Chapter 430 - Hello Daddy

"Ketchup is right! She detected dangerous objects outside the door, that’s why I attacked!"

Jin Liwei frowned in confusion. "Ketchup?"

"Jin Liwei, have you lost your mind? Why would you bring explosives into our home?!! We have children here!!!"

Of course, she was referring to Little Jun and the cats.

"Remove them from our home! Immediately!"

"Do what she says," Jin Liwei ordered his subordinates while starting to remove his safety gear.

They nodded and started carefully packing everything back into the bags. One of them assisted his colleague who was now thankfully recovering from the Mistress’ brutal stranglehold earlier.

Iris was still fuming at discovering that the men brought actual explosives into their home. The last time she saw explosives, the estate she was living in was being bombarded into extinction. She had also died that fateful night.

Although she didn’t have much reaction back then, it was a different story now. She now cared about everyone living in this household. Any threat to their safety would trigger her.

"Jin Liwei, what were you thinking?!! I can’t believe—umph!"

The subordinates averted their eyes and silently resumed their tasks, while Dom snickered his usual "ehehe". They were already used to their bosses’ public displays of affection.

While the others were already used to such PDAs, the two tech people weren’t! They were once again shocked by the unbelievable sight before them.They never imagined that their cold and scary President was the type k-kiss a woman so passionately in front of other people.

Kyaaah! So embarrassing!

They both turned red, wanting to avert their eyes but couldn’t because the sight was just too riveting.

As for the shameless couple who had (as usual) already forgotten that there were other people in the room besides them, they continued kissing each other hungrily.

Iris had already long melted in her darling’s embrace. Her earlier fury had quickly transformed into desire.

Jin Liwei slowly separated their glistening mouths. Then he kissed the top of her head and heaved a big sigh of relief at seeing her alright.

Iris wanted to kiss more but when she looked at his face closely, she was alarmed at what she saw. It was only then that she realized how exhausted he looked.

His eyes were bloodshot, droopy and a bit swollen. The dark circles under his eyes stood out even more with his noticeably paler skin. She could also sense that his entire body was worn out.

Her brows furrowed in worry. She framed his face with her hands.

"Darling, don’t tell me you haven’t slept yet?" she asked.

He didn’t reply.

She already knew the answer.

"Was it really that bad in Jin Corporation? Did the hacking incident made you so busy that you have no time to even take a nap? Sleep is very important, darling. You can’t abuse your body like that," she told him.

He took one of her hands from his face and then kissed her palm. "Yes, I was very busy. But I was more worried about you, love. I was told that you didn’t come out of the computer room even once. You’ve been inside for more than fifteen hours! How can I not worry?"

"Oh." She bit her lip.

"Was the son of a bitch that tough?" he asked in a whisper so that the others couldn’t hear them.

She tilted her head to the side and also whispered. "Who?"

"That hacker Eagle or whatever the hell he’s called."

"Oh, that guy? Yes, he’s tough and skilled. I’ll give him that. But he still has a long way to go before he reaches my level. He’s too much of a hothead, so he has a tendency to lose his cool. Then his skills start to slip as a result. Not really a good quality to have in a hacker, in my opinion. I’ve encountered more formidable hackers than him in the past."

Her eyes suddenly had a faraway look in them.

"Now those guys were amazing...and scary. But I like that they’re very challenging. I lost more than I won against them, though. But it’s alright. They just make me want to improve my skills even more so that one day, I’ll be able to win more against them than lose. Sounds fun, right?"

Jin Liwei may not fully understand her but he would always support her no matter what.

"En," he said, nodding. "So you defeated that Eagle bastard?"

"Of course." She lifted her chin in a proud manner.

"I’m glad," he said, chuckling. Then he grabbed her chin between his thumb and forefinger. "Sorry, love. It’s my fault that you had to spend fifteen hours battling against that son of a bitch."

Iris bit her lip again. "Uh...actually, darling... I only spent a couple more hours dealing with him after my last text message to you. I almost traced him but then the coward turned tail and escaped. I have some leads, but I bet that the majority of them are fake identities. I already put him on my watch list, though. It’s only a matter of time before I’ll be able to uncover who he really is."

Jin Liwei was about to discourage her from pursuing the motherfucker’s identity after remembering his Fifth Brother’s warning, but then he frowned at something she said.

"Wait, love. Did you just say that you finished dealing with him in two hours after your last text to me? What were you doing afterwards then? You were inside the computer room for fifteen hours! You weren’t answering our calls. We were so worried! I thought something bad had happened to you inside. That’s why I ordered my subordinates to break down the door."

Iris felt guilty, but then she also frowned after realizing something. "You were going to break my door with explosives?! Jin Liwei, are you crazy?!"

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"Those are controlled explosives. They won’t damage anything other than the door and they most definitely won’t hurt anyone here at home. Long Xiulan, you haven’t answered my question yet. What were you doing inside for fifteen fucking hours?! Don’t you know how worried I was?!" he asked through gritted teeth.

It was obvious that he was angry but he was doing his best not to raise his voice at her.

Seeing his self-control only made Iris feel even more guilty. "I...I was working on one of my pet projects. I suddenly had a great moment of inspiration after the hacking battle. It allowed me to develop it so much just this morning. I finally progressed when I struggled with it for so long before. And afterwards, I was very tired so I...I slept..."

Jin Liwei inhaled sharply and gave her a look of disbelief.

"I’m sorry, darling!" Iris threw herself onto his chest and hugged him. "I have a tendency to forget everything elsewhenever I become too absorbed in what I’m doing. Sorry for forgetting to contact you! I should’ve known that you’ll worry."

He didn’t reply.

"Don’t be mad anymore, darling. I promise I won’t do it again," she whispered and showed him her puppy eyes.

He felt extremely exasperated with her, but how could he resist her when she was looking at him like that? All he could do was sigh, suddenly feeling even more exhausted than he already was.

"Alright. Just don’t do it again." He gently poked her nose with his forefinger.

"I promise."

Iris was relieved that the situation was resolved without them fighting. It was during moments like this that she would discover that she was actually quite a selfish and thoughtless person. Being in a relationship was slowly revealing her own inadequacies as a person and the things that she never bothered caring before when she only had to think about herself.

Now, however, her actions didn’t just affect her alone. They also had a direct effect on her lover, Jin Liwei, and she had to make sure to always remember that from now on.

"Darling, you look like you’re going to collapse any moment. Come, let’s go to the bedroom. You need to sleep first," she told him.

Suddenly, there was a loud gasp.

"Iris Long?! You’re Iris Long, right?!" one of Jin Liwei’s tech people finally recognized her.

"Holy shit, you’re right! I was wondering why she looks so familiar! She’s Iris Long!" the other one also exclaimed.

"Yes, I’m Iris Long," she answered them before returning her attention to Jin Liwei. "They’re the ones you’ve chosen?"

"En. You should speak to them now. I’ll accompany you."

"Another time. You need to sleep first."

"I’ll sleep later. Let’s just get it over with. I don’t want them staying here any longer than necessary," he said. Then he gave his employees a cold glare, not liking how they were gawking at his baby girl.

Iris was reluctant at first but she gave in when he insisted. After giving quick instructions to Dom about her missed work appointments, she invited Jin Liwei and the two members of his tech team inside her computer room.

The two tech people were once again dazed upon learning that she was actually Iris Long. They followed her and their President without any understanding of what was going on.

By this time, Jin Liwei’s subordinates had already left to get rid of the explosives they brought with them.

Despite his exhaustion, Jin Liwei felt excited.This was the first time that he would be entering her computer room. He only caught glimpses of what was inside before. He always felt curious about what it was actually like inside.

As soon as they entered and the door silently closed behind them, a child’s voice suddenly spoke. The sound seemed to come from all directions.

"New people detected.

"Scanning now... Meow~

"First person scanned matched the profile of...

"Jin Liwei...President-CEO of Jin Corporation...

"Also Mommy’s lover and future husband. Meow~"

Then the nearest computer monitor lit up and displayed a pure white cat with beautiful green eyes. It looked just like Ice Cream and Popcorn, so it must also be a British Shorthair.

"Meow~ Ketchup greets Daddy Jin Liwei! Hello, Daddy! My name is Ketchup, I’m your third kitty baby! Meow~"

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