Chapter 229 - Two Years Ago

Lu Zihao thought it stupid that the Jins were suffering and agonizing over their self-guilt like this. The Fans were undeserving. Why let such trash affect them to this extent?

He didn’t care about the relationship and betrayal between the Jins and the Fans. All he cared about was his sister’s safety. Now that his sister was connected to the Jins through Jin Liwei, he thought that it was only natural that the Fans were wiped out of the picture to remove any threats to his sister.

However, he kept these thoughts to himself. He was supposed to be Lu Zihao, Jin Liwei’s Fifth Brother. So he didn’t say anything, giving the impression of silent support and sympathy. If Jin Liwei’s self-guilt would make him a better protector to his sister, he wouldn’t stop him.

When the talk began to peter out, Lu Zihao left the suite and headed to his own assigned bedroom. Jin Liwei stayed where he was for a few more minutes, trying to deal with his turbulent emotions before returning to the bedroom. He stood by the door and watched his baby girl and their kittens sleep on his bed. Popcorn opened his eyes and meowed at him before returning to sleep.

Then he walked over, climbed on the bed and lay beside his baby girl. He gathered her in his arms and pulled her close to his body, inhaling her sweet scent. His love for her was mixed with the heavy feeling of guilt.

Discovering the gravity of Fan Luo’s crimes made him realize how badly he f*cked up. He wouldn’t be surprised if his baby girl refused to forgive him at all. However, he still hoped that she would. And if she did, he swore that he would dedicate the rest of his life to her. He wouldn’t allow anything bad to happen to her again. He would love her and protect her for as long as he could.

He stroked her cheek and showered light kisses all over her face, saving her slightly open mouth for last. Then he just lay there, gazing at her beautiful sleeping face. Her deep, steady breathing calmed him somewhat but couldn’t erase the guilt and anxiety he was feeling.

Sighing, he kissed her temple before looking up at the ceiling. Memories of that fateful night rushed in his mind.


Two years ago.

Jin Family’s Old House.

It was called the "Old House" but it was actually a mansion built by Jin Liwei’s grandfather. It was one of the first fruits of his labour for founding the Jin & Lu Company with his best friend, which later became Jin Corporation.

Tonight, the Old House was decorated with celebratory lanterns and ornaments. Luxury cars kept on arriving with guests stepping out in black tie wear. The women wore elegant evening gowns and cocktail dresses, while the men wore tuxedos.

Everyone was celebrating Huang Yuyan’s birthday. She actually didn’t want such a grand affair, preferring a simple dinner with family and close friends instead. However, her best friend Fan Yuming was able to persuade her to hold a lavish birthday ball and to invite select important and influential figures in both business and high society.

The Jins and the Fans became even closer at this time because it was confirmed that Jin Chonglin and Fan Luo were now lovers. The two attended the ball together, arousing the envy of the other ladies who were gunning to marry into the Jin family.

Marrying Jin Liwei was equal to becoming the next Madam Jin, but nobody succeeded in even getting his attention, much less in seducing him. There were also already rumours that he was gay. So for these ladies, Jin Chonglin was the easier target. Although marrying him wouldn’t make them the next Madam Jin, at least they would still become part of such a wealthy and powerful family.

But now Jin Chonglin was taken by Fan Luo. They congratulated her on her face while calling her a sl*t behind her back. However, they didn’t go too far because it seemed that the Fans were now under the Jins’ protection. They didn’t want to offend them.

Jin Liwei also attended the ball but his cold and intimidating aura prevented others from getting too close to him. He also didn’t like getting close to others he deemed unimportant. He stayed with a group of fellow business leaders and conversed with them about...well, business. What else?

After a while, he felt stifled by all the shallow flatteries and cringe-worthy brown-nosing. He excused himself and slipped out of the ball. He headed to a darker and empty part of the garden to breathe in some fresh air.

He stopped when he heard some voices. It was Fan Luo with one of her female cousins.

"I want to stay with Big Brother Lin but he went to the cardroom to play poker with the other men. So boring!" Fan Luo said.

"Don’t worry, Luo Luo. Everyone at the ball already saw you together with Big Brother Lin earlier. Now everyone knows that you’re his girlfriend. Have you seen the envious looks on those b*tches?"

The two laughed and giggled.

Jin Liwei wasn’t interested in listening to such petty female conversation. Fan Luo and her cousin also sounded like were a little drunk. He was about to leave to find another place to relax when their next topic caught his attention.

"Speaking of b*tches, there’s a particular annoying one who keeps on following Big Brother Lin around. She’s always popping up wherever Big Brother goes. Hmph! Like I don’t know that she also wants to seduce my BOYFRIEND like so many of the other sl*ts."

"Oooh. I think I know who you’re talking about. Is it that pop singer?"

"Yeah. Iris Long, that’s her name." Fan Luo produced some vomiting sounds which sent the two of them into another fit of giggles.

’They’re drunk,’ Jin Liwei thought. Shrugging, he moved to leave but stopped again after hearing Fan Luo’s next words.

"Trying to steal Fan Luo’s man is a big crime! Big Brother Lin is mine. We belong together! I’m gonna teach that Iris Long a lesson. I heard the b*tch went clubbing tonight. So I asked someone to mess with her car. Let’s see if she can still prance her disgusting a** in front of Big Brother Lin after this."

The cousins laughed like it was the funniest thing ever.

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