Chapter 1233 - Royal Family

Wei Lan pouted and complained like a child.

"It's because my daughter's faaaaaaather, my ex-husband, will be bringing his current wife to the Christmas gaaaaaaaathering. What's more, his illegitimate daughter will also beeeeeeeeeee there! I don't understaaaaaaaand why Xiulan has grown so close with those bitc—with thooooooose women! She hated them soooooo much before. Dear Liwei even scolded me during his wedding with Xiulan because my ex-husband buuuuuuuullied me! René Alejandro, you haaaaaaave to protect me! What if they buuuuuuully me again?!"

René Alejandro didn't believe her claims even for a moment. Wei Lan, bullied? Heh. Many tried to bully her because of her unpleasant reputation, but she never allowed herself to take any condemnation lying down. If someone bullied her, she would bully the person back many times over.

Contrary to his thoughts, he showed a concerned expression.

"Do not worry, Mamá. You are Papá's wife and the vizcondesa of Castillo de Estrellas of España. Bullying you is bullying our family name and noble title. If someone really dares to bully you at the Christmas gathering, just leave everything to me, yes? Papá is not here so it is my responsibility as the son to protect you."

Wei Lan fished out a lace handkerchief from her purse and dabbed her nonexistent tears. "Thank you sooooooo much, my dear. I feel so much mooooooore reassured now. Oh, I miss your father soooooooo much! I wish that he can follow us here very soooooooooooon."

The conversation continued throughout the drive to Dragon Palace Homes. Randy chimed in now and then. When they finally reached the exclusive village, René Alejandro's eyes narrowed as he observed the strict security procedures.

According to their initial research, Dragon Palace Homes had one of the toughest security systems in the country and even in this region of the continent. The security was indeed tight but it wasn't infallible. It was nothing compared to the security protocol they had in the organization. He was confident that he would be able to infiltrate this place next time and plant some undetectable bugs for secret surveillance without any problems.

Disappointment filled him. He was expecting a good challenge but this was just child's play for him.

His impression, however, immediately changed when they reached Dragon Palace Home #10 at last. The atmosphere of the security here was vastly different from what they went through on the way just now. He couldn't help but frown because it reminded him a little of the security procedures in the organization.

Only a little. It still couldn't compare to how they did it in the organization. After all, this was a private residence and not a criminal empire.

Wei Lan, who was sitting beside him, saw him frowning and thought that he was getting impatient at the long and complicated security procedure from the entrance of the exclusive village to her daughter and son-in-law's home. [Read official chapters on W e b n o v e l (dot) com. Please stop supporting piracy. Also follow author on Instagram: @arriacross]

"I don't knooooooow why dear Liwei and Xiulan insist on all this cumbersooooooome checkpoints. Ugh! I sweeeeeeeaaaaar that all owners here in Dragon Palace Hooooooomes are paranoid to have this kind of strict secuuuuuuurity. I already complained to my dear son-in-law and daughter soooooooo many times about it befoooooooore but they never listen to meeeeeeeeee!"

René Alejandro was a little annoyed of her complaints. He wanted to focus on closely observing the security procedure in Dragon Palace Home #10, but the woman kept on yapping in his ear.

Fortunately, Wei Lan had the talent of having a whole conversation all by herself. She didn't notice that he wasn't really paying attention to her, especially when she already had Randy to chat with.

Most of the security staff that René Alejandro had seen so far were around the same level with the bodyguards that Jin Liwei sent to protect Wei Lan. Not surprising because those bodyguards originally belonged to Jin Liwei in the first place.

A few caught his eye. He judged them to be stronger than their other colleagues. Still, they were nothing compared to the true experts in the organization. Like him and Emilio Miguel.

He disliked complimenting Emilio Miguel but the man alone could murder every single one of these people with his bare hands. The Matador wasn't just an empty title after all.

Then he froze when he caught sight of a handful of people patrolling the property. At first glance, these people didn't look different from the regular security staff in the property. It was only due to René Alejandro's sharp observation skills that he was able to discern that these people were far from ordinary. They should be real experts.

He and his brothers already knew that Jin Liwei employed a few experts in his security team. Drakon must have created fake identities for them because these people's too-clean backgrounds on paper didn't match their deadly bearing. Although they were able to conceal their real abilities, René Alejandro still noticed their capabilities from their smallest mannerisms. He just wasn't sure how strong these people were.

A sliver of excitement stirred inside him. If not for his mission of befriending Jin Liwei and the other powerful figures close to the man like Lu Jianhong, René Alejandro would have liked to challenge these experts and determine their true levels through combat.

Around twenty minutes later, the palatial mansion finally came into view. René Alejandro had already seen many magnificent buildings across the world but he was still impressed at the mansion standing like a dominant emperor in front of him. The corner of his mouth lifted into a barely noticeable smirk. The place reeked of money.

"Thank gooooooodness, we're heeeeeeere!" Wei Lan gave a dramatic sigh.

Later, the group followed the butler inside the mansion while Wei Lan's bodyguards unloaded the presents from the second car. René Alejandro looked around and was pleasantly surprised seeing festive but classy Christmas decorations. He knew that Christmas wasn't a big deal in this country compared to Spain.

The huge portrait on top of the twin grand staircases made him pause in his steps. It was the most eye-catching upon entering the front hall of the mansion. The style reminded him of the portraits hung in many active royal and aristocratic houses in Europe.

He raised an eyebrow. Did Jin Liwei, Iris Long and their cats think that they were some kind of a royal family?

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