Chapter 270 - Lead Guitar


The executive van neared the TV station building which was home to the big studio for the show "MusicFest Tonight".

Iris and Jin Liwei sat at the very back cuddling while Dom was in front of them busy messaging Tang Yiyi on the phone. Jiang Ying Yue was at the front passenger seat beside the driver. Another car was following the van with Jin Liwei’s subordinates for additional security.

When they arrived in front of the TV station, it was flooded by screaming fans. One group was very distinctive as they were all wearing suits carrying banners and pictures of Iris. They all patiently stood outside despite the cold weather.

"Oh look!" Dom exclaimed. "It’s the Suits, the Black Stars! Your fans are always the coolest, boss!

Iris smiled, watching her supporters from inside the van.

"Do you want me to come with you inside?" Jin Liwei asked her.

"Of course I do. But everyone will go crazy if Jin Corporation’s President-CEO suddenly appears. You’ll probably outshine all the artists tonight."

He chuckled. "You’ll never be outshone by anyone, love."

She giggled.

"Kyaaaaah~" Dom fanned himself dramatically with his hands while watching his bosses flirt with each other.

"I’ll wear a mask and disguise myself as your bodyguard," Jin Liwei suggested.

"What about your work? You still have lots of catching up to do. Grandpa Lu has been complaining and saying that he won’t step in for you anymore."

"I already told you that you’re more important than anyone and anything, including Jin Corporation. I want to come with you. Okay?"


She smiled and turned her head towards him, silently asking for a kiss. Of course, he obliged her, giving her a sensual kiss.

Dom covered his eyes but still peeked through the wide gaps between his fingers. "Ehehe."

Jin Liwei’s subordinates climbed out of the other car and formed a protective barrier outside the executive van’s door. Jiang Ying Yue and Dom got off first. The Black Stars immediately recognized the two.

"Aaaaah! It’s boss! Boss Iris is here!"

A masked and shades-wearing Jin Liwei got off after them, turned around and held out his hand. A delicately gloved hand appeared and accepted his offered hand.

The fans went crazy when Iris climbed out of the van. They released loud screams. Some of them even started crying.

"Boss Iris! We missed you so much!"

"Welcome back, Boss Iris!"

"Wow! Boss Iris, you look even more beautiful now. You’re Just wow!"

Jin Liwei’s subordinates encircled Iris and the others. Jin Liwei and Jiang Ying Yue sandwiched Iris between them while Dom positioned himself at the front, leading them towards the building’s entrance.

Iris greeted her fans with a big smile, waving at them. She thanked them and even chatted with some of the Black Stars she recognized from her previous performances. While she signed autographs and took photos with her fans, the paparazzi threw questions at her.

"Iris, where have you been? Is it true that you went insane and had to check in at a mental institution abroad? Are you really okay now? Are you taking any medication?"

"How did you react when you learned that Fan Luo was the one behind the car crash that almost killed you a couple of years ago?"

"Is it true that you’re lovers with the hitmaker Enrique Valdez? Or is your lover Maestro De Luca, that’s why he allowed you to perform at his concert? Or maybe you’re lovers with both of them at the same time?"

Jin Liwei stiffened and was about to punch the motherf*cker who asked such an immoral question but Iris stopped him by grabbing his arm. She gave him a meaningful look and shook her head. He was furious but controlled himself, reminding himself not to cause any scene that would land his baby girl in trouble. For now, he would behave. That paparazzo better prepare himself after this day, though.

The questions continued.

"Iris, were you the one who kidnapped and tortured Fan Luo and the Alarm Girls?"

The question made Iris blanch and shudder. Fortunately, she had been improving on not letting her emotions and thoughts show on her expression as per her brother Lu Zihao’s advice, especially when she was meeting other people. She tamped the memories of the torture down, trying hard not to let them affect her again.

Nobody noticed her reaction, except for Jin Liwei who was in tune with any changes in her. He wrapped his arms around her in a protective manner. Fortunately, the crowd just viewed him as one of her bodyguards.

Jin Liwei was fighting hard to control himself, but Dom lost it. He turned to the paparazzi.

"I’m recording everything on video!" He waved his phone. "If you want to be sued for libel, go ahead and continue to ask such ridiculous questions. I’m sure all the Black Stars present here will be willing to act as witnesses to your slanderous remarks to Miss Iris Long!"

"Yeah! We’re willing! Who dares slander our boss?!"

"Come, my fellow comrades of the mighty Slippers Army! Let’s whack these scumbags together!"

The threat seemed to work because some of the paparazzi withdrew. However, there were still some who continued to ask Iris malicious questions. This angered the Black Stars and they formed a human barricade to block these insistent paparazzi from getting near Iris. Then they started harshly scolding the paparazzi.

"Don’t hurt each other," Iris called out to her fans. "And don’t stay out here for too long. It’s very cold."

Her concern melted the hearts of her fans even more. They didn’t try to hold her back anymore, even creating a pathway for her amidst the sea of different fans so that her group could safely enter the building.

"Thank you, everyone! Please take care. I’ll do my best to give you a great performance tonight. I am back," she told them before disappearing inside the entrance.

Once inside, a staff member welcomed and led them to her own dressing room. A make-up artist and hair stylist were already waiting for her inside. They immediately started working on her as soon as she came in.

Tang Yiyi was in another dressing room, taking care of her other artists, the young men of the rock band Pandemonium. She promised that she would check on Iris later.

Iris didn’t mind. She already performed in the show before and knew how things worked.

While Iris was having her face painted and her hair styled, Jin Liwei was busy taking photos of her from every angle. He didn’t remove his mask and shades, earning weird looks from the make-up artist and hair stylist. They were surprised that Iris and the others weren’t reprimanding the audacious bodyguard.

When her hair and make-up were almost done, Dom who was still messaging with Tang Yiyi on his phone gasped.

"What is it?" Iris asked.

"Uh oh. There’s trouble. Big Sis Yiyi is panicking."


"Seems like Eros scalded his hands with boiled water in their dressing room. Apparently, he’s making tea but his hand slipped. Big Sis Yiyi says that he might not be able to play. If they can’t find a substitute lead guitarist, Pandemonium might cancel their performance for tonight."

Iris stood up. "Let’s go to their dressing room."

Staff members and other nosy artists crowded outside Pandemonium’s dressing room. The door was open. When they saw that it was Iris coming, they made way for her.

Eros was being treated by the show’s first aid responders. Both of his hands were scalded, but his left hand had it worst. The entire hand, including the fingers and the upper arm were angry red. Some parts were even starting to blister.

Tang Yiyi was currently talking with the staff, asking if they could provide a guitarist.

"We can, but are you sure you want to perform with someone who hasn’t practiced with you? Your band is scheduled to perform soon."

"I’ll perform tonight," Eros said.

"Don’t be stupid! You’re going to the hospital!" Tang Yiyi scolded him.

"We won’t play with a stranger," Blaze added.

Night and Thunder nodded their heads.

"I’ll play lead guitar," Iris suddenly announced. "Or do you consider me a stranger, as well?"

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