang Ying Yue wouldn’t allow him to take custody of their son. She heard that his new fiancée came from a family very similar to the Longs. If even the Longs had the capability of bullying her son, how much more the family of Long Hui’s new fiancée who was not blood-related?

They would need to kill her first before Jiang Ying Yue would allow them to take her son away from her. Over her dead body!

For now, Jiang Ying Yue didn’t want to think about all of these stressful things. She wanted to enjoy this French vacation together with her son. It was only Iris and Jin Liwei who were always busy everyday because of the film festival. Dom and Tang Yiyi were also busy because the two assisted Iris in preparing for all of the events. They were also the ones updating her social media pages.

As for the rest of them, they could do whatever they wanted. Wei Lan was making a lot of new "friends" during this trip. She was invited to all of the exclusive social events. Of course, she would drag Jiang Ying Yue, Grandpa Lu and Lu Zihao with her if they were willing. Jiang Ying Yue only went if kids were allowed. She didn’t want to leave her son anymore.

Most of the time, Grandpa Lu took Little Jun and toured him around the riviera. As the mother, Jiang Ying Yue also went with them. They went to all the places that offered children’s activities. Since the place was currently hosting the Sommet International Film Festival, there were a few children of famous celebrities and other influential people staying at the riviera as well. These children frequented the same places Grandpa Lu was taking Little Jun. As a result, Little Jun became playmates to all of these kids.

The famous parents of these kids liked Little Jun because he was always well-dressed in stylish outfits, thanks to his Grandma Wei Lan.

Little Jun was the current apple of Grandpa Lu’s eyes. He bought the toddler everything that his little index fingers pointed at. Wei Lan wasn’t any better. Every time she returned from her shopping trips, she would always have a small mountain of gifts for Little Jun.

Jiang Ying Yue tried stopping them from buying too much for her son. At this rate, Little Jun’s luggage alone would fill the entire private jet when they returned home to China. Although she was very thankful to them for loving her son, she didn’t want them to spoil Little Jun too much.

They agreed but still bought Little Jun many things behind her back. All she could do was sigh and shake her head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

She carried Little Jun in her arms and kissed him on his plump cheeks. They looked at Iris, Jin Liwei, Grandpa Lu, Wei Lan, Lu Zihao, Dom, Tang Yiyi, and all the others accompanying them on this French trip. Then she told him:

"Look, my son. Those are all the people who love you. They’re our family."


Finally, it was the world premiere night of "Strong Yet Broken". There was another short red carpet event before the premiere. Everyone staying at the villa estate came to support Iris and the film, including some of the French staff who had the day off.

By this time, Wei Lan had already become a popular figure in many impressive social circles. She had made a lot of connections to figures who were all very influential in their own right. She invited all of them to support "Strong Yet Broken", boasting that her daughter composed the movie’s entire film score. Many of them accepted her invitation because they wanted to become friends with her, a Spanish viscountess.

Of course, Maestro Ludovico De Luca, his wife, and Enrique Valdez also attended to support Iris. They congratulated their student, but also warned her to not let everything get too much into her head. They didn’t want her to become arrogant.

Iris assured them that she wouldn’t.

Seeing all of these famous and influential figures attending the film premiere, the media covering the event were all astounded.They even thought that they might have come to the wrong screening.

"Strong Yet Broken" finally played on the big screen. Later, there wasn’t a single dry eye after the film ended.

"Honeeeeey! Why did you compose such heart-wrenching music? It was so SAAAAAAAAD!!!" Wei Lan sobbed beside Iris. Then she whispered, "I have a gooooooood feeling that you’re going to win that Best Music...Best Composer...wait, what’s it called again?"

"Auntie, it’s Best Soundtrack Award," Jin Liwei told her from Iris’ other side.

"Oh, right. Thanks, dear Liweeeeeei~" Then Wei Lan continued to whisper to Iris, "My intuition tells me that you’re going to win that Best Soundtrack Award, honeeeeeey! Just look at all these people crying like crazy! Whenever the background music plays, my chest started hurting. You’re so meeeeeaaaaan! You should’ve warned Mother that this is a saaaaaad movie. Good thing I wore waterproof makeup tonight!"

Iris only smiled at Wei Lan’s words.

There was an indescribable feeling deep inside her. She already watched the film when it premiered in China last year. However, it still felt different now that it was premiering in the international level. Hearing her own music in the film and seeing all these people who came from different parts of the world watching it gaveher an unbelievable sense of accomplishment.

She felt Jin Liwei hold her hand and squeeze it gently. When she turned her head, she saw him smiling at her.

"I’m so proud of you, love," he whispered at her.

"Thank you, darling."

On her other side, Wei Lan continued to whisper at her, saying, "I watched some of the other films with my new friends these past few days. They were all sooooo boooooriiiiing! I almost fell asleep! Even though you’re my daughter, I can say that your music is the beeeeeest one among the films that I watched. Some of the films didn’t even have any music AT ALL! They called it art, but I say they’re just being lazy. I’m sure you’re going to win, honeeeeey~"

"Thank you, Mother," Iris said. "I’m confident of my own music, but there are also other talented and skilled composers participating in this film festival. It will be up to the jury who they will choose to win the Best Soundtrack Award."

"Mother says you’re going to wiiiiiiin, so you will! But if you do really win, I guess the jury are all masochists for voting for such SAAAAAAD music! Ah, I didn’t knooooow that I gave birth to such a sadistic music composer," Wei Lan said.

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