Chapter 360 - Homewrecker

Long Tengfei’s authoritative threat alarmed the elders and the relatives who were present at the meeting. They immediately started denying Iris’ allegations, saying that what they were doing were only instilling discipline in the family’s younger generation.

Even though the elders wanted to chastise and punish Iris for putting them and the branch families in a tight spot, they controlled themselves (for now). Pacifying Long Tengfei was their immediate top priority.

Ultimately, Long Tengfei held the power and the purse strings of the entire Long clan. Losing his support would mean that their respective branch families might plunge into financial crisis. Not to mention that they would lose their status in high society. In short, it would be an utter disaster to the branch families if Long Tengfei decided to cut them off.

Before Iris’ allegations, he still respected the elders’ seniority and tended to use more diplomatic means to maintain peace in the clan. Now, however, he suddenly raised his guard up against the branch families. He was from the main family. It was only natural that he would protect the main family’s position and prevent the branch families from trying to take over the clan’s leadership.

All of these were triggered by Iris’ words. The elders and the relatives were already cursing her inside their minds a hundred thousand times. This was all her fault! The damn brat! What if Long Tengfei suddenly began running the clan with an iron fist? Now they had to be more careful or he might really disown and banish them from the clan.

Long Tengfei continued, "Remember this: My children are not nobodies! They are the children of the head of the entire Long clan! Anyone who dares to bully them, I will treat as a direct insult to my own person! Dare to insult me, Long Tengfei? Come at me! But you must be prepared to face the consequences."

His declaration was like great thunder and lightning that struck a deep sense of foreboding and even fear within the hearts of the elders and the relatives. Long Jufang opened his mouth to protest but closed it again when he saw that Long Tengfei was truly angered this time.

"My children and the others will stay and participate in this family meeting. My son’s fiancée will also stay. This is my order as the family head. Anyone who defies me shall be kicked out of this room and from the Long clan forever."

Everyone became silent, not daring to complain.

Long Tengfei swept his cold eyes at everyone. Then he nodded, satisfied, when the elders and the relatives all lowered their eyes to avoid his gaze.

As the family head, he always tried to treat everyone in the clan fairly. He avoided showing blatant bias to his own children. But it seemed that his fairness was being repeatedly abused by the elders and the branch families. He would no longer allow that happen!

Long Tengfei nodded in approval when Iris and the others decided to sit beside him and his wife. It showed everyone their status as the members of the main family.

"Wait, we’re not complete yet. Big Brother Jian isn’t here," Iris suddenly said.

"He was here before but the elders told him to leave," Yang Jiahui replied.

Long Tengfei ordered someone to call his second son back.

When Long Jian arrived, he was surprised and confused, especially after seeing that his sisters and some extra people (Meimei and Chen Fei) were also present. He began to sit on the farthest chair in a corner.

"Brother, don’t sit there. Sit here with us," Long Hui called him over. The ’main family’ sits over here, not there."

Long Jian had no idea about the hidden meaning in Long Hui’s words. He immediately moved and sat beside Chen Fei. He glanced at Long Hui and Jiang Ying Yue with great anticipation. He was looking forward to watching them get scolded by the elders. He came earlier to the meeting just to watch this moment, but unfortunately Long Jufang shooed him away. He had no choice but to leave. But now that he was called back, he was determined to enjoy Long Hui’s suffering.

Finally, the meeting began.

The elders were very quiet this time. It greatly confused Long Jian.

It was the Wu family who began speaking first. They were relieved that Long Tengfei finally finished disciplining his family members. They felt extremely impatient for having to wait until he was done.

"My daughter has suffered such great humiliation and heartbreak tonight," Sir Wu said, indignant. Then he glared at Long Hui and Jiang Ying Yue. "Proposing to your mistress in front of everyone traumatized my daughter. How can you choose such a low-bred woman over my Qianqian?"

"Sir, Wu Qianxi and I already broke up long ago. It’s not a matter of choosing one over the other. When your daughter and I broke up, my feelings for her also disappeared. The person that I love now and will continue to love in the future is this woman beside me, the mother of my son, Jiang Ying Yue," Long Hui said. He clasped his hand with Jiang Ying Yue’s.

"Hui, I still love you very much," Wu Qianxi tearfully told him. "I know that we broke up because we drifted apart from not seeing or spending enough time together. But now I’m back in the country for good. I intend to stay here. We don’t have to endure a long-distance relationship anymore. Hui, come back to me, please."

She continued, "You don’t have to stay with that...that woman just because you have a child together. I know that she’s just your rebound from our relationship. Don’t worry that you fathered an illegitimate child with another woman. I’ve already forgiven you for that mistake. Even if it’s hard, I-I’ll accept your illegitimate son."

"Look at how compassionate my daughter is!" Madam Wu cried. "Accepting that bastard child of yours, your mistress should thank my Qianqian for her kindness!"

Jiang Ying Yue defended herself and her son. "Madam, I am not a mistress. I have never been one. My relationship with Hui might be unacceptable for people of status like you, but generally speaking, there is nothing wrong with our relationship. Yes, we have a son despite being unmarried, but that doesn’t make me a mistress. And you have no right to call my child a bastard."

She growled the last sentence. Even though her voice slightly trembled, she now felt braver in defending herself. She wasn’t alone anymore. She had friends who were standing by her. And it seemed that Long Hui was also going to make a change to make it better for her and for their son.

Faint smiles could be seen on Iris and the others’ faces. They were glad that Jiang Ying Yue was standing up for herself. However, their smiles didn’t last long because Madam Wu started shouting.

"Don’t talk back to me, you gold digging slut! You’re the reason why my daughter can’t get together with Long Hui. You destroyed their chance to be together again!"

Before anyone else could respond to the madam’s accusation, Iris spoke aloud and pretended to be confused.

"Is it just me or what the Wus are saying doesn’t make any sense? They insist on calling Ying Yue a mistress when she’s not. Do these people even know the definition of the word ’mistress’? Now they’re even accusing Ying Yue of destroying Miss Wu’s chance to be with Elder Brother Hui." She looked at her companions. "Tell me. Do these make any sense to you?"

Chen Fei, Long Jinjing and Meimei all shook their heads.

"Please excuse me for butting in, but I feel like this needs to be said," Meimei spoke next. "The way I see it, Miss Wu is the one acting like a homewrecker. Think about it. Big Brother Hui and Big Sis Yue have a son together and are living together. They are a family. But here comes Miss Wu wanting to break them apart. Isn’t that something only homewreckers do?"

"Exactly," Chen Fei nodded wisely. "Yet they’re twisting the situation around to make it look like Miss Wu is the victim when she’s clearly not. They’re pushing all the blame on Jiang Ying Yue. She’s the real victim here!"

"Yes," Long Jinjing agreed with a nod. "I feel so sorry for Jiang Ying Yue."

"Shut up, all of you! What right do you have to interfere in this matter?! Be silent! You’re outsiders!" Madam Wu shouted at them.

"Madam Wu, they’re not outsiders," Yang Jiahui interjected, her voice cold. "Xiulan and Jinjing are Hui’s sisters. My niece is part of our family and Chen Fei is their friend. And just so everyone is clear about my opinion in this matter, I also agree with what they’re saying. Miss Wu is acting like a homewrecker."

"You dare say that about my daughter, Yang Jiahui?!" Madam Wu shrieked.

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