Chapter 428 - Is She Out Yet?

Everyone’s eyes lit up in interest after hearing the questions. They also wanted to know. They all looked at Jin Liwei with expectant expressions. The hacking incident was momentarily forgotten, as they waited for him to answer the questions...or if he would even answer them in the first place.

After recovering from his initial surprise, Jin Liwei’s eyes became gentle and less cold. However, only people who were close to him and knew him well noticed the difference. His loyal assistant, Xu Tian, of course noticed the slight change in his expression. But to others, Jin Liwei still looked cold and intimidating as usual.

"Soon. Yes, I want to show her off to the whole world. The wedding will be when she’s ready," Jin Liwei answered all of the questions in a terse manner.

The reporters still wanted to ask him more questions, but he already began to leave. He was escorted out of the press conference by his subordinates and Xu Tian, while ignoring the reporters continuing to throw questions at him.

When they reached a more private area of the company building, Jin Liwei finally relaxed a bit. He quickly rolled his shoulders and massaged his temples and eyelids. It had already been more than 30 hours since he last slept. After receiving his Fifth Brother’s text message hours ago, his plan of taking a nap was forgotten.

He couldn’t stop worrying about his baby girl because of it. At the same time, he also wondered how his Fifth Brother was able to know everything that happened. It also seemed that he had acquired some hacking abilities or perhaps had a hacker on his side. Jin Liwei intended to ask him once he returned.

It had been a long time since he last saw and spoke with his Fifth Brother in person. Jin Liwei felt like Lu Zihao was only becoming more and more mysterious the longer that they hadn’t seen each other.

But regardless of his increasing mysteriousness, there was one thing that Jin Liwei was still sure of about his Fifth Brother. It was that Lu Zihao felt as protective as him towards his baby girl.

He had already accepted the fact that his baby girl and Fifth Brother had a special bond between them. It still made him jealous sometimes, but now he recognized that there wasn’t anything sexual or romantic about their bond.

The two just treated each other like siblings. Really close siblings. In fact, it was obvious that Iris cared more about Lu Zihao than her own flesh and blood siblings.

Jin Liwei also found it a little odd that Lu Zihao appeared like he was increasingly treasuring his bond with Iris more than the brotherhood between them, the five best friends. It wasn’t just Jin Liwei who was noticing this, but their three other brothers as well.

Their Eldest Brother, Lin Yehan, was particularly unhappy about it. But since Iris had now become an important part of all of their lives, he couldn’t really place all the blame on her. Besides, she was instrumental in making his new tea company profitable. His earlier prejudice against her was now gone.

As for Jin Liwei, he didn’t want to feel too concerned about the special bond between Iris and Lu Zihao, especially if it meant that his baby girl would have more protection. He was curious about what kind of "extra security" his Fifth Brother would provide when he returned.

Back to the present, Jin Liwei wanted to go home and bring his baby girl back to the mansion just like what his Fifth Brother told him. However, when he called the penthouse earlier that morning, Dom informed him that she hadn’t left the computer room yet. Jin Liwei figured that she was still busy battling against the motherfucking hacker Eagle or whatever the son of a bitch was called.

So he had no choice but to refrain from disturbing her because he knew that any mistake on her part might give the opponent a chance to trace her. It was too dangerous! He just asked Dom to call him as soon as she came out of her computer room. While waiting for Dom’s updates, Jin Liwei busied himself leading everyone in his company to deal with the aftermath of the cyber-attack.

And now that the press conference ended, his first concern was still about her. He turned to his assistant, Xu Tian.

"Any updates from the penthouse?" he asked.

"Dominic Chua texted that Miss Long hasn’t come out yet and to please call him as soon as you’re available," Xu Tian replied.

Jin Liwei frowned. She hadn’t come out yet? She had been inside for close to fifteen hours now!

He forced himself to calm down and nodded at Xu Tian. Then he entered an empty meeting room along the way. Xu Tian and his subordinates guarded the door outside, while he made a phone call.

Dom picked up after just two rings.

"Hello, sir boss!"

"Is she out yet?" Jin Liwei immediately asked.

"Not yet," Dom replied.

Jin Liwei’s frown deepened.

"Sir boss, I didn’t tell anyone else that boss is inside the computer room because I know that she doesn’t like to be disturbed whenever she’s inside. But I’m now getting so worried because it has been so long. She hasn’t eaten anything yet! She doesn’t eat much, but she never starves herself! What’s more, she missed her work appointments today. Big Sis Yiyi has been calling me nonstop asking where boss is. Junie boy is crying for his mama because he didn’t see her during breakfast. Madam boss has also been looking for her. Ice Cream and Popcorn know where their mommy is and are waiting at the library office outside the computer room. I’m starting to freak out now, sir boss! What if...what if boss fainted inside and she’s in coma again?!!! I’m so scared!!! Wuwuwu! Okay, that’s it! I’m going to grab a metal pipe or something and break the door open!"

Dom’s panic also affected Jin Liwei. It felt like his heart just dropped to the ground. His entire body felt cold, remembering the agonizing feeling of seeing his baby girl faint right in front of his eyes and fall into coma.

’Not again. Please be okay,’ he chanted inside him.

Taking a few deep breaths, he fought against the rising panic inside him and forced himself to calm down.

"Dominic, calm down. Don’t do anything extreme. I’m coming home right now," Jin Liwei told Dom. "Wait for me. If she doesn’t come out or respond to our attempts of contacting her when I arrive, we’ll break inside her computer room."

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