Chapter 1120 - Prinz

Many of those who knew about Iris Long’s real background were aware that Long Industries was her father’s company. She was a real heiress, no doubt about it, and was expected to inherit a great fortune but not take over the running of Long Industries. It was her older half-brother, the eldest son Long Hui, who was always believed to be the next head of the company and the clan.

Orchidia Beauty had been using Long Industries’ shipping services since day one, and so far, the partnership was going well. The general public didn’t have much of an impression of Long Industries before this because the company had always been running in the background as a shipping service to many other businesses.

It was only when Iris Long became the company’s brand ambassador that the general public learned more about the company aside from the fact that it was a business owned by her father. In addition, loyal customers of Orchidia Beauty were mostly satisfied by Long Industries’ fast and secure delivery services. This increased the reputation of Long Industries and became one of the most trusted shipping companies in the country.

Back to Jin Chonglin’s launch event, the emcee interviewed the male models and the volunteers about their experiences using Jin Chonglin’s skincare products.

The majority of the male models had rather well-maintained skin due to their profession so the difference between their before photos and the current state of their skin wasn’t drastic just like Jin Chonglin’s. Nevertheless, there was still noticeable improvements on their skin when shown under the camera’s close-up view.

"As you can see, my products are so effective that they can make already good skin even better," Jin Chonglin bragged.

The volunteers who were mostly regular people had the most extreme improvements on their skin. They had more severe cases of skin issues such as dryness, oiliness, blackheads, large pores, uneven skin tone, blemishes, and acne.

Although one volunteer who had the most severe case of acne among them still had some pimples remaining on his face, the improvement was still very significant. It was obvious to everyone that if he continued to use Jin Chonglin’s Orchidia Beauty products, his acne might completely disappear.

All of them were very happy with the results. Some of the volunteers even broke into tears.

"I always felt insecure about my acne," said the volunteer with the most severe case. "I never felt confident of myself, so I always try to lower my head and even completely hide from other people because I’m afraid that they will judge me based on my acne. Girls look down on me and don’t want to date me. Some even called me downright ugly. Even at my job, I’m treated as someone inferior to my more good-looking co-workers. But now...."

He wiped his tears with the collar of his shirt. "Now that my acne is almost gone, I can finally see my real face that I haven’t seen for a long time ever since puberty hit me. I may not have Prince Lin Lin’s natural handsome looks but I now feel more confident about myself. I no longer feel the need to lower my head and hide from others because I’m too afraid of being judged based on my appearance. This boost to my confidence and feelings of self-worth is my biggest gain in all this.

"So thank you, Prince Lin Lin. Thank you, Boss Iris. And thank you to everyone at Orchidia Beauty for creating these amazing skincare products. These products have literally changed my life. Thank you so much!"

His story elicited sympathy from many people. He even caused some to cry as well. They stood up to give a standing ovation, not only for his inspiring story, but also to the amazing effectiveness of Orchidia Beauty products.

Ever since Orchidia Beauty launched their first batch of products which sold out in only five seconds, a record breaker in the beauty industry, many touted the company’s all-natural and hypoallergenic skincare products as nearly miraculous, able to resolve most of the common skin problems that people suffered from.

Despite their excellent results and many satisfied customers, Orchidia Beauty always reminded everyone that their products weren’t a miraculous cure to all skin problems, especially those that were very grave. For example, none of their current products had the ability to heal and erase the scars from severe burns that typically needed plastic surgery to repair. For now, at least.

After the heart-touching story of the volunteer who regained his self-confidence after using Jin Chonglin’s Orchidia Beauty products, the male models and the volunteers finally stepped off the stage. Jin Chonglin and Chen Fei still remained on stage with the emcee.

The emcee asked, "Prince Lin Lin, although you’ve sold out all the pre-orders of your skincare products, you still haven’t announced the name of your men’s line yet. Many of your fans have been dying to know. Can you tell us what your line is called?"

"Of course." Jin Chonglin winked, causing another round of shrieks and swooning—both real and pretend.

A large, ornate brass cart was wheeled centre stage by two of the male models who participated in the previous segment. A silver, silk cloth covered the cart, concealing its contents. The cloth undulated like the waves on a sea.

"COO Chen," Jin Chonglin gestured at Chen Fei.

She nodded and positioned herself on one end of the covered cart while Jin Chonglin was on the other end. Then the emcee started a short countdown with the audience.


Jin Chonglin and Chen Fei unveiled all of the products in the men’s line. This time, the labels finally showed the name of Jin Chonglin’s line.


The font design of the name was very elegant and regal. The dot above the letter "i" was a crown.

"Prinz," the emcee read. "This is so like you, Prince Lin Lin!"

Jin Chonglin chuckled, once again flashing his killer smile. "It’s going to be my brand with Orchidia Beauty from now on so of course it has to be perfect for me."

"But why did you spell it this way?"

"Prinz is German for prince. This is my way of showing my gratitude to the brilliant person who made the amazing products in my men’s line. CPO Alric Bauer is German so I chose to name my line using the German word ’Prinz’. Thank you, Sir Bauer!"

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