Chapter 1082 - Blacklisted

After Jasper Leung told his mother that he got fired from his dream job at Jin Corporation just after days of being hired, the tiger woman almost yelled his ears off over the phone for an hour straight. It only ended when his mother got tired scolding him.

He became dejected afterwards. He started to question himself if he really made the right decision of offending Romeo Young. Working at Jin Corporation was truly his dream job and he had been over the moon when the company hired him especially as a direct subordinate of the PR Department Manager. Even if he was hired as an entry-level employee, he would still have been happy. It would just have motivated him to work harder to climb through the ranks.

Imagine his surprise when he discovered with his own eyes the real face of the company’s Singapore branch behind the illustrious reputation of Jin Corporation.

It was rotten.



It was a far cry to the Jin Corporation of his expectations in the worst possible way.

Everything was about the Young family. The Youngs’ affairs always came first before the company’s interests. Romeo Young and all of the other members of his family that worked in the company acted as if they were superior to everyone else. Some were okay and were still nice to others, but the rest were downright bullies who often targeted those who had lower positions than them.

At first, Jasper wondered how the entire family could get away with their deplorable behaviours. Even though he was only a new hire, as a business student who graduated with high honours, he was aware of the Singaporean branch’s importance to Jin Corporation. It was the company’s major hub in the region that allowed easier access to the rest of the continent, especially in Southeast Asia.

Based on his observation in the short period of time that he worked at the company, the Young family members were proficient at their jobs. Perhaps they entered the company through nepotism but even he couldn’t deny that all the Young members he encountered in the company were all competent businesspeople. Almost all of them were graduates of elite business schools in different countries. They knew how to apply their topnotch education in their work.

The problem was their characters. They were absolute pieces of shits.

Jasper admired his manager at first, but when he saw the woman enduring the abuse from all those Youngs and allowing those pieces of shits to trample all over her dignity as a human being, his admiration turned to complete disillusionment.

Jin Corporation, this branch at least, was a hellhole to anyone who wasn’t a Young or who refused to bow down to them.

And he refused to bow down to those pieces of shits.

After reflecting about all these things, his earlier misgivings all disappeared and were instead replaced by relief that he escaped such a hellhole of a workplace. He would rather work and earn a lower salary at a smaller, less popular company as long as he was treated right as a human being.

That night, he fell asleep only after downing three cans of cold beer in his studio apartment that he just moved into after being hired by Jin Corporation.

He woke up the next day, feeling more refreshed and hopeful for a new beginning. He sent out his résumé and filled out application forms to other companies. Usually, companies needed some time to process applications before making a decision to either invite an applicant for an interview or send a polite rejection.

To his surprise, however, the responses arrived almost in an instant. He applied in the morning and yet he already received the first response just before lunch time.

"Dear Mr. Leung,

"Thank you for your interest in joining our company. You have impressive achievements listed in your résumé but we regret to inform you that we have decided to move forward with another candidate who we think better meets our requirements for this position."

Jasper didn’t think too much about it at first but when the second, third, fourth...sixteenth rejections arrived—all with similar contents—he had no choice but to take it seriously.

Then he remembered Romeo Young’s threat that he would blacklist him from the industry. The realization that all of this was Romeo Young’s doing caused what felt like a mini explosion inside his head.

"Damn you, Romeo Young! I should’ve kicked your old, shrivelled balls instead of just flipping you the bird! Dammit!"

He was a new business graduate with high hopes and dreams of having a successful career. Now, however, it was looking more like he already failed before he could even truly start his career’s journey.

"Argh! What do I do now?!"

He messed up his hair and rubbed his face roughly in frustration. Then determination flashed in his eyes.

"So what if I’m blacklisted? Like I told that piece of shit, Singapore isn’t the whole world. Romeo Young’s tentacles could only extend so far. I have a degree. I’m qualified. There must be other companies in the world who’ll want to hire me."

There was no way that he was going to let Romeo Young completely destroy all his paths to a successful and meaningful career. Most importantly, he wouldn’t allow the piece of shit to make him abandon his moral values.

No way!

He would rather fall down and break his bones as a brave reformer than achieve success as a cowardly conformer of unethical practices.

With this newfound resolve, Jasper started widening the scope of his job search outside of Singapore. Then he chanced upon an interesting job ad. It wasn’t really something that he was looking for, but for some reason, he still clicked on it, not realizing that he was the only person seeing the ad.

White Tigress International Virtual Assistants Services.

Jasper examined the job description. Surprisingly, the job wasn’t to become a virtual assistant but a communications coordinator instead which was still in line with his background in Public Relations.


Then his eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he saw the salary.

"What the hell?! They pay this much?! For real?"

The he smirked. "Nah, this couldn’t possibly be real."

He clicked his tongue.

"It must be a scam! Tsk tsk. Too many scammers in the world."

His initial interest in the virtual assistants company immediately evaporated.

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