64 iii. The Wedding

Mary looked at herself in the mirror and felt insecurity jump at her. Dominus looked perfect in his suit, and she... she shook her head as dissatisfaction took a root inside her heart.

She felt insecure as she looked at her baby bump that the luxurious dress couldn’t hide anymore, the pallor on her skin that no make-up can hide, and her rather frail-looking disposition as she forced a smile on her lips.

She heard the ceremonial song starting to play outside so she forced herself to go out of the waiting room. It was a simple wedding as far as grandiose wedding goes.

Dominus insisted she decides on every detail including who the visitors will be. She chose very few. Them, their family, and friends. These are the people who mattered to them most.

Still, she felt overwhelmed as the video cameras centered on her, one thing he insisted on at least. She forced a smile on her lips again even as she felt her knees shake.

Damn it, it’s the floor sinking a bit every time she walked on the red carpet, she justified. But really, it was just her nervousness. Even she knew that too.

She looked over at Malavar who had a look of acceptance on his face, he looked happy for her at least. Then her eyes met with her mom and Dominus’s grandmother.

She nearly laughed, they were staring daggers at each other, as if they were about to collide any minute now.

Finally, she has reached the end of the altar. Strong hands took her frail small ones, squeezing them tight.


She looked at him and felt her heart quicken. The CEO of the Saito’s group of companies stood tall, towering about others and making them all look inconsequential.

He was carrying a gray tuxedo that made his golden eyes and blonde hair even more captivating. His lips curled into a lazy smile as he whispered, “You look perfect, my queen.”

She finally smiled for the first time today hearing her so perfect yandere utter praise. She would have giggled if not for the formality of the occasion.

He held her hand and gave it a soft squeeze as they face the minister. It’s like listening and not understanding anything at the same time.

On a momentous occasion like this, all that she wanted is for them to be declared husband and wife. They kneeled and seated and listened for what seemed like an hour before it was time for them to give their vows.

Dominus held both her hands as he stared into her eyes. “There is no greater joy I have known than this day when we finally can be bounded together as husband and wife. We have been through so much, and we will be through tougher times in the future.”

“I just want you to know that I will never stop loving you, Mary, no matter the circumstance. I will never give up on what we have. I will be here to love and protect you. And I will always adore you. As your husband and as the father of our children, I, Dominus Saito, promise to stay by your side for all eternity.”

She blushed hearing his speech, she couldn’t remember her vow somehow and she did not even bother writing it down.

She whispered in a very low voice, “Dominus, I have forgotten my vows,” she admitted, looking up into him.

He smiled reassuringly and squeezed her hands, “Just tell these people here how you feel for me. And how you take me as your husband.”

She nodded, “In the past, I have been overwhelmed by the love you gave me. It’s the kind of love I have not been accustomed to receiving. It was too intense and all-consuming that all I wanted to do is to run in the opposite direction every time I feel it.”

He frowned so she immediately added, “But now, years after being the recipient of that kind of love, I don’t think I can survive even a day without you. I don’t think I can survive without the kind of love only you can give. I want to be consumed by this fire you have lit inside of me, forever more.”

Hearing her say all those things, he pulled her by her waist and tilted her chin upwards, claiming her lips.

The crowd clapped their hands and cheered and when their lips finally parted the minister cleared his throat and announced in defeat, “Since you have already kissed. I’ll just announce this to be your first kiss as husband and wife. You are now lawfully wedded before the church and before the laws of men.”

He added something, but neither even understood or heard. Their eyes were filled with joy as Dominus carried her in his arms.

The reception started although it didn’t really stop Dominus from misbehaving. He insisted on sitting her on his lap to which she tried to argue her way around.

He won and now she is trying to stop his advances as family and friends greeted them while his hands roamed underneath her gown. She forced a smile yet again as the guests went back to their seats.

“Dom!” she looked gravely at her now husband which earned nothing but a hearty chuckle.

“What? What did I do this time around?” he looked at her with puppy eyes but she just pinched his arm.

“That’s domestic abuse, honey,” he teased her.

“You are the one abusing me just now!” she sighed exasperatedly.

“What honey? How can you say that,” he kissed her nape. Her hair was styled neatly in a bun adorned with jewels, exposing her milky skin to his sight.

She closed her eyes and bit her lip as she tried to stop herself from moaning. “You know what you are doing.”

“What’s so bad about it? I’m just tasting what’s for later. It has been hours since I last took you, how can I not be driven wild?” he justified, his fingers going inside her gown, caressing her thighs.

“You are despicable,” she whimpered, trying to look calm even as she felt her panties wet from his touch.

“How so baby? I am not the one wetting my underwear in the middle of our reception,” he teased her, making her blush.

“Well I couldn’t help it, seeing how you can’t keep your hands to yourself,” she pouted.

“Tsk, what is so wrong about feeling a bit of your skin? Isn’t this what you wanted to be doing forever more?” he growled, remembering her sweet words from earlier.

“Dominus! We have an entire lifetime to be doing what we are doing right now. Stop before anyone notice what you are doing,” she sighed, feeling her knees tremble as his large hands began to touch her panties, pressing his thumb on top of her clit as she held tightly to the edge of the table.

“What baby? It’s nice, isn’t it? Doesn’t it feel nice, sweetheart?” he asked her, kissing her nape again as she pinched his arm.

“Don’t. Please don’t do anything more,” she begged him.

“Well, bargain something away, sweetheart. If I should at all stop, I must be gaining something, right?” he sucked a bit of her skin, letting his teeth graze her neck.

“Anything. Please anything you want, daddy,” she begged him, pleaded as he began to stroke her folds, indenting her panties with each stroke.

He sighed and kissed her cheek, finally giving her reprieve as his fingers stopped touching her privates.

“Do I have your word, sweetheart?” he smiled innocently at her, the handsome devil had a triumphant glint in his eyes as he teased her so.

“I promise,” she muttered, sighing in relief as the host called for their first dance.

He gentlemanly carried her and let her down the dance floor. She blushed as her shoes touched the marble, and her heart rate doubled as he smiled.

Who would have thought she would end up marrying such a man? He was her dream come true, and now he is her beloved husband.

He leaned forward and kissed her cheek, guiding her where exactly to touch. She blushed again as their eyes met and he whispered, “So beautiful.”

“You really know how to make a woman’s heart race,” she teased him, smiling back at him.

“I don’t care about other women. But I do care about this woman in front of me. She is the only one whose heart rate means so much,” he assured her, smiling as his eyes filled with adoration for his queen.

“Say more of those and I’ll believe them,” the song started to play as their bodies swayed, his strong arms guiding her to the waltz as a confident smile remained on his lips.

“Believe them, my queen, because I have no desire to stop telling you the truth. You are the only one who mattered to this poor knight whose existence solely depends on your grace,” he beckoned as the song reached its crescendo, his stare lingering on her face as they bowed before their audience.

He princess-carried her again as he swept her on her feet, but instead of returning to their seat, he hurriedly walked towards the hallways leading out of the building.

“Dominus!” she called his attention.

“I’m sorry, baby, I waited long enough for the main course. Please don’t stop me, least I starve once again,” he begged her, his voice hoarse from desire as he walked fast towards their bridal car.

“Who said anything about wanting to stop you? I wanted to say, you better drive fast. Even I have waited long enough,” she blushed as she said the words but let out a smile as their eyes met.

He laughed hearing her say such words. “Then, my queen, your wish is my command,” he sealed his promise with a heart-stopping kiss.

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