Chapter 399 - Evil Demon

Jin Liwei’s employees were so frightened by the creepy robotic voice that any thoughts of sharing to others what happened in their President’s office disappeared from their minds. In fact, they were more frightened by the voice itself than the threat of having all of their secrets revealed to the whole world.

The poor employees had no idea that the scary robotic voice would haunt their nightmares in their sleep for several nights after this day. Now they feared their President’s mysterious fiancée more than their cold and intimidating President.

As expected of the President, even his taste in women (or men) is very strong. Too strong, they thought to themselves while shuddering as they remembered the robotic voice.

Only the two members of the tech team took the robotic voice’s threat as something serious. They looked grave, knowing full well that angering a hacker was extremely dangerous. Hackers literally had the power to destroy lives at their fingertips.

They glanced at the security cameras, becoming more vigilant and cautious. They never knew when their President’s fiancée would strike again. It was better to stay on their best behaviour because she might be watching them when they were slacking off and tell their President. Wouldn’t that get them fired?

Later that night, the two members of the tech team checked Jin Corporation’s surveillance system to see if there were any records showing the President’s fiancée accessing it earlier. Frighteningly, there were no such records. They checked everywhere, looking for the tiniest traces but still there was nothing.

It was as if the hacking didn’t happen at all. If they didn’t experience it firsthand, they would never have believed that the company’s surveillance system was hacked just by looking at the records.

They felt cold sweat on their backs.

In the next few days, work resumed as normal at Jin Corporation. However, something changed.

Every lunch time, food was delivered for Jin Liwei sent by his mysterious fiancée. The food was different each day but all of them were very delicious. It came to a point that some of the employees prayed for a meeting everyday so that they could also enjoy the delicious food. After all, his fiancée didn’t just provide food for their President but also for all the people he was together with during lunch time.

There was another benefit to this. Their President was now constantly in a good mood. Although his expression still looked cold and indifferent (his default expression) as usual, his entire aura felt somewhat gentler and more approachable especially during lunch time.

As a result of this, more and more employees became bolder, attempting to greet him and engage him in conversations whenever they had the chance.

There were already many female (and male) employees who lusted after Jin Liwei. Before, they could only keep their desires to themselves because he was just too scary. Not to mention that there were rumours circulating within the company about the unfortunate fates of those who dared seduce him before.

Now, however, some of these people who lusted for him wanted to try their luck. They knew that he had a fiancée but so what? Most men of his status normally had a number of mistresses in addition to their wives. They knew that they could never be his wife, but they could certainly be his bedmate...right?

But before they could act on their seduction plan, a new rumour started circulating within Jin Corporation.

It said that anyone looking at the President in a lewd way would be cursed. To combat the curse, anyone harbouring any perverted thoughts towards the President were advised not to look at him directly. Looking at his shoes was the safest. If anyone ignored this warning, an evil demon with a scary robotic voice would haunt them until they went insane.

"Pft! A curse? Seriously? What kind of stupid rumour is that?"

"I know, right? Who created this rumour? Does he or she think that we’re dumb? Even kids these days wouldn’t believe something as stupid like that so easily."

These employees laughed at the rumour, dismissing it as fake.

But one day...

Two female employees were in the women’s washroom retouching their make-up. One of them took out her phone and showed something to her colleague.

"Look at what I have~ I secretly snapped photos of the President while he was fixing his collar. Ah, his neck is so sexy!"

"Oh my gosh. Is that a hickey on his neck?"



"Maybe it’s just a mosquito bite or something..."

"Don’t be stupid. I bet his mysterious fiancée was the one who gave him that hickey."

"What a lucky woman! She gets to sleep with such a gorgeous and powerful man like President Jin Liwei. I would give anything just for a night on bed with him. I want to give him hickeys too!"

"Ahaha! Girl, get in line!"

"Oh shit! What’s happening?! The photos are being deleted?!"

The two could only watch helplessly as all of their President’s photos were deleted from the phone. The employee who took the photos was very upset and angry.

"I told you not to buy that cheap phone," her colleague told her. "You just bought it, but look, it’s malfunctioning already."

"Dammit! I spent so much effort trying to take those photos of the President! I squatted behind a planter for almost an hour just to get a perfect angle to take the photos. And now they’re all gone?! Ugh!!!" She slapped her phone several times, hoping it might undo the deletion of the photos.

Then suddenly...

"Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the finest of them all? Even if the world only has the two of you, Jin Liwei would still never choose either of you~" a deep robotic voice suddenly said. The creepy sound came from the phone.

The two female employees shrieked in fright. One of them threw the phone to the floor, as if it just turned into a poisonous snake. The phone bounced and cracked loudly, but surprisingly, it still continued to work.

"This is my first warning to the two of—" the robotic voice continued to say but was interrupted before finishing the sentence.

"It’s the evil demon!!! Oh my god, it’s true!!! Please don’t haunt us!!! We beg you, please don’t!!! I don’t want to become insane!!! We promise not to look at President Jin Liwei anymore!!! We’ll look at his shoes instead!!!


The two scrambled to the door and ran out of the washroom while screaming at the top of their lungs. They ran for their life, as if a demon was chasing after them.

Inside the washroom, the phone lay on the floor, looking lonely and pitiful with its cracked screen.

"Huh? Demon? Shoes? What are they talking about?" the robotic voice asked in confusion. "Did they get scared because of what I said? I didn’t know that the rhyme Dom taught me is that scary. Amazing. I should ask him to teach me some more..."

With that, the rumour of the evil robotic demon was permanently cemented among the employees of Jin Corporation. Since that day, a lot of people began looking at Jin Liwei’s shoes whenever he passed by.

Those who could look directly at the President’s face were praised as pure and upright people. And those who could only look at their President’s shoes visited temples to cleanse themselves of their dirty minds.

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