Chapter 415 - Karma

Wei Lan closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. Her struggle in controlling herself was obvious to the others. When she opened her eyes, her cold expression became warm and nice again. However, she looked past Little Jun and Jiang Ying Yue as if she could no longer see the two of them.

"I see. So that’s how it is. I understand, honey. There’s noooooo need to be so uptight. I absolutely don’t like your father’ other children and anyone or anything related to them, but since you’re close to this friend and godson of yours, then they must at least bedecent people," Wei Lan said.

Then she finally glanced at Little Jun and Jiang Ying Yue again. Her eyes may not be very warm, but at least they weren’t cold anymore. Then she turned to Iris again.

"Mother will be good, honey. Don’t worry," she tried to assure Iris.

The atmosphere eased after that. However, everyone still remained vigilant and protective of Little Jun and Jiang Ying Yue.

As for Iris, her confusion and curiosity at this new Wei Lan only deepened even more. Since when was the woman able to control her emotions so well? If this was before, Wei Lan would’ve already exploded and spewed hatred on Jiang Ying Yue and Little Jun because of their connection to Long Hui.

Iris continued to observe Wei Lan, trying to detect whether the woman was really genuine or was just faking this positive personality change. However, Iris still wasn’t that great in accurately reading other people’s emotions.

Shortly after, Yi Mei called everyone to the dining room for dinner. All of the household staff acted stiff and formal, totally unlike their usual comfortable and relaxed behaviour when it was just them at home. They were especially cautious around Wei Lan.

Iris sighed seeing her staff like this. It was also making her uncomfortable watching them act so unnatural and unlike their usual selves. They reminded her of Jin Liwei’s staff at the mansion when she first started living there. They were almost like robots.

She was already doubting her decision in allowing Wei Lan to stay at the penthouse for an indefinite period of time. But so far, the woman was being good like she just promised. Only time would tell if Wei Lan would be able to keep this up.

During dinner, the atmosphere was a little awkward. It was mostly just Wei Lan and Iris talking, while the rest ate in silence, only speaking when directly addressed to by either Wei Lan or Iris. Of course, Jin Liwei also talked because Wei Lan was very interested in him.

Wei Lan asked the couple a lot of questions about their relationship. She also didn’t forget to admire Iris’ beautiful engagement ring, even asking if she could try it on herself. However, Iris rejected the idea. Wei Lan just laughed the matter off, as if she wasn’t even serious about it.

Perhaps after getting bored of Iris and Jin Liwei’s love story, Wei Lan started talking about her own love story instead.

"I was in France attending fashion shows and doing my seasonal shopping at my favourite luxury designer boutiques when I decided on a whim to visit Spain—to shop some more, of course! Then I met this tall and handsome Spanish vizconde—that’s a viscount, I was told. He started courting me right away but I ignored him because I had bad experiences with people from nobilities. Do you have any idea how much grief the Looooong clan gave me when I was still married to your father? Oh, the horror of it all!"

Wei Lan’s face twisted into a disgusted expression before she quickly smoothed it out. It wasn’t because she was trying to be nice again but because she didn’t want her face to become too expressive for fear of wrinkles. She continued her story.

"Well, at least the vizconde is an official noble up to this day, unlike the Longs who still act all high and mighty when they aren’t really nobility anymore! What’s more, the vizconde is the mooooost humble, kind, gentle and generous person that I’ve ever met in my entiiiiiiiire life! He was also very patient and continued to court me. It was only a matter of time before he was able to make me completely and hopelessly in loooooooooove with him!

"Oh honey, I never imagined that I would ever fall in love so deeeeeeeply like this! I never hid the fact that I didn’t love your father or my other lovers that much, but this time, I really love my new husband! Oh! My heart is beating sooooooo fast just remembering him. I’m already starting to miss him sooooooo much!" Wei Lan gushed while clutching her chest with her manicured hands.

And indeed, even with her make-up on, the others could see that she was blushing.

"Madam—" Jin Liwei began to speak but was quickly interrupted by Wei Lan.

"Dear Liwei, call me Mother from now on! Madam is too formal! You’re going to be my only daughter’s husband so we’re family now!"

Jin Liwei hesitated.

Wei Lan pouted. "Fine. You can call me Auntie for now. But I hope that you get used to calling me Mother soon!"

This time, he was more agreeable. "I understand, Aunt Wei Lan."

Wei Lan looked absolutely pleased at hearing his new form of address of her. She smiled so brightly that it lit up her whole face. Dom and the others gasped at her beauty (except for Jin Liwei who still thought that his baby girl had the best smile in the world). Now they knew where Iris got her stunning, photogenic smile.

Jin Liwei was unaffected by the smile, so he continued what he was going to say earlier before he was interrupted.

"Aunt Wei Lan, you say that your new husband is a viscount. Since you’re now married, doesn’t that make you a viscountess?"

Wei Lan giggled. "Yes, I’m officially a vizcondesa now. Specifically, I’m the Viscountess of Castillo de Estrellas, an official member of the Spanish nobility."

Then she suddenly paused, remembering something, before throwing her head back and laughing out loud.

Everyone looked at her, unsure of what was going on with her. They thought that perhaps she finally lost all of her marbles and had gone cuckoo in the head.

"Mother, get a hold of yourself," Iris told her in stern voice. "You’re scaring my godson."

Indeed, Little Jun’s face was now buried deeply between his mother’s breasts. Soft whimpers could be heard from him. However, he didn’t cry loudly this time.

"Oh! Excuse me...ahahaha!" Wei Lan tried to control her laughter while wiping tears from her eyes. (The tears were from laughing too much.) "I’m just amazed at how destiny works, honey~ Your father’s clan, they’re all so proud of their noble roots, even though they don’t hold any official title anymore. I suffered sooooooo much insults from the elders and the relatives while I was still married to your father. They constantly rubbed it in my face that I was just a lowly model and would never be on the same level as your father.

"But look at me now! Aren’t I a viscountess? Aren’t I a member of nobility with an official title? I dare them to call me lowly again with my current status! And you, my beloved only daughter who’s as beeeeaaaauuuutiful as ME—aren’t you the daughter of a viscountess now? Is this what they call karma or what? I dare those Longs look down on us mother and daughter again! Ahahaha!"

Wei Lan continued to laugh as if she heard the funniest joke in the world.

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