The people in the room stood up to show respect to Elder Yamazaki and greeted him with a respectful bow. He looked at them with a cold expression before waving a hand to show he had heard them, but he did not greet them. 

Elder Yamazaki did not like the entire group of people, except for the lovely granddaughter he had met once. To him, the rest were useless people who were only capable of feeding off others like parasites. He did not exclude his daughter-in-law and his grandson from the group of useless people. 

His grandson was a grown-up with a job at the company, and he had a family. But he was as foolish as he had been as a teenager. He did not have a fraction of the intellect displayed by men from the Yamazaki lineage. It was unfortunate that he was Daiki's son. 

It would be fine if he only lacked business brains. The Yamazaki family was not so weak that it could not support one incompetent son. However, he was also lacking in social intelligence. He did not have the shrewdness of someone who grew up in Mountain Ridge. 

Anyone with half a brain would have questioned a fateful meeting like the one he had with Chiharu. However, he seemed happy to be led by the nose by that woman. 

As an experienced man, Elder Yamazaki had some suspicions about Chiharu's condition the first time he met them together at the Yama Plaza. He was sure that the young woman was pregnant. He naturally assumed that it was his grandson's baby. 

However, there was no news after a while. He thought there was an accident, so he did not question things. It was only after the wedding passed that he suspected that things might be different from his imagination. His grandson was completely ignorant to his probing about the lost baby. 

He came to a conclusion. His grandson was stupid, and his wife was calculating, even though she acted like a generous saint. 

For this reason, Elder Yamazaki had grown distant from his eldest grandson. He did not shun him, but he did not want Chiharu to gain more advantages by using the closeness between Kazuo and himself. 

As for his eldest daughter-in-law, she was not a bad person, but her complacent attitude about life irked Elder Yamazaki to no end. And the worst part was Sayaka dragged Daiki down with her whenever she did something inappropriate. 

For instance, it was obvious that her sister and her family was taking advantage of her and the Yamazaki family. 

However, she did not seem to care about it. She always went with the flow as long as it kept people happy on the surface. It was not an attitude suited for the five major families because there were always evil people hiding behind façades.

Her complacency had allowed Hanae, who had a dark and greedy heart, to infiltrate the core of the Yamazaki family. Consequently, a lot of problems had arisen over the years, forcing Daiki to use some effort to put out the fires behind Sayaka's back. 

Furthermore, the Ito family was always asking for favours from Daiki because their daughter was living with the Yamazaki family. They acted like it was a privilege for them to take in Hanae. Instead of being grateful that their daughter could live comfortably, they became more and more arrogant over the years. 

The other reason Elder Yamazaki did not like Sayaka and the Ito family was that he suspected that Kaoru was responsible for Akira's kidnapping. Unfortunately, the investigations back then did not show any signs of her involvement. 

On the day Akira was kidnapped, Kaoru was supposed to take her to a theme park, but she bailed out in the final moment. Since Akira was already excited about the trip and no one was available, the nanny took her for the trip. 

Both Elder Yamazaki and Daiki had found it suspicious, but their investigation had yielded no fruit. Kaoru was pregnant at the time and claimed to have been sick. The claim was considered confirmed because she went to the hospital. 

However, Elder Yamazaki did not let go of his suspicions even after the report. 

Therefore, he could not avoid the disgust towards the Ito family. When he saw them sitting comfortably in the Yamazaki home, he wanted to leave the house and never visit his son again. It was infuriating to the level of making him spit blood. 

However, he was a calm and mature man, and he was here to see his granddaughter. 

"Akira, come and accompany me for a while." Elder Yamazaki ordered after standing in the living room for a while. 

Akira smiled at the old man and walked up to him. She liked his calm demeanour and his clear way of dealing with things. At the very least, it was better than the rest of the family. Of course, Seiji was also a reliable person in her books. 

"Father, you should also take Hanae with you if you are going to walk around and chat with Akira," Sayaka suggested. 

Hanae turned expectantly. She had always wanted to get in the good books of the old man, but he never visited the mansion. Sayaka did not also visit him frequently, so it was difficult to find an opportunity to bond with him. 

"I am only here to see my granddaughter. There is no need to chat with unrelated people." Elder Yamazaki spoke in a rare, rude manner. 

The people in the living room were shocked by the unusual behaviour displayed by the elder. However, no one dared to say anything contrary to him. Even though he was old, he was still the chairman of the family company. 

Moreover, as the Yamazaki patriarch, he held their livelihood. If he decided to shun them, it would be difficult for them to live on.

"Grandpa, do you want to see my study room?" Akira said calmly. 

"Akira, Father is old and cannot handle too many stairs," Sayaka said with concern. 

Unfortunately, old people hated their age being pointed out to them because it trampled on their dignity. The statement was made out of genuine worry, but when it reached Elder Yamazaki's ears, the meaning became different. 

"I am accompanying my granddaughter. Why can't I go up the stairs?" He said angrily. 

Sayaka realised that she had made a mistake. "I am sorry, Father. Please go ahead." 

Akira and her grandfather exited the tense room. If it were anyone else, someone would have commented.

But no one dared to speak against Elder Yamazaki. 

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