58 iii. Sweet Proposal [Bonus chapter]

Mary fell asleep on the passenger’s seat, her body relaxing as Dominus drove silently beside her.

When she opened her eyes, he was just there staring silently at her. She felt warmth fill her heart as their eyes met.

He had a ready smile when he greeted her, “Good afternoon, sweetheart.”

“Afternoon?” Mary panicked, glancing around, she couldn’t believe it was already late in the afternoon.

“Dominus! Where are we?” she blinked, just to be sure she isn’t dreaming.

“Well, you need to get out of the car to fully appreciate the view,” he urged her, removing her seat belt.

He went out of the car and opened the car door for her as she let out an appreciative gasp.

It is beautiful. The salty air of the sea greeted her and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore made her feel so free.

The whitest sand she has ever seen seemingly lay before her eyes. The bluest shade of the ocean calmed her mind, destressing her from her worries.


“Jump,” he instructed her, opening his arms wide to catch her.

She jumped readily at his instructions, loving the feel of the air under her feet and the crushing impact of being caught by him and hugged tightly in his arms.

She giggled and was lost momentarily at being in his arms. “I love you, daddy,” she placed a chaste kiss on his neck.

He swung her around, hugging her tightly, she was such a cute size for him. A mere five feet over his overarching seven. They are just so perfect together, he smiled.

“You like my surprise, baby?” he inquired after her laughter has finally died down.

“Very much, daddy,” she admitted and returned his smile.

“But is it really fine to not go to the office today? Don’t you have meetings to attend to,” she let her hand comb through his hair, loving the feel of his smooth golden strands as she ruffles his hair.

“It is fine, queenie. I don’t think anyone can reprimand your knight even if they so wanted to,” he assured her, still carrying her as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

She giggled, “It is true, I don’t think anyone will dare to reprimand the CEO.”

Her laughter is like music in his ears as he closed the car door and stepped forward. It made him so happy to see her so excited.

“You intend to walk with me in your arms like this?” she asked him, melting into his arms as he continued to walk.

“Of course, darling. How can I let the sand soil my honey’s shoes?” he answered her positively as they continued to walk funny.

“A piggyback ride will be more convenient,” she offered.

“It’s no bother, since you are in a very convenient carry-able size,” he teased her.

“Hah, how dare you tease the queen when you are in such a disadvantageous position!” she teased him back.

He stopped walking and looked at her face, his eyes filled with adoration as he swooped in for a kiss.

“How is it that I am at a disadvantage when I can easily do this?” he asked, smiling as their lips separated.

“Hah, silly knight!” she pinched his cheeks and laughed.

“I don’t mind being silly when it is with you,” he assured her.

“I don’t mind being anything, when it is with you,” she assured him likewise.

He continued to walk until they reached closer to the waters, he let her down on a wooden table and kissed her forehead.

“So pretty,” he mumbled, tucking loose strands of her hair under her ear.

She blushed and smiled back at him, “You say it so often I feel like I might just go and believe it soon.”

“It is the truth, baby. You better go and believe that, because I won’t stop saying the words anytime soon,” he leaned forward, making her back away.

“What do you intend to be doing, it’s in the middle of the day!” she blushed hard.

He chuckled as a confident smile plastered on his face, “Checking out the view, I suppose.”

Her knees trembled as he lifted one of her legs, kissing her soft skin as he enjoyed seeing her blush.

“You are hopeless,” she said, her breathing starting to deepen as he lifted her skirt and slowly kissed her legs.

“How so? The view is spectacular around here,” he teased as he opened her legs wide in a v.

“Dominus!” she tried to protest, even when she felt her temperature rise from the nearness of him.

He laughed, “I’ll just be admiring the view, sweetie.”

“But others might see,” she blushed, making her cheeks turn into lava.

“Let them die of envy,” he smirked, his thumb creating circles on top of her silky panties, pressing his thumb directly above her clit.

“Dominus!” her hands tugged on his hair, her voice turning high-pitch as he continued his assaults.

“You are terrible,” she complained, feeling her juices dampen her panties.

“You are even more so, honey. Wearing my favorite silky underwear of yours, what is it you wanted me to do?” he challenged.

She pouted, “I just wanted to be ready, since you always wanted to do that. How can I not wear sexy lingerie?”

He laughed, “Such a good girl. I feel like I should just go and reward you. It will be a shame not to give back something.”

“But how can we do it here? We are out in the open! Doing it inside the office is already shameful enough,” she complained.

His hot breath fanned her skin as he sucked on her neck, making her moan. “You’ll have to admit, making that sound right now, is even more shameful, queenie.”

“Do what you wanted,” she blushed.

He smiled lazily at her, “On the contrary, this is just about fine.”

She bit on her lower lip before she can call him back and plead for him to take her. A girl has to have some dignity. She blushed at her thoughts.

“Disappointed, my love?” he smiled, he can easily read her like an opened book. Curse him, she internally screamed.

“Not at all,” she tried to smile even when he backed away, giving her space.

She tried to climb down the table but his hands stopped her, “Wait.”

She blushed, feeling her body’s temperature turn feverish, “Do you want to continue?”

He looked innocently at her, ahhhh the handsome devil torturing her as he answered, “Continue what?”

“Nothing,” she pouted as she felt a bit irritated, he couldn’t just leave her dry after exciting her like that. He even called her a good girl for nothing.

To her amazement, he kneeled in front of her... and removed her shoe! “No, I can do it myself!” how can her good conscience let the CEO do this?

“My queen, just let me. It brings me immense satisfaction to be doing this for you,” his baritone voice stopped her, making her heart skip a beat.

He removed the other shoe and placed both on top of the table. “You wanted to try a piggyback earlier, didn’t you?”

She nodded shyly as their eyes met, “I do want to try that.”

He turned his back on her, “Hop in, your highness.”

She giggled like a child and climbed aboard his strong back. His muscles made her feel like she was hugging a rather large tree. She laughed at her silly thoughts.

“I didn’t know knights can actually be converted to stallions,” she teased him.

“Well, as you can see. Not every knight can, only those blessed with the same privates,” he teased her back.

“Dominus! What a perverted mouth you have!” she felt her cheeks heat up.

“What? You enjoyed that part too, don’t you?” he laughed, loving how shy she is after all they have done.

“You are cruel! How can you tease me all the time?” she pouted and circled her arms around his neck.

He continued to walk, stopping when his soles reach close to the waves. He kneeled and let her climb down.

She hugged him tightly when she was finally off him, leaving butterfly kisses on his cheek. “Thank you, daddy.”

“For what, baby?” he asked, sitting comfortably in the sand as he hugged her back.

“For this. For everything you have been doing. You made me feel so special. Even when I know I have created so much drama in your life,” she admitted, tearing up as she recalled all the many times she had nearly messed up their love story.

He ruffled her hair and kissed her cheek gently, “I love you, queenie. You don’t have to say sorry, it is all in the past. And you don’t have to thank me. It makes me happy to see your eyes spark with life. That is more than enough remuneration.”

She hugged him tightly as she sobbed in his arms, “I am a terrible human, and I don’t deserve such a guy like you. Do you know how many awful thoughts I have had during the duration of our relationship?”

He patted her back and comforted her as he kissed her neck, “All is fine, I am here. I will always be here for you, queenie.”

“But what if I do something to mess it up again? What if my insecurities and fears eat me up until I make things difficult for you once more?”

He cupped her cheeks tenderly, his eyes trailing across her face as the sun started to set. “I don’t mind difficult. I don’t even mind the impossible. No matter what you wanted, you just have to tell me. I will make sure to do it. I love you so much, queenie.”

She sobbed and held into his hand, rubbing her cheek on his palm like a kitten. “I don’t know what to say, daddy.”

“Say one thing only,” he smiled at her, loving her reaction.

“What is it, my knight?” by gods, she will be sure to say anything he asked her to say.


“Say yes,” he caressed her cheek gently as he smiled at her.

“Yes to what?” she asked, her mind blanking out for a second as his overwhelming beauty set perfectly against the color of the sky and sea.

“Say you will marry me. Say yes to a lifetime of being my wife, my queen, my love, my baby, my everything,” he took out a velvet box from his slacks, handing it to her.

She opened the box with trembling fingers, the box revealed a ring set with an orangey-pink gemstone surrounded by diamonds.

He took the ring and slid it into her finger. She blinked as she remained transfixed on the beauty of the stone. She has never seen one like it before.

She realized the stone is the color of the setting sun. It encapsulated this moment they are in.

The mixture of pink and orange on the horizon, and the waves that greeted their legs as they remained sprawled on the sand. She will be sure to remember all of this every time she would look at the stone.

She wondered if he did plan for this exact time to give it. This moment is just so perfect. She cried once again.

How can this man be so sweet and perfect? And how can the heavens give her such a perfect man?

He wiped her tears away and kissed her trembling lips, “Don’t cry, queenie.”

“They are tears of happiness, my knight,” she assured him.

“Did you like the ring?” he asked.

“I liked it very much. It is the color of the sunset. I have never seen anything more beautiful,” she admitted.

“I have seen one thing far more beautiful than that,” he looked intently at her.

“What is it?” she asked innocently, looking at him with a doe-like expression on her face.

“Your smile. It will always be more precious than any stone. Your beauty will always be more timeless than any treasure,” his voice was serious as he told her so.

“You need to have your eyes checked,” she pouted. “But what is it? I really am curious,” she looked at it again.

She felt unworthy to even be wearing such an expensive ring but it can’t be helped. She can’t refuse his gift, it will turn her into a hypocrite and it will also hurt him a lot.

He smiled back, “It is a padparadscha sapphire, a rare stone I had been looking for ever since you came back into my life. I didn’t have a chance to bid for it the last time so I had to make some negotiations with the one who bought it from the auction. It is the reason why the proposal came in even later than the engagement.”

She pinched his arm. How can he sound so apologetic? Didn’t he know how happy she is right now?

“I didn’t mind waiting. To be honest, this came as a surprise. I thought you just scraped the idea of a proposal especially since we are already engaged,” she blushed.

“Nonsense, how can I not think of this? You deserve nothing less, queenie,” he caressed her cheek, loving the sudden pink coloring of her skin that suited her so well.

“Now you’ll have no choice but to think of me every time the sun sets,” he teased her.

“I will always happily think of you every minute of the day. It doesn’t have to be just during sunsets,” she teased him back.

He cupped her cheeks again and leaned dangerously closed. She felt her body warm up as his body seemed to cage and tower over her.

“It is getting dark, should we go inside the house?” she asked, referring to the rather large beach house she saw earlier.

“This moment is too precious to be staying indoors, don’t you think? Plus the night is enough cover for gossipmongers,” his breathing was heavy as his arms trapped her underneath him.

“It looks like I have cornered you just now, baby bunny,” his eyes filled with lust as she squirmed under him.

“Should we give outdoors a try, baby?” he smirked, knowing from the look on her face and her trembling knees exactly what her answer will be.

“I think we should, daddy,” she answered him as she lovingly wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him even closer to her.

He grunted as he felt himself lose all his self-control following her rather bold initiative.

He would have to make her see stars brighter than the ones above their heads tonight. After all, it is the only way to end a rather cute and mushy sweet proposal.

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