His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy


The people from the CAB sat down in the cafeteria with uncomfortable looks on their faces. Although no one was in the space apart from them, they felt as if they were colluding with the enemy. It made them self-conscious about being comfortable.

The cafeteria was clean, and the putrefying garbage had been removed. So, the place looked like a comfortable lounge for employees, even without food and beverage service. Some of the CAB people were a little envious.

"This place is quite nice." Someone said. 

"Yeah. We could use one in the office. Imagine the convenience." The response came with a sigh.. 

"Do you want government money to be wasted on food and drinks?" Director Deguchi snorted. 

Silence fell in the room. The small group kept waiting for Jungle and Kaito to come in complete depression. 

"We have kept you waiting." Jungle came in a slow and leisurely manner. 

The group stood up in anticipation of seeing the infamous Kaito. While most of them had heard about him and seen his photo, they had never met him. Therefore, it felt like a monumental opportunity, despite the circumstances. 

Kaito walked up behind Jungle and looked at the group with cold eyes. He did not betray his real feelings about the situation. 

"What can I do for you?" He asked. 

Director Deguchi put aside his earlier arrogance. He was not as smart as some of the other heads, but he had not risen from being a normal national defence soldier to his current position without some skills. His primary one was shamelessness. He could also adapt well in most situations. 

"Mr Kaito, we are from the Central Antiterrorism Bureau under the ministry of defence. We would like your help with apprehending some individuals. We believe that they are former associates or employees of your fine company." He said. 

The enforcement officers with him wanted to hide their faces when they saw their boss. Who would believe that it was the same person who was clamouring for Kaito's blood not too long ago?

Kaito's eyes hid a glint. "I would naturally be happy to do anything I can help." 

The soldiers were once again surprised by the directness and simplicity of the response. It did not seem like Kaito was not difficult to get along with. They should have waited instead of trying to break in. 

"Excellent. You can ride with me to the CAB. Do not worry. You will be treated as a valued guest." Director Deguchi said. 

The current scene was not the glorious scene he pictured while planning his takedown of the great mercenary. However, it was still something for him to bring Kaito in. He could still the story and embellish a few details. 

"Then, how would my boss leave afterwards? You cannot possibly expect him to get a taxi or something, right?" Jungle interjected. "I will drive and follow behind you to the CAB. You should have no trouble accommodating one more person." 

Jungle was one of the most reliable subordinates that Kaito had cultivated for a long time. The only reason he did not bring him to Mountain Ridge was that it would be a waste of his talents. Unlike most of his other people, Jungle was a well-rounded person with a sharp mind. 

Moreover, his social capabilities were exceptional. He could face off with the best people in any industry and not fall to a disadvantage. 

Director Deguchi wanted to refuse. If he took Kaito with him, he would have all the power. He could question him freely while retaining control. If he had an independent driver, the balance of power would not be the same.

"This…" He started. 

"Since my boss is an invited guest of the CAB, he should be free to choose how he gets there. Am I right?" Jungle had a crafty smile on his face. 

Director Deguchi was helpless. "Fine." 

Jungle was satisfied. When it came to these kinds of altercations, the negotiation power was also about having a firm spirit. He was not willing to let go of an opportunity to ensure that the CAB understood they were no pushovers. 

In the CAB, Akira was working on cataloguing and analysing information on the sightings of Bonnie and Clyde over the years. Based on her working theory, she needed to find a place that both people frequented before and after they met. 

If she did not know that the pair were in the country, she would have a lot of work, reviewing their appearances around the world. However, since it was confirmed that their plan involved Tokyo, it reduced the workload. 

That was not to say that it was not still a humongous amount of data. 

She wrote a statistical analysis algorithm to handle the results while at the same time running the facial recognition software. She would have like to run identities, but she did not have the original names of the couple or even their aliases. 

Once she finished writing the algorithm, she felt a little bored because she could not do anything to rush the work. She could only wait for the computer to run the programs and give her the results. After some thought, she also decided to check on something else. 

If the couple were obsessed with Bonnie and Clyde, they would have used those names in different forums. For example, it was not uncommon for people to go to karaoke bars and use a fake name when playing around. 

Therefore, she added a new category to the searches. She was not sure if it would be useful, but it could not hurt to have one more thing to help in finding the terrorists. If they planned to take action at night, the danger was real. 

As Akira worked, she was unaware that Kristian Larsen, the self-proclaimed nemesis of her man, was entering the CAB building with one goal. To capture her and force Kaito into a desperate situation…

In the top office, Minister Shimada and the executive chairman of the Central Antiterrorism Bureau, Fukui Hideki were looking at Agent Kristian Larsen with ugly faces. They could not believe that Interpol was interfering with their affairs so openly. 

"I do not understand why this is an affair involving Interpol." Minister Shimada was irate. 

Kristian looked at the two people without betraying his emotions. "The people involved in the case are persons of interest in numerous other cases around the world. The other countries that have been affected by the two terrorists want answers." 

"I also do not understand your opposition. Our assistance will reduce the risk of an explosion in your city. We have gathered a lot of intel, or else we would not be here so soon after the discovery of the bomb threat." 

Minister Shimada was apprehensive because she was appraised of the history of Kristian Larsen. He was a prestigious man who had risen from being a police officer in Halden and become a top agent in Interpol over a short period.

His merits could not be ignored. But his interest in Kaito was not good for anyone. If he tried to take Kaito, no one knew the things Interpol would do. The possibility of them recruiting him to do their dirty work was higher than them prosecuting him, even if they found evidence. 

Moreover, she was already negotiating with Akira. Taking away her boyfriend and the father of her baby would not cause a good ending for anyone. If Yamazaki Akira wanted to fight back, Minister Shimada did not doubt that she would win with her connections. 

But again, the agent was right. They needed help to deal with Bonnie and Clyde. 

"You can join the operation. But remember that Interpol always prioritises working peacefully with local forces." Minister Shimada said. 

"Of course, we respect this mandate. One of my people will present the appropriate paperwork. Meanwhile, I will get started with questioning persons of interest in the case. I believe Minister Shimada is familiar with this individual." Agent Larsen said with a strange smile. 

"What are you planning? Know your limits." Minister Shimada had a bad feeling as she looked at the cold, blue eyes.

"Bonnie and Clyde have a link to the Shadow Brotherhood. Ms Yamazaki Akira is the fiancée of the leader of the said organisation. It is only natural that I question her." Kristian Larsen declared arrogantly before he turned and left the office. 

The executive chairman looked at the minister. "Who is this Yamazaki Akira?" 

Minister Shimada was pale. "She is the person who has helped us make progress on the case for the last two hours. She is currently working in the intelligence department with the IT technicians." 

"You brought someone linked with a dangerous assassin into my house?" The chairman shouted in horror. 

Minister Shimada was in a poor mood, so she did not appreciate the tone. "You might be living in it, but it is my house. Ms Yamazaki Akira is an invaluable member of the ministry of defence, so show some respect." 

With that, she walked to the door. 

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