His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

Chapter 247 - The Maestro And The Hitmaker

Chapter 247 - The Maestro And The Hitmaker

’So this is what being in love feels like,’ Iris thought, giggling to herself.

There were still a lot of things that she was unsure of, but her new friends advised her not to rush or force things but just to let everything happen naturally. Iris was now looking forward to seeing Jin Liwei in person so that she could hug and kiss him, and of course tell him that she loved him.

Then a small sense of insecurity crept in. They hadn’t seen or spoken to each other for so long. Would he still love her?

Determination flashed in her eyes. Well, she would just have to remind him. If he dared forget his love for her, she would just have to beat it back to him until he remembered again. Besides, she trusted Ice Cream and Popcorn to constantly remind him of her. Satisfied of her plan, she nodded.

Finally, the group arrived downtown. First, they watched a sci-fi movie which they harshly criticized as illogical and scientifically inaccurate.

Then they went shopping at the mall. Only AJ and Iris had black cards. The others stared at them in envy, even though all of them were already wealthy in their own right since becoming Cross Academy students.

"Ah, the difference in treatment between us students," Theresa sighed, shaking her head.

Florence followed suit, sighing as well. "Xiulan is the student of the business genius Sir Lu Jianhong, while AJ is the academy’s star child because she’s making them so much money than they know how to spend."

Ashandra giggled. She was actually offered a black card before because her artworks always sold well during auctions. However, she declined it because she didn’t think that she needed it. She lived quite modestly compared to the others. As long as she could make art, she was happy.

Afterwards, they pampered themselves at the hotel spa and then ate dinner at a family restaurant popular throughout the entire campus for their homemade recipes.

Besides spending time with Jin Liwei, this was the happiest and the most relaxed Iris felt with other people. She liked the feeling that within this new circle of friends, they treated each other as equals.

The group then separated into two groups after dinner. AJ and Theresa headed to their district homes, while the rest returned to the dorm.

It was such a fun day, but it wouldn’t happen anytime again soon. All of them were busy with their own studies, research and work. However, they promised to keep in touch with each other.

With that, the day drew to a close. Iris slept well without experiencing any nightmare.

The next day, Iris had an appointment to meet two of the current most famous musicians in the world. She felt extremely nervous because both had such huge influence in her own music. The truth was that they were two of her main music instructors in the past when she was still Evelina.

When she arrived at the meeting place which was a rehearsal room in the Music Department, nobody was there yet. She came ten minutes earlier than the agreed time.

Her heart thudded inside her chest. Her palms also began to sweat. She had great respect for the two musicians. She was anxious and of course excited to meet them again, even though they wouldn’t know that she was also Evelina.

It was actually them who set up the appointment with her when Grandpa Lu introduced her to them as his student during the welcoming dinner. They recognized her as Iris Long, the composer and pianist behind the album "Rebirth Melodies" which was still performing well in the European market.

To distract and calm herself, she sat in front of the grand piano in the room. Then she began playing Liszt’s "La Campanella". The highly technical piece immediately sucked her into a flow state with its swift and energetic tempo.

Her surroundings disappeared as she immersed herself within the light, airy and charming music. The nervousness she felt earlier was forgotten, as her hands skipped over the keyboard. It was a short piece but a fulfilling one.

When she finished playing, she smiled looking relaxed. Then she was interrupted by the sound of a lone applause.

She turned and saw two older men standing by the doorway.

The one clapping was Maestro Ludovico De Luca, a world-renowned classical composer and musical director who was also known for his piano scores. His greying hair was bald on top of his head. At first, he looked intimidating but he was passionate, kind and helpful to those he found worthy or deemed to have potential as musicians.

Standing a little behind him was the legendary hitmaker, Enrique Valdez, whose music had won an unprecedented number of awards. He started as the vocalist and lead guitarist of one of the most famous rock bands in the world. When it disbanded, he pursued a solo career and then started writing music in many genres for other artists, films, musicals and many more.

He was also called as the number one southpaw guitarist in the world. He was actually ambidextrous and could also play the regular right-handed guitar, but he favoured his left hand more as it was what he used to write with.

Although he was almost in his sixties, he still looked ageless with his chiselled facial features, mesmerizing hazel eyes, gorgeous olive skin and toned body. He could pass as someone in his thirties. He was a taciturn man who preferred to let his music talk than opening his mouth to explain himself.

Both musicians were skilled in playing many different instruments. They were the ones who encouraged Evelina to learn other instruments besides the piano. Nevertheless, her favourite instrument would always be the piano.

Iris immediately stood up and greeted them respectfully.

"Hmm. Excellent technique, great control of tempo. Very detailed, refined and graceful. Most importantly, I can feel your joy while playing the piece. Overall, a delightful ’La Campanella’!" Maestro De Luca praised as he walked closer.

She thanked him modestly.

The silent Enrique Valdez spoke. "Sit. Play the entire ’Rebirth Melodies’."

Iris wasn’t surprised. The hitmaker always went straight to the point. She obeyed. Soon, the soulful piano melodies of ’Rebirth’, ’Phantom of Your Love’, ’Black Star’ and the ten other songs in the album filled the entire music room. She played nonstop for almost an hour.

When she was done, she needed a few minutes to stabilize her emotions. Then she remembered that there were other people in the room. She stood up in haste and looked at them, a little embarrassed and nervous.

Maestro De Luca’s eyes shined with unshed tears, while Enrique Valdez looked even more brooding than usual. They looked at each other and then at Iris.

"You really play and sound like her," Maestro Deluca murmured, sighing.

He didn’t elaborate but Iris immediately knew that he was talking about her past life as Evelina.

"Be my student. Yes or no?" Enrique Valdez suddenly asked.

"Yes!" She didn’t hesitate.

Maestro De Luca scowled at his colleague. "I was going to offer first," he mumbled under his breath. Then he faced Iris with a gentle expression. "I can tell that you have a deep classical music background, so how about becoming my student as well?"

"Yes, Maestro." She looked at both of them. "It’s my great honour to become a student of such great teachers. I’ll be in your care!"

Although technically she already graduated from their tutelage in her past life, music was something that could never be perfected. She knew that she still had a lot to learn from these two music legends. If she could improve her own music even further by becoming their student again, she would gladly do so.

Just like that, Iris became an official student of Maestro Ludovico De Luca and the hitmaker Enrique Valdez. Her busy schedule was about to become even busier.

That night in her dorm suite, Iris stared at her newly-charged phone that she hadn’t used in a long time. She looked at the time. It was already past midnight there. He must be sleeping now, so she shouldn’t disturb him.

She put down the phone and tried working on some translation exercises her instructors assigned for her. However, she couldn’t concentrate. Sighing, she grabbed her phone again.

There were hundreds of messages and voice mails from Jin Liwei. Her heart fluttered, also feeling a little guilty for not contacting him since she left. However, she needed the time and distance away from him in order to regain her inner balance.

Taking a deep breath, she dialled and waited. If he didn’t answer, she would leave a voice mail and a text message.

Ring ring ring—

"Hello baby?" a familiar male voice answered.

A beautiful smile lit up her face when she heard his voice. Then her eyes suddenly filled up with tears, flowing down her cheeks.

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