68 iii. Life

Dominus kept pacing back and forth in the hallway. Damn it! How can they not allow him inside? He is the goddamn father!

He lit a cigarette and thought of what happened earlier. She was not supposed to be in labor yet. No, she wasn’t due until three weeks from now.

It was his fault. It truly was. He kept blaming himself. Why did he even allow her to go out of the house by herself?

She promised she will be quick and he was then having a virtual meeting with the goddamn board of directors.

He didn’t even understand the rest of what she said, just that she is craving something and she wants to buy it at the grocery.

He reached out for her and demanded she kisses his cheeks before he can let her go. She pouted and made her conditions as well, he muted his microphone and turned off his camera as she gave him a resounding kiss on the lips.

He even teased her about being the aggressive one, he asked for kisses on his cheek but she kissed him on the lips instead. When she pouted, he embraced her, a warm hug as if he never wanted to let her go.

He shouldn’t have let her go. He let out a growl as anger overtook him, it isn’t fair. Why is this tragedy happening to them?

He will find that person and make that person pay. Whoever might be behind what happened to his wife and unborn child.


He lit a cigarette and stared blankly at the opened window, recalling what happened a few minutes after she walked out the doorway.

The old caretaker hurriedly went inside his library, not bothering to knock. He would have scolded her if not for the panic on her face.

In her hand is the telephone piece, she was cradling it and trying to give it to him. He looked at it like it was the snake she was handing him.

He shouted at the old lady and asked what it was. He could never forget when he heard the words she said.

“The madame figured in an accident, she was rushed immediately to the hospital,” before the old lady can finish her sentence, he was holding the damned phone and finding the details they have about the accident.

She was driving on the right lane at a mere 60 kph when a truck swerved in her direction, hitting her car and making it fall to the side of the steep road.

The truck driver did not bother to go down to take a look at his wife, he sped up, leaving the next motorist who came her way to call for help.

This is all the CCTV can provide. The video footage captured what transpired. He inhaled the poisonous smoke as he closed his eyes. Damn it!

He felt like he couldn’t breathe as he held into the window’s railing. Damn everything else! He can’t lose her this time.

The hurried footsteps of a physician made him turn, his eyes sharp as he confronted the doctor. The doctor trembled before him as he told Dominus about the situation.

She lost too much blood. He needs to decide. If she continues to bleed out they would either have to remove the child out of her womb or to do an emergency caesarian section.

The doctor paled as he asked the billionaire CEO, whose life should be saved if he needed to choose.

Dominus collared the old man, his legs dangling in the air as he tried to breathe. He let the doctor go when a bit of sanity returned to him.

“My wife. She is the most important,” he said the words without blinking. It was almost automatic. Almost mechanical.

He didn’t need to think. She mattered most to him. She is his air. His life. His whole world. He couldn’t think of the baby.

The doctor paled even more, he expected the man to choose the infant. The heir of the multinational corporation should be more important than the life of a mother whose background is so inconsequential.

He promised the madame he will save her grandson. And that woman, the mother of the child begged him to save her son.

“But your son,” he did not even finish his sentence before he heard the booming voice of the billionaire CEO whose wife and son are both in danger.

“I do not care about the child. I want you to save my wife. Do you understand? I need her. I do not care about the child,” he repeated for emphasis as the terrified surgeon nodded and rushed back to the operating room.

Dominus flicked his cigarette, recalling what happened even made him lose his appetite for a vice. He stared at the clouds now gray in color.

He heard the rumble of the thunder nearby but he did not flinch. He just stood there, staring blankly at the window as the rain continued to splatter.

It has to be a typhoon coming, or maybe it has arrived. The wind shook the windows with such force, but he looked unbothered. He still stood there, looking out the window.

He couldn’t see anything in truth but her face. Her face as she was being rushed to the operating room.

The way she held into his hand and squeezed it tight. She whispered, that he shouldn’t skip dinner.

It would have been funny if not for the red blooming on her white gown as she start to bleed out again.

Then he couldn’t enter, he was not allowed inside. He has to wait here.

This place is where the surgical nurse led him. This is supposed to be the waiting area for all the relatives of patients being operated on.

But he was alone. He has scared off the rest of the crowd far from him. His intimidating glare and overwhelming anger made people avoid him like he was a plague.

That is why he was alone. He rationalized. He didn’t care for company anyway.

His grandmother came and offered to stay beside him as they wait for his wife and son. But bitterness coiled in his heart, making him blind beyond his anger.

He looked at the old woman, “Did you do this? Did you hurt my wife? Because if you did, if you have any hand in this. I’ll kill you. I’ll murder you myself.”

The madame slapped his cheek, hard, “You think I am that heartless to kill my own flesh and blood. I will not do anything that will cause harm to the family heir.”

He didn’t say anything. He knew it to be true. She wouldn’t hurt her grandson. Family is too important for her to do it.

The family heir will always be more important to her than anything else. And yet he said the words without thinking.

He needed someone to blame, someone to take his overwhelming anger. Anyone. Anyone at all, for he is tired of blaming himself.

He apologized to his grandmother, and the madame excused herself, refusing to cry in front of her proud grandson. She muttered something about clothes, someone will bring his clothes and a decent dinner.

He should wait in the suite room, there is nothing he could do anyway. That’s what she said before she walked away, leaving him alone again.

But it was as if he couldn’t hear her. He didn’t hear her or understood what she meant.

How can he partake in dinner or change his drenched clothing when the love of his life is fighting for her dear life?

How can anyone expect him not to feel anything when his world is about to crumble?

He couldn’t rest. He wouldn’t rest until she is safe and warm in his arms. He needed that assurance.

A forced smile was on his lips as he recalled all his hopes for them as a family. Him, Mary, and their child.

He has so many dreams for him as well, the Saito heir he will raise and love. He won’t lack anything in this world.

He will have the world in the palm of his little hands as he and his queen guide him to adulthood. They will be the perfect little family.

He felt bitterness slide down his throat, sharp, agonizing pain as his shoulders shook. Ahhh, he was crying.

He didn’t bother to wipe his tears away even as the onlookers looked at him funny. Even as he knew he looked stupid, far from the composed and level-headed CEO everyone knew him to be.

He didn’t bother to look appropriate, decent. Nothing matters without her. So he couldn’t lose her. He wouldn’t lose her.

He felt his tears cascading down his cheeks as he let out a deep chuckle, he was laughing, and yet the sound was painful to hear.

The pain he carried was evident as he let out a peal of laughter as if it was from the depths of hell. He didn’t care that people looked at him as if he was losing his mind.

He didn’t care at all. He didn’t care about anything else. He didn’t even care about his child. No, that was a lie. A lie to make everything feel better.

He loved their unborn child. How can he not when he loves the mother so damn much? He never wanted anything like this to happen to him.

He loved his child more than he love himself. He would do anything to save the child if he can. But he loves her above all. His wife. Mary. He loves her above all.

Above everything he ever wanted in this life, is her. She is more important than any dream. She is his most treasured love. His bright light.

He will not justify his choice to anyone. He will let the world call him names. He will let everyone hate him for not caring about his son.

It is true, he has become a monster once again. A monster who doesn’t care about his own flesh and blood. He is worse than his grandmother.

He knew it. He accepted it. He is a monster. But he didn’t care. The alternative is too much for him to bear.

He couldn’t live in a world without her. In a universe where she does not exist, what is he in need of it?

He has the whole world in the palm of his hands they say, but even that he will give up to have her. He needs her.

He needs her with a passion that goes beyond reasons. He has crossed another universe just to be with her again.

He has chased after her own soul millennia after millennia only to bind his soul with hers again. Because truly, he couldn’t possibly exist without her.

So he won’t let her be taken away from him. No matter what. No matter the consequence. She can’t leave him. She is his. She is his reason for living.

The operating door opened and he immediately turned, his eyes fixed on the door as he heard a cry. It was a newborn’s.

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