Chapter 1075 - Not Enough

Jin Liwei ended the conversation about the Vetrov weapons that the mysterious group who rescued Rose Young was using. He couldn’t just blindly make decisions for Shadow Winds in his brother-in-law’s stead. His knowledge of the criminal underworld was very basic.

Although he had delved a little deeper into this unfamiliar world after reading the Vetrov report and receiving regular updates from his AI son who worked as a freelancer at Shadow Winds, he still didn’t dare to completely plunge into the underworld. His wife also wasn’t comfortable in allowing him to do so.

In addition, he had already made a deal with his brother-in-law that he would protect his wife using his power and status as the head of Jin Corporation. The two of them would protect her from their opposite areas of influence. He held power in the normal, legal world while his brother-in-law was quickly building his own power in the criminal underworld as Mr. Z, the mysterious leader of Shadow Winds. They would stay in their own lanes as much as possible, but at the end of the day, they were still family and couldn’t avoid needing to help each other out for the sake of his wife.

"For now, just continue investigating the identity of the group who rescued Rose Young," Jin Liwei said to the Shadow Winds member. "Don’t make any rash movements especially since we still don’t know who our opponents are this time. Wait until your boss wakes up. He’ll make the decision on what your group’s next actions should be."

"Understood, Mr. Jin. We’ll complete the instructions that Boss Hao left us before he...before he fell asleep."

"En." Jin Liwei kept on massaging his temples. The exhaustion and sleepiness were starting to really catch up to him, not to mention that his whole body ached like a son of a bitch. He couldn’t really concentrate anymore on what was being said.

The Shadow Winds member mentioned Jenny Tseng and the two men they managed to capture but Jin Liwei waved a dismissive hand. Those people were minor characters as far as Jin Liwei was concerned. He held little interest in them.

After speaking with the Shadow Winds member and giving some quick instructions to his own subordinates, Jin Liwei dragged his bone-tired self to his wife’s private room and climbed on the bed beside her. He gathered her carefully in his arms, treating her like a fragile treasure especially after what she went through tonight.

Dom was already sleeping on the sofa bed. The guy stayed even though Jin Liwei suggested for Dom to go home tonight because he could take care of his wife. Dom pointed out that Jin Liwei was also injured, and therefore needed care as well. Jin Liwei didn’t insist anymore and let him be. He was thankful that his wife had someone extremely loyal to her like Dom. His wife and Dom’s relationship already developed beyond a normal boss and employee connection into full-blown best friends.

Ignoring Dom’s soft snores, Jin Liwei focused on studying his wife’s beautiful sleeping face. She was still so stunning despite her pallor. He caressed her face while sighing at everything that happened today.

His wife wasn’t yet aware that her older brother had become comatose while she was sleeping. Jin Liwei had to think of a way to tell her about it tomorrow without upsetting her too much.

He sighed again and looked up at the ceiling. Exhaustion and throbbing aches engulfed both his mind and body yet he couldn’t fall asleep even though he desperately wanted to sleep.

"Ketchup," he whispered.

No answer.


No answer as well.

He had been trying to contact his two AI children while at the hospital to no avail. The last time he spoke with one of them was when he managed to contact Ketchup earlier and she informed him about what happened to her mom while sobbing hard. After that, neither the two AI cats spoke again after he arrived at the hospital to check on his wife’s condition.

His expression was solemn after reflecting on everything that happened in just one day.

"Not enough, Jin Liwei," he whispered to himself. "You need to become stronger to protect your family better."

With this determined thought running in his mind, his eyes drifted close and he soon joined his wife to sleep.


On the third day of her stay at the hospital, Iris was cleared to go home. Jin Liwei arranged a special team to make their drive home as comfortable and as safe as possible for his wife, especially since she was ordered complete bed rest for at least half a month. He took the doctor’s order seriously and literally and wouldn’t allow Iris to even walk on her own even for a second.

Feeling guilty about almost causing the miscarriage of their twin babies, Iris didn’t complain at basically not being allowed to do anything at all on her own even though it was clear from her expression that she hated the restrictions placed on her. She tolerated it because if not for her losing control of her emotions and throwing caution to the wind, she wouldn’t have bled and be in this precarious situation in the first place.

If she continued to be careless, she might really lose their babies. Just the thought alone was enough to rein in her unpredictable temper and stay put in bed.

Once they arrived home at Dragon Palace Home #10, all the household staff treated Iris with more care after hearing that she almost miscarried. They wheeled her to the master bedroom where she was expected to stay for at least half a month.

Her expression was gloomy the entire time. She also looked distracted.

"Your brother will be fine," Jin Liwei assured her, knowing what she was worrying about.

She nodded and then sighed. "We can’t help Big Brother. He needs to solve the issue with Fifth Brother Zihao’s remnant on his own." A furrow formed between her delicate brows.

Jin Liwei gently rubbed the furrow with his finger to smooth it out. He had his own opinion and expectation about how his brother-in-law should deal with his fifth brother’s remnant but kept it to himself so as not to unnecessarily worry his wife.

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