Chapter 287 - One Family

Nobody noticed the change of expression in Long Hui. Everyone was busy chatting with each other, congratulating the newly engaged couple, and doting on cute Little Jun.

Finally, it was dinner time. They all moved to the dining hall where a lavish feast was prepared. Huang Yuyan and her staff really went all out. She even asked someone to quickly go out and buy the best cat food and treats for Ice Cream and Popcorn, so that they could also eat together with all of them.

At this rate, it was inevitable that Ice Cream would only get fatter after this. Dom was already scolded by the veterinarian when he brought the cats for their latest check-up. The vet ordered for Ice Cream to start losing weight. However, Iris couldn’t bear to deprive Ice Cream today’s feast.

"Today’s a special day. Let her eat whatever she wants, but only for today. Restart her diet and exercise tomorrow," she instructed Dom.

And indeed, Ice Cream started eating like there was no tomorrow. She wolfed down all the cat food and treats, demanding the staff for continued refills. If Popcorn had endless energy for play, then Ice Cream had endless appetite for food.

While the cats were feasting, the humans were also enjoying the many different delectable dishes. They continued their conversations as they ate on the dining table.

After dinner, the group moved to another lounge area for some digestive tea. The atmosphere was light and cheerful.

Sometime later, Jin Liwei and Grandpa Lu went to another room to discuss some important business matters regarding Jin Corporation. Iris and Lu Zihao were chatting when Jin Chonglin sat beside Iris. He took this chance to talk to her while his brother was gone.

"So looks like you’re really my sister-in-law."

"Senior, it’s ’future’ sister-in-law," Iris corrected him.

"I’ll just call you Sister Iris then, I mean Xiulan."

She nodded.

"Sister Xiulan, you should call me Brother Chonglin from now on too, not Senior."

"Alright, Brother Chonglin."

Lu Zihao sipped his tea in silence while listening to their conversation.

"Are you working on some new music? Or are you just focusing on promoting your upcoming soundtrack album?" Jin Chonglin asked. "By the way, congratulations on composing an entire film score. That’s a big achievement, something that even I haven’t tried before yet."

"Thank you. Yes, I’m working on something right now that I plan on releasing sometime in the near future. How about you?"

Jin Chonglin’s eyes twitched when he heard that she would be releasing something soon. It had only been a few months and she already had two, almost three albums under her belt ever since her first comeback. How could she create quality music so quickly like it was nothing?

He was supposed to be the superstar, and yet he was struggling to single-handedly complete his planned album. Letting others write and compose songs for him over the years had taken a toll on his own creativity. He remembered the time when he just debuted as a musician. He only needed a few hours to complete writing and recording an entire song. But now, it felt like trying to make a rusty engine run again. It was a struggle to start and keep it going.

"I see. That’s good," he replied. "I’m also working on something new. Once it’s complete, I’ll make a comeback and release it."

"Good luck, Brother Chonglin."

"Thanks. You too."

He wanted to tell her something but hesitated. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, but it seemed that he couldn’t say it.

"Spit it out. How annoying," Lu Zihao muttered when he lost patience watching the younger man’s repeated hesitations.

"I...I want to apologize for what you went through because of Fan...that woman. Because of her obsession with me, you and those other women had to suffer from her evil schemes," he finally told her in a low tone.

Iris shuddered. She couldn’t stop the memory of the torture from popping in her mind. But she was much stronger now and wouldn’t break down anymore remembering what the remnant within her did. She was already starting to accept that the torture was something that she could never get rid herself of. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself.

The two men beside her saw her reaction.

Jin Chonglin apologized to her again. He mentally scolded himself for reminding her of such a horrible, traumatizing memory. However, he needed to say sorry to get closure from what happened.

"It’s not your fault. You weren’t the one who harmed us," she replied. "Let’s put the past where it belongs and move forward."

"Yes, you’re right."

Lu Zihao’s eyes darkened. Danger lurked within their depths, but he tightly controlled it. He could see that his sister was still affected by the memory of the torture. He wanted to protect her from everything, but he was also glad that she growing stronger from these bad experiences. Fan Luo and the Alarm Girls needed to be thankful that his sister was recovering from the trauma well. If she failed to recover, he would’ve ended those b*tches with his own hands once and for all.

While Lu Zihao restrained his murderous intent, Jin Chonglin changed the unpleasant topic.

"Since you’re my future sister-in-law, we’re like family now. When both of us have some free time, how about working on something together? Maybe a single or two. I’d love to work with you, you know. And it’s also easier to work together now especially after...after what happened. What do you think?"

She tilted her head to the side, thinking about his suggestion carefully.

"Sure," she finally said.

He flashed her his best smile. "Cool! I’ll take that as a promise then."

It was at this moment that Jin Liwei returned with Grandpa Lu. He saw his baby girl and brother sitting together. All he could see was his brother flirting with his baby girl, trying to seduce her with his smile. With a dark expression, he marched towards them.

Lu Zihao noticed his arrival and smirked. He swirled the tea in his cup and watched the show.

Jin Chonglin was oblivious of the approaching danger. He continued to chat with Iris, subconsciously exuding his sex appeal in front of a beautiful lady.

Iris noticed Jin Liwei a few beats slower than Lu Zihao. She turned her head. Her lovely smile turned into a confused expression when she saw the dark and ugly expression on his face.

"Darling?" She asked when he arrived in front of them.

He didn’t answer. Instead, he carelessly pushed his brother to the side and squeezed himself between them on the couch.

"Ow! What the hell, Big Bro?" Jin Chonglin complained but unsurprisingly, his brother ignored him.

Jin Liwei looked at his baby girl. His expression softened seeing her beautiful eyes blinking in confusion at him. Before he realized what he was doing, he was already kissing her on the mouth in front of everyone. Iris was only startled for a few seconds before responding to his kiss. The two of them were quickly consumed by their own passion and had forgotten that there were other people around them.

"Quick! Someone cover Little Jun’s eyes!" Grandpa Lu’s voiced boomed amidst the gasps and giggles. "Hai! Kids these days can’t control themselves! You two! If you can’t hold it in, is it that hard to excuse yourselves and find an empty room? This house has lots of rooms, you know!"

Surprisingly, it was Jin Liwei who stopped the kiss first. Iris flopped like jelly on his chest. She hid her face against his neck while desperately trying to calm her own arousal. He stroked her back to soothe her.

Sitting beside them, Lu Zihao closed his eyes and thought about other things to prevent himself from punching the bastard Jin Liwei’s face.

Jin Chonglin, on the other hand, was once again a picture of utter shock. He was still finding it hard to believe that this passionate man was his own brother. Did his brother die and another soul transmigrated into his body? He laughed at his absurd thoughts.

The teasing and conversations continued until late into the night. The family gathering drew to a close. They dispersed and returned to their own homes.

Although the two families weren’t officially connected by marriage yet, the Jins and the Longs already considered themselves as one family.

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