75 iv. Misunderstandings

The interviewing editor-in-chief looked quite pleased with her resume and gave her a warm smile as the interview reached its end.

Mary felt happiness in her heart, she is quite certain that this time she will finally get in and earn her financial independence. Finally, she can almost hear the employer tell her she has been hired.

But when the phone rang and her future employer picked up the receiver, her heart quivered. No, he wouldn’t dare.

But of course, he did dare, like he always does. He interfered once again. Bullied her by removing all the means for her to escape.

The interviewing boss shook his head and let out an apologetic look. She has been rejected once again.

She didn’t need to hear the reason to know it was him once more. How can anyone hire her when the alpha interferes?

He holds the whole world in the palm of his cruel hands. And he chose to toy with hers instead.

She walked out of the building and glanced around, seeing a black range rover parked auspiciously nearby, she gritted her teeth.

Her walk was steady until she reached the car, her hands on her hips as she waited for the driver to come down.


When he didn’t move, she took the biggest stone she could find and slammed it on the car’s hood.

Dominus opened the car door and came out, taking hold of her hand now bloodied as the stone has scraped her skin as well.

“You monster! Do you care more about the car than ruining another’s future?! What did I ever do to you for you to treat me like this?” she cried, her eyes filled with tears as she looked up at him.

He took the stone away from her and threw it away. He carefully unfolded her closed fist and grimaced seeing her scraped skin and blood oozing freely around it.

“You have injured yourself,” without hesitation, he kissed her bruised hand, his tongue swirling around her blood.

“What? What do you think you are doing?” she asked, her anger almost subsiding instantaneously.

She could never understand him, why he does the things he does, and why she reacts likewise. She chose to hold on to her anger. He caused this.

“If you want to see the car destroyed, we should hire someone to destroy it before your eyes. Injuring yourself just to see it wrecked is not a wise move on your part, noona,” he took his clean handkerchief and wrapped her hand carefully with it.

“And what is wise? Wise is interfering with my job prospects once again?! I am a twenty-nine-year-old woman, and still unemployed because of you. Do you realize what you have been doing until now?” she took her hand away from him to stop the electric current that seemed to flow in her veins when he licked her blood earlier.

“What I am doing, is protecting my elder sister. Since our parents are long gone, I should step out as your guardian and keep you safe,” he smiled at her, his eyes honest and true as if he really believed the words he just said.

“You said I am not your elder sister. So stop that, stop using that as an excuse for all the things that you do,” she calmed down a bit, his golden eyes trained on her made sure of that.

He was studying her again, so closely that it made her heart pound hard against her chest. She felt like she was subjected under a microscope with his intimidating gaze.

“Let’s get you treated,” he told her, his voice serious and uncompromising.

“I am fine now, this is just a scratch. I’ll clean it once I get home,” she rationalized as he held her by her other hand and dragged her into the car.

“Stop the fucking car! You cant do this to me. This is abduction!” she screamed, as he strapped her seatbelt on.

“The next time you shout like that, I’ll have to stuff your mouth with my tongue to keep it shut,” he looked serious, his eyes intently on her lips as if all he wanted at that moment was... she shook her head, why was she overanalyzing things again.

He started the engine since she kept silent and didn’t protest. His eyes were on the road as he tried his best to concentrate.

Oh gods, it took him a whole bout of self-control not to pounce on her, being so close and yet so far from her. It literally drove him mad with need.

Having her so near him excites him so, his heightened senses as a werewolf just added to the difficulty of keeping his hands on the wheel.

The gods know how much of control he is wielding at this instant not to ravish her here inside the car. He desperately wanted to fuck his frustrations out of her.

But she needed to consult a physician first, and he will be damned before he let his own selfishness take precedence over her needs. Her needs always come first. She is and always has been his queen.

“I don’t want to see a doctor. The gods know I don’t need to see one. But you don’t listen, do you? You never listened to what I wanted, my thoughts never mattered to you,” she complained, pouting.

“Noona, we both know you are being overly dramatic. This is about you getting treated right away to prevent your wound from getting infected,” he frowned, his eyebrows meeting as he let out quite a scowl.

The others would have felt afraid seeing the alpha so near to losing his temper. But not her, no she knew he would never dare to lay a finger on her out of pure hatred.

Of course, she didn’t understand what that meant, rather, she refuses to understand it. The meaning behind his inability to lose his temper on her the way he would on the others.

Even at their worse moments, when their words clash against each other or when he was fucking his damned frustrations out of her... even during those moments, she never felt she could lose her life in his hands.

She was important to him, she knew this too. But since he refused to acknowledge him as his sister, then what could be her other option but to consider herself as his plaything?

He opened the car for her and carried her in his arms as he got her out of the car. The suddenness of his action made her cling to his neck for support.

The slight curving of his lips did not escape her eyes, to which she pouted her lips. This bulldozer of a man better has no other ideas.

“What?” he whispered, his eyes sparkling a bit as he felt her tug on his shirt’s collar, wrinkling his shirt as the nurses and doctors looked their way.

“Why did you have to carry me? The people are looking at us! Do you really want them to have the wrong idea? The gossip might spread again like this! Do you really have no other past time but to humiliate me,” she told him, her cheeks turning hot as she spoke.

He chuckled seeing her so flustered, “You left me with no other alternative, noona. Besides, do they really have the wrong idea? The way you whimpered as I thrust deep inside of you during breakfast just makes me question your intellect.”

“Let me go, you pervert!” she felt herself tear up as she hit his chest.

But he just laughed as her fist hit him until she got tired and clung to his neck once again. Of all the doctors, they just have to seek the hospital’s director.

She sighed frustratedly as the office’s door opened revealing a woman in a white blazer seated behind an expensive-looking desk. This man really had the guts to go straight to the hospital’s chief!

The doctor’s nameplate bore her name and her position as the director of the hospital. Her grey hair added a touch of wisdom to her rather kind and beautiful face.

She blushed when the woman inspected her closely, Dominus still holding her tightly against his chest. She just wanted to vanish this instant, the gods know what impression this good doctor now has of her, being carried this way inside the office.

“Take a look at her, doc. She has injured herself. I think she might need some anti-tetanus and some antibiotics. Of course, it could be worse,” he said, his eyes filled with worry as he showed the doctor the palm of her hand she had injured.

“Please leave us for a while, Alpha,” the doctor arranged her glasses as Dominus nodded, leaving her behind but with specific instruction to call for him immediately if anything went amiss.

The doctor nodded patiently, waiting for Dominus to be done with his lengthy speech, glancing at her for the last time as he closed the door behind him.

Mary let out a sigh of relief seeing he has finally gone. He really is a pain! The old physician smiled at her as she inspected and cleaned her wound.

She grimaced when the antiseptic grazed her skin. The doctor stopped cleaning her wound and let her settle for a bit before proceeding once again.

“Alpha Dominus really cares about you a lot,” the doctor started as she finished dressing her wound.

“I am not sure about that,” she added right away, making the good doctor shake her head.

“I’ll inject an anti-tetanus just to satisfy him, and give you a prescription for your antibiotics and some analgesics for the pain,” the doctor explained.

She nodded as she closed her eyes, she really hates being injected with needles. She hates all pain, she bit her lower lip, except the one he inflicts.

She blushed as she remembered the words he said about their rather interesting breakfast. He really is an asshole, she felt her anger bubble up inside her once again as her mind goes back to the present.

“You should try to appreciate the Alpha more, you don’t know how many young girls would die to be in your shoes,” the doctor handed her a plastic containing the medicines she should take and the prescription pad on how to take them.

“Then they should just go on and seduce him,” she pouted again, hating the surge of jealousy that gripped her heart viciously so.

The doctor laughed heartily at her comment, “Seeing the two of you from earlier, no one I know would dare to seduce the alpha.”

“Why is that?” she looked at the doctor curiously, whatever does she mean?

“Because the alpha is obviously taken by only you. His eyes never wavered away even once, and his heart remains just as true,” the doctor said, finding the innocent girl before her quite interesting.

She had heard of the rumors of course, but seeing the human up close and hearing her say those comments, she really now believed them to be true.

The human girl that the alpha cared deeply for, is clueless as to his affections. She doesn’t seem to be happy about the way he treats her. In fact, she seemed so very much annoyed.

Dominus opened the door as if on cue, carrying her in his arms and handing the plastic containing the medicines to his assistant. He thanked the doctor properly and to whom the assistant handed a brown envelope.

Of course, she refused, but the alpha insisted, saying Mary should not be given free medical care under his watch. The girl in his arms pouted hearing it but he didn’t seem to mind.

As the alpha and the human girl left the room, the doctor let out a smile on her lips. She realized indeed how true the rumors were.

Even when the whole world knows of how the alpha feels. The subject of his affections does not seem to realize any of those things.

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