Chapter 483 - Opening Nigh

The opening night of the Sommet International Film Festival was expected to be filled with glitz, glamour, haute couture, and impressive personages. It wasn’t only people from the film industry who received special invitations to attend—sent by the festival’s organizers themselves or were brought as companions of the participants. There were also TV personalities, musicians, models, fashion designers, socialites, social media influencers, other kinds of celebrities, millionaires, billionaires, and even members of noble and royal families all over the world.

Even though the red carpet event and the opening ceremony wouldn’t start until late in the afternoon and evening respectively, a great crowd of people already surrounded the venue as early as dawn, in order to score the best spots behind the barricades to view the parade of the stars on the red carpet. In fact, the spectators and fans would have camped out the night before if only the police and the festivals’ security allowed them. Unfortunately for them, this was strictly not allowed. Anyone who didn’t follow the festival’s rules would be kicked out and even banned.

The media and the paparazzi also had strict rules to follow. Only those who had press badges were allowed inside. Even then, they could only stay within their designated spot behind the red ropes on the edge of the red carpet. Despite this, they still had front row positions compared to the regular spectators and fans behind the barricades on the other side of the road. In addition to this rule, they also had to follow a strict formal black tie dress code just like the attendees. If they didn’t, they would be kicked out of the red carpet event even if they had press badges.

Just before dusk, the guests and the stars started arriving. Rows of shiny luxury cars drove slowly and stopped where the red carpet began to drop off the VIPs one by one. Once the VIPs stepped out of the vehicles, their names were announced aloud as they walked the length of the red carpet and posed for the paparazzi, in order for everyone to know who they were.

Loud screams and cheers could be heard from the spectators behind the barricades upon hearing their favourite celebrities.

"Maestro Ludovico De Luca and Madame De Luca!" the emcee of the red carpet event announced.

The classical music maestro and his wife waved at the spectators before walking the red carpet while holding hands. Those who had backgrounds in classical music cheered and bowed to show their respect to the world-renowned maestro.

"Enrique Valdez!" the emcee announced next.

Deafening shrieks and screams arose from the crowd after hearing the legendary hitmaker’s name.

"Enrique, I love you!"

"Please marry me, Enrique Valdez!"

"I want to have your babies, Enrique!"

Thirsty declarations and comments like these were shouted in different languages. Throughout all of these, Enrique Valdez remained taciturn as always. His chiselled features, mesmerizing hazel eyes and gorgeous olive skin caused some fans to faint from overexcitement. He was almost in his sixties, but he looked ageless as ever. Some of the younger celebrities who walked the red carpet before him looked older than him, even though they were only in their thirties and forties.

Enrique Valdez came to the event alone. He didn’t bring anyone with him. There were news during the summer that he broke up with his latest fling who was a Brazilian supermodel. The high profile model kept on hinting to everyone through her social media posts and interviews that she was going to be Mrs. Valdez soon. It seemed that Enrique Valdez disagreed and just dumped her.

The legendary hitmaker walked the red carpet like the lone wolf that he was and posed for the cameras. He had no bad angles and looked gorgeous in virtually all the shots taken of him.

A few VIPs later, another car stopped in front of the red carpet. Two men, one older and one younger, stepped out. A booming laughter was immediately heard by the people close by.

"Sir Jianhong Lu and Mr. Hunter Lu!"

Grandpa Lu and Lu Zihao walked together on the red carpet. There weren’t a lot of people who recognized Grandpa Lu. Only those who were related to or knowledgeable about the business world knew the legendary Chinese business genius. This included the millionaire and billionaire businessmen who were also guests attending the opening night. Their eyes lit up upon hearing Grandpa Lu’s name and couldn’t wait for the chance to talk to him in person.

As for Lu Zihao, nobody recognized him at all. The people whispered among themselves.

"Who’s that hunk?"

"Is the scar on his face makeup?"

"No, it looks real."

"He looks rich. Why didn’t he have the scar removed? I’m sure he could afford it."

"What are you talking about? Leave the scar alone! OMG! It makes him look SO FREAKING HOT!!!"

"Hunter Lu! Please look here! I just met you and I don’t know who you are but I already love you!"

This person spoke in French. Lu Zihao seemed to have heard her. He turned his head and looked directly at the woman. Then he flashed her a demonic smile.


The crowd went crazy. Although they had no idea who he was, his alluring appearance and dangerous vibes made him incredibly attractive to them.

"Bahahaha! That’s my boy! Now if you’d only use that irresistible charm of yours that you inherited from ME, your beloved grandpa, to find yourself a wife, then this old man could die happily and peacefully! Bahahaha! Wait! No, not yet! I still need to wait for my great-grandbabies from you and from your Third Brother and Xiulan my girl! This old man refuses to die before then!"

Then Grandpa Lu "dotingly" smacked his grandson’s back several times. The loud thuds sounded painful but Lu Zihao didn’t even react. He stood nonchalantly with a faint demonic smile on his lips, as if the hard smacks were light as a feather’s touch.

The two posed for the cameras. However, Grandpa Lu got bored quickly, so he pulled his grandson away even though their time wasn’t up yet. The organizers couldn’t do anything because the grandfather and grandson looked too intimidating to approach.

Moments later, the emcee announced the next VIP guests. This vehicle carried the flag of Spain and another flag bearing an official-looking coat of arms.

"Vizcondesa Lan of Castillo de Estrellas of España, accompanied by Miss Ying Yue Jiang!"

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