Chapter 425 - Eagle

The high-pitched robotic voice wasn’t just heard by Jin Liwei and his employees at the main computer control room. It was heard throughout the entire Jin Corporation building via the PA system. It seemed that the first hacker didn’t know exactly where his opponent was located.

Fortunately, it was already past midnight and most employees were gone. Despite this, there were still some people who heard it—the night cleaners and the few ones working overtime. When they heard the creepy high-pitched robotic voice, they were extremely frightened.

All that registered in their minds was the robotic voice. They didn’t bother understanding what it was saying. Besides, not all of them could understand English. They just started freaking out.

"It’s the demooooooooon! Please don’t haunt me! I’ve been going to the temple every week to cleanse my dirty mind! I swear I haven’t looked at President Jin since then! I don’t even dare look at his shoes or his shadow! I don’t want to go insane! Please noooooooo!"

But before these poor employees really went insane from being frightened too much, their computer screens, phones, and the TVs placed in every office area displayed a text message. It said:

"Jin Corporation is currently being hacked. The one who just spoke is the hacker who wants to harm your company. Please stay calm and leave everything to the experts."

After reading the message, the employees’ fearful hearts soon calmed down.

"Oh, so it was a hacker and not a demon. Phew! I thought that I was gonna go insane for sure."

"Same here. Now that I think about it, the two robotic voices sound different. The evil demon has a low and deep voice but this one is high-pitched. What a bastard, pretending to be the evil demon! I almost had a heart attack!"

"So our company really got hacked after all. The higher-ups sent out a notice earlier in the afternoon about a possible attack because other companies apparently got hacked as well. I hope that the experts are able to stop that troublesome hacker as soon as possible."

The employees quickly recovered from their earlier panic. Although they were worried after learning that their company was being hacked, they trusted the instruction sent to them to "stay calm and leave everything to the experts". They assumed that it came from the higher-ups. They were confident that their company would be able to defend itself from the audacious hacker because Jin Corporation was the number one in the country. As proud Jin Corporation employees, they believed that their company wouldn’t be toppled so easily.

With their strong trust and confidence in their company, they no longer concerned themselves about the hacking. It wasn’t like they would be able to help, anyway. Just like what the instruction told them, they should just stay calm and leave everything to the experts.

However, this calm state wasn’t shared by their President and colleagues who were inside the computer control room.

Jin Liwei and the members of the IT and security departments clearly heard what the high-pitched robotic voice said. Everyone in the main computer control room knew English so they understood what it said.

"W-what? Did I just hear the name...Drakon?" someone asked.

"Yeah...I heard it, too. Don’t tell me that one of these hackers is...oh my God...Drakon?!!"

They looked at each other in amazed disbelief.

Jin Liwei paled and instantly regretted calling his baby girl for help. He almost called her again to tell her to stop hacking and to retreat instead. He feared that the other hacker would be able trace her and put her in danger. However, he might just endanger her even more if he tried contacting her in this dangerous time.

He felt so frustrated of himself. But before he could continue blaming himself even further, his phone vibrated. It was a text message from his baby girl. It said:

"I’m okay, darling. Don’t worry. I’ll be safe and Jin Corporation will also be safe. This is nothing. Trust in my skills and believe that I can handle this noob. I’ll leave your employees for you to handle. They didn’t witness any second hacker. There is no second hacker. This battle never happened. Jin Corporation’s data breach has been stopped by one of your valiant employees. Choose one of them. I’ll do the rest."

Her timely message demonstrated just how much better she had become in understanding his thought processes. She knew that he would be extremely concerned about her in this kind of situation.

Jin Liwei felt somehow reassured by her message but still couldn’t help but worry about her. He was about to reply when the text message deleted by itself. He only felt surprised for a second before he understood that she must’ve done it on purpose for security reasons.

Suddenly, he received another text message.

"I forgot to tell you something important. I love you, darling. I can’t wait for you to come home. Don’t reply."

Then just like before the message deleted by itself.

Despite his worry, Jin Liwei’s mouth curved into a faint smile.

’I love you, too,’ he replied to her in his mind instead.

The faint smile disappeared. His cold and serious expression returned, as he watched his employees in shock upon learning that one of the hackers might be Drakon.

As people working in the field of cybersecurity, of course all of them knew about Drakon. In public, they used Drakon as a prime example of what not to become in their line of work. He was a wanted criminal being hunted by several governments from all around the world.

But even when they acted like they were condemning him for all the crimes he was accused of, the truth was that they idolized him deep inside for his superior skills. To these people, Drakon was just so cool!

"Is it really Drakon?!!"

The thought that one of their hacker idols was directly helping them made them so excited and thrilled.

One of them pointed at a computer monitor displaying the bird logo which appeared a few moments ago. "It’s not only Drakon. Look at that logo! I can’t be 100% sure but doesn’t that look like the logo of the hacker Eagle?"

"Eagle?!! What?!!!"

Everyone was shocked

"Drakon and Eagle... Am I seriously witnessing a battle between the two of them with my own eyes? Am I dreaming? Don’t pinch me because I don’t want to wake up."

"Holy shit. This is so awesome!"

"But only if they’re really Drakon and Eagle..."

Jin Liwei frowned. He didn’t know who this Eagle was so he asked a member of his tech team to explain.

Apparently, Eagle was one of the world-class hackers who rose to prominence after the legendary hacker called Fantom suddenly disappeared. Most of the hackers during that period emulated Fantom’s style in the hopes of taking his legendary throne in the hacking world.

Eagle was no different. He wanted to become the next Fantom and periodically defeated other hackers who had the same goal as him. He even started referring to himself as Fantom Eagle. However, no one in the hacking community called him as such. They simply called him Eagle like before.

To many hackers, Fantom was like a sacred being. He was on a completely different realm than them. Only a handful of other hackers in the world were on par with Fantom. However, those god-level hackers were already semi-retired, only popping out now and then. And whenever they appeared, they always took the world by storm. Fantom was definitely the youngest to join their ranks.

The legendary Fantom was highly respected and even worshiped by many hackers. That was why they would never accept Eagle referring to himself as Fantom Eagle. To them, it was the same thing as Eagle announcing to everyone:

"I am God."

Absolute sacrilege! Totally unacceptable!

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