"Our plan is simple. We will let everyone know that you were buying the test for Chiharu. You will remain in a safe location during the pregnancy, and we will control the local grapevine. When the child is born, your eldest brother and your sister-in-law will raise it." Sayaka explained. 

Akira once again started laughing at the shared plan until tears flowed from the corner of her eyes. She could not believe the audacity of these people. 

"So, you plan to imprison me, have me give birth to my baby and give it to someone else?" She asked.

"Don't put it like that! We are not thinking of your future, Akira. Your brother and sister-in-law will allow you to see the baby. Of course, for the sake of propriety, the baby will not know that you are its mother." Sayaka said firmly. 

"I won't waste my time here anymore with crazy people. The answer is no. And don't come up with other crazy plans because the answer will always be no." Akira replied. 

"Don't be ungrateful. Do you think that you will be able to raise a baby alone? And don't you want the child to have a stable and loving family instead of depending on you as a struggling single mother?" Kazuo jumped in. 

"My baby has a father. And I am perfectly capable of providing for a tiny human." Akira's lips were pursed. 

"What father? That man already ran away. You should forget about him. And even if he were here, what could he do for you? Wouldn't he just depend on the Takahashi family for alms?" Kazuo did not let it go.

Akira was going to retort because she could not stand it when people spoke ill of Kaito. However, her mother spoke up before she could say anything. 

"Don't fall into denial, Akira. When is the last time you saw that man? I already told you that he was not reliable. And I called Chairman Takahashi after seeing the news. He told me that Kaito sent a resignation letter two days ago." She explained. 

Akira's hands trembled. 

She did not think that Kaito had abandoned her. But the investigation that Kaito was conducting was related to his uncle. If Takahashi Senzo claimed that Kaito wrote a resignation letter, it meant that something had gone very wrong. 

She feared that the discovery of an informant might have been a trick from the beginning, meant to lure Kaito to Tokyo and make him vulnerable. And Takahashi Senzo was probably covering his tracks. Even if Kaito was strong, he would be vulnerable to a deep plot. 

She stood up from her seat. She needed to think about the next step to take to prevent things from escalating. She had to find out what happened to Kaito. The longer she waited, the more likely she would lose the trail.

"I am leaving now. And please stop interfering with my life." She said. 

"Akira, we are not interfering. We are trying to help you." Chiharu finally spoke up. "I promise that you will be able to see the baby whenever you want. I will raise it like my own." 

Akira looked at her flatly. "Here is a crazy idea. Why don't you have just have your own baby instead of trying to steal mine?" 

Chiharu lost the colour on her face, and Kazuo looked angry as he tried to comfort his wife. Akira felt satisfied and began walking to the door. Sayaka stood up. 

"Akira, I am sorry, but I can't allow you to just leave." She said. "This is not just about you. It is about the entire Yamazaki clan. If this continues, your father might lose his position. Moreover, people have been watching you, looking for a chance to take over the family." 

Akira realised that these people were not asking for her permission. They were planning on detaining her and taking her baby away by whatever means necessary. 

At first, she was not planning on dealing with this group of wild animals thoroughly, but it seemed like they were not willing to behave like people. And since she was not dealing with human beings, she did not need to be polite. 

"How will you stop me if I want to leave?" She turned to look at her so-called mother. 

Sayaka also made her stance clear. "I have stationed guards at all the exits. It would be best if you stayed put and listened to this plan for the sake of the family. Yes, I am aware that you can fight. But you seem to treasure your baby quite a bit. I wouldn't take a risk with violence if I were you." 

Akira felt like she had fallen into an ice bath. "Are you sure you want to threaten me?" 

"This is not a threat, Akira. I am trying to do what is best for everyone involved. Just stay here. I have made arrangements for you. You will see. Everything will be fine." Sayaka insisted. 

Akira looked at the faces around the room. They had an awkward look, but it was clear they were not against her being held hostage in the house. They probably knew about this progression in advance. 

She smiled and walked back to her seat. When she settled down, Sayaka also sat with relief. She did not want to resort to violence. 

Akira did not seem to have any intention of fighting back. She took out her phone and tapped on it with nimble fingers.

"It is useless to call for help right now. Even if your friends come, I do not intend to let you leave with them." Sayaka said with some sorrow. "It is better to just settle down and take care of yourself for now. Do not worry about anything." 

Akira did not look up as she continued tapping on her chunky phone. "I have indeed called for help. As you so subtly put it, I wouldn't want anything to happen to my Little Precious. So, I can only depend on my friends to turn this place upside down." 

The tone was casual and light. 

"Oh, when are Dad and Brother coming back?"  She asked. 

"They are handling an emergency with your grandmother for now. They probably won't be back in a while." Sayaka looked a little proud of organising for that. 

She did not want the two people to return before she had the opportunity to move Akira to a 'safe' location. She was not sure they would agree with her plan. It was too bad that the place she had called to get Akira would take a while to get to Mountain Ridge. 

"That is good," Akira responded lightly without looking up. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I have been lenient and kind, and it seems none of you takes me seriously for this reason. But I cannot overlook your behaviour anymore, or you will keep troubling me. So, I am going to make sure that your lives are destroyed before I walk away. I want you to understand that no one speaks ill of my Kaito or Little Precious." 

The words were spoken softly and almost cutely. 

But everyone felt a cold sweat flow down their backs. 

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