48 iii. Directly Under Him [Bonus chapter]

Mary couldn’t help but feel bullied, she didn’t expect Dominus to have so many demands.

She hardly has any time on her own since she started working well as he softly put it ‘under him’.

He would always demand for her to stay by his side and to perform even the most menial of stuff. Like segregating scrap papers, for instance, she couldn’t think of any reason why that stuff should belong to the CEO’s secretary, and yet she didn’t even dare complain.

She let out a frustrated sigh as she digs in on the papers she needed to remove the staples from. Another all-nighter coming up!

It doesn’t help that they spend so much time procrastinating and dining out during official office hours.

Well, how can she complain at all when she is being paid a more than generous paycheck?

She wondered what he was doing on his computer that was so important that it entails another overtime.

Dominus was not even typing anything on his keyboard, she wondered why he wasn’t even scrolling down the mouse.

Is this how a CEO’s brain work like, are they just simply stuck rationalizing certain words? Because that is the only acceptable explanation for his conduct.


The first week he demanded her to stay with him late at the office she was required to do absolutely nothing at all.

It was only when she brought up the matter of feeling useless and cheating the company with its money that he started asking her to do ‘work’ as he put it.

Now stuck with another one of her so important tasks, she yawned to show her defiance. Her boss glanced her way, his eyes looking intently at her.

“Are you sleepy, Mary?” his voice was worried. “You should not overwork yourself, go sleep on the sofa, you can use the blankets as well.”

She looked at him, shocked. Dominus should be joking, right? Can she really sleep while her boss is working? Then what on earth is she being paid for anyway?

She vigorously shook her head, her cheeks turning red. “I- I am fine, sir! Please don’t worry! And this is not me being overworked!”

How can she even claim overwork when all she has been doing all day is go where he is, stand beside him, dine with him, and now just segregate usable draft papers and those completely for disposal?!

She felt her cheeks burn when he walked towards the sofa and motioned for her to join him.

She hesitantly joined her boss, her cheeks burning hot. What the hell is she supposed to do now?

As if on cue, Dominus pats the space beside him. She recalled it was his mannerism back then which meant she should sit beside him.

She felt her body heat up as she obeyed her boss and sat. He smiled seeing her so obedient.

Oh, he loves it when she doesn’t fuss a lot. But he sure loves seeing her all heated up as well.

As long as it’s Mary, he doesn’t mind. He adores every single version of her completely.

“Well, Miss Mary. Let’s take a break. I don’t want to over-exhaust my employee,” he said, loving how near she is to him at this instant.

Mary wanted to turn into air at that instant and just disappear. Why is he looking at her so intently for?

Dominus’s eyebrow twitched, seeing her uncomfortable. Ahhhh... is she being so shy right now?

Dominus took the blanket neatly folded on top of the table, and to her surprise, he tucked her shoulders inside them. Now she is completely enveloped in a cocoon.

“Sir! You- I- I can’t,” she blushed a bit more, making her as red as a ripe tomato.

“You can’t what? Can’t take a break even when you are exhausted? Or cannot sit right beside me?” his voice was serious and yet his eyes were filled with mischief.

“Both!” she exclaimed, covering her mouth with her hands when she realized what she just said.

“And why is that Mary?” Dominus leaned closer, his aftershave lingering in the air as she broke down a sweat.

“Why do you think you couldn’t rest? And more importantly, why on earth can’t you sit beside me?” her heart beats wildly on her chest as his golden eyes focused on hers.

“I-I-I am being paid to work! And-and I-I,” she tried to find words to justify her admission but there is none.

“And you, my dear. You are too scared to be near me. I wonder what you think I’ll do to you,” he leaned closer, the heat coming from his towering form making her feel warm all over.

It is unfair how Dominus can easily do this to her. She bit down her lower lip attempting to stop herself from saying anything that will embarrass her more than she already is.

“Ahhhh... the obedient little secretary now that I pointed it out?” his smile turned into a curve, a mischievous grin making her melt from the inside.

“I- I- I have always been obedient,” she wanted to smack herself. What did she just tell herself earlier about not saying embarrassing stuff?

“Perhaps I am mistaken then. I have always thought you were a brat,” his eyes focused on her lips making her wonder if he was thinking the same thing as her right now.

She cleared her throat and backed away a bit, earning a hearty chuckle that vibrated through the room.

“Scared little kitten,” he whispered but did not do anything to bridge the gap between them.

Then, as if finding an incredible idea, his eyes lit up, and leaned even closer than before. She gasped and by instinct placed her hands on his chest, ready to push if it comes to that.

He grinned as he felt the palm of her hands pressing against his shirt. Oh, gods, he needs more ounces of self-control.

He lifted the telephone receiver which made her cheeks heat up and her eyes widen like saucers. He called in food delivery and ordered pizza and ice cream for the both of them. Then he returned it to the table right behind her, leaning close to her again as he does so.

“I- I am sorry,” she gulped, her hands still on his chest pressing so slightly against the fabric of his clothes.

Oh, gods, how he wanted nothing else but to devour her right now. But he has to bid his time. The game has barely started.

His fingers lifted her chin as a winning smile painted across his face.

“What were you thinking, Mary?” he teased her, his face just inches away from hers as she blushed further.

“Nothing at all!” she lied, though she knew it is hardly believable as her fingers start to shake. She hurriedly removed her hands from his chest, realizing she has been holding him there for a while now.

He chuckled, “Do you want me to believe that, Mary?”

“It- it’s the truth!” she couldn’t look into his eyes for fear he could see right through her.

He pinched her chin softly, making her look towards him once again. This is far easier than he thought.

Clearly, her body remembers him. He wondered only at to what extent. Beneath all those layers of clothes she insisted on wearing, was she wetting herself the way she easily did so before when he is near?

“My lady, let me be clear. The reason why I chose you is because I want to have a relationship with you?” she blinked hearing his words.

“Re-relationship?” she nearly shouted the word.

“Yes, the relationship between me as the boss, and you as my secretary of course. There is a need for us to develop this good relationship I speak of. After all,” he stopped midsentence as he took all of the vision in.

She looked so flushed all he wanted is for her to moan his name. Oh, he can be going straight to the damned hells right now and he wouldn’t even care.

“After all?” she tried to make sense of it all, her body shaking from anticipation.

“After all, darling, it will only benefit the company for us to work together towards its success,” oh gods, he felt his slacks tighten from that certain friend that wanted to be freed that instant.

He couldn’t possibly be blamed, when she looks that way at him, he simply loses his mind.

She blushed more, dear lords! Why does Dominus have to be a hundred times hotter than before?

To say he has aged gracefully will be a disservice to how manlier he has become. He has become not only the center of the business world, but his presence commands attention of every form.

She bit on her lower lip again, trying to calm her heart from beating so fast against her chest. She feels herself water from just this short of a distance.

“Do you understand me, Miss Mary?” his baritone voice makes her feel almost unable to breathe.

It makes her remember all the times she would submit to his touch, of the orders he would give her to please them both, and the feeling of being needed, wanted whenever that same raspy voice whispered sweet nothings in her ears.

She so missed being his. Her body missed this. She closed her eyes as she feel her juices start to flow down her thighs. It is a good thing she was wearing quite a lengthy skirt, otherwise... oh gods! What will he think of her then!

He reached out to touch her face, his hands were firm. Yes, he reminded himself. He can only touch her this way for now.

He tucked in some strands of her hair against her ear, “Mary, do we understand each other?”

She nodded, her ability to speak was lost, forgotten from the moment she felt her little private humiliation happen just from the nearness of him.

“I need you to say it dear, tell me. Will you be a good girl for me, Mary? Will you be so good as to allow me to nourish this relationship between us?” he felt his throat dry up.

Gods, if only it were up to him he would be sucking in her little tongue right now, making her saliva drip down her chin.

“I promise not to cause any trouble,” she blushed. She hates that she still craves to submit herself to him when he is already her boss now and not her boyfriend.

Where exactly are her morals? For all she knows he might be in a relationship right now.

He let out a lazy smile as he put a distance between them, admiring the flushed look on her face.

Gods, she has the same look as when they make out, the only thing wrong is her hair that was always kept in a tidy old-fashioned bun nowadays.

“Well then, since you are finally determined,” his lips twitch, making her focus on his lips once again.

“It is only right for me to feel satisfied that I have such a good little... secretary,” his voice was lower when he mentioned the last word, as if he just shared with her a dirty little secret.

She closed her eyes again! This is what she meant about hating the all-nighters!

This is torture to the 700th degree!

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