His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy


Akira wanted to discuss the findings from the 'zombie drug' experiment with Kaito immediately after leaving the medical institute. However, she did not want to disrupt his day. In the past few weeks, he had been going to the Takahashi Corporation for work. 

She was not clear about his intentions, but she thought he was investigating something relating to the Takahashi family, possibly his parents. She did not like poking his wounds, so she did not dig too much into his activities. But, she gathered from their conversations that he suspected his uncle of killing them. 

In any case, the matter concerning the drug was not too urgent. She did not have to tell him immediately. They could discuss it in the evening. Moreover, she had an appointment with her aunt, Nanase, so she could not go home directly. 

After leaving the Stillwater Medical Research Institute, she drove to the home address given by Nanase. She was a little surprised as she pulled into the property because it was completely different from her parent's mansion. 

The property was fresh and green with a modern farmhouse at the centre. The house was not overly large, and it had a simple rustic appearance due to the use of aged hardwood. The surrounding area outside had a rock garden with succulents sprouting from the ground. 

Akira parked her red car and stepped out. She looked around with a lot of appreciation of the aesthetics. This type of home was more beautiful than the dramatic mansion her parents owned. 

"Akira, you came." Nanase opened the door and shouted happily. 

Akira smiled as she walked up to the house. Nanase held her in a hug before placing some fluffy slippers at her feet. In any other home in Mountain Ridge, the wives of the affluent would never do such menial tasks because they had a lot of workers. 

However, Nanase seemed to do the simple tasks of a commoner housewife with ease. After bringing Akira in, she made and brought her tea and pastries personally while asking about this and that. Her manner made Akira feel comfortable and at ease. 

"Don't you have someone to help you around the house?" Akira asked as she drank the chamomile tea. 

Nanase sat down opposite her and poured herself a cup of tea. 

"I used to have a lot of help when the twins were younger. But once they grew up, I thought it was unnecessary to have strangers in the house. Plus, I wanted the girls to learn how to do things on their own." She responded with a wistful expression. 

"Where are they today?" Akira asked since no one else seemed to be around. 

"They went for a summer outing with their friends on the beach. As for Kensei, he is always working. I have not seen him for days. He does not come back as often as he used to." She sighed. 

"Children grow up." Akira laughed. "You should be thankful they are independent instead of clinging to you all the time." 

"They are quite good." Nanase nodded with pride. "So, what did you want to talk about?" 

Akira drank her tea for a few moments before placing her cup on the wooden table. 

"It is a bit of a sensitive matter, and I might be overstepping my bounds as a niece and a cousin." She said. 

Nanase became more serious. "Speak freely." 

"I know the twins are set on going into show business, and you do not seem supportive of the idea. I wanted to offer my assistance to make the situation easier for both you and the girls." Akira explained. 

Nanase maintained her serious face and even became guarded. She was a little sensitive to issues involving the twins and the entertainment industry. However, she could also see that Akira did not seem to have ulterior motives. 

But she could not help but worry. Young girls in the entertainment industry did not have an easy time, and some people took advantage to earn more money. She did not think Akira was that type of person, but she did not want to take chances with her children.

"What kind of assistance are you talking about?" Nanase asked with a hard look. 

"I have dabbled a bit in the entertainment industry, so I know some people," Akira said vaguely. 

"What kind of people are we talking about? There are a few companies that have expressed interest in the twins, especially after the flower viewing party at the Celestial Blossom Garden. And it would not even be difficult to make a deal with the Izumiya family. What is special about your people?" Nanase asked. 

Akira looked at her guarded aunt for a long moment. 

"You are right to be cautious of me. My interests are a little selfish. I liked hearing the twins sing. They reminded me of the reason I liked composing music when I was younger. I want to hear them sing more, and I want them to grow in a safe environment." Akira said. 

"The person I want to introduce is both a veteran of the industry and the CEO of an entertainment company. He is also a good friend, and I have known him for almost a decade. Furthermore, I am signed under the company." Akira explained. 

Nanase was a little surprised by the information. She knew Akira was not simple, but it was still shocking to hear that she was involved in the entertainment industry. 

"How come I have never heard of you?" Nanase asked. 

Akira laughed. "I am not an actress, a musician or an idol. Of course, I am not famous. I am a manga artist." 

Nanase's mouth fell open. There was only one company that matched the information presented by Akira. "Could it be that the person you want to introduce is?" 

"Correct. If you are willing, I would like to introduce the twins to work under Double M." Akira nodded. 

Nanase lost her fierce and strict demeanour and looked at Akira in awe. "How do you know Double M? Could it be you were childhood sweethearts? Are you in a relationship? But I have not heard such news." 

Akira looked at her aunt with amusement. "Aunt Nanase, could it be that you are Double M's fan?" 

Nanase showed a rare sign of embarrassment. "What? An old aunt like me can't like celebrities?" 

"I am sure Morie would be glad to know you are a big fan." Akira laughed. 

"You really know Double M?" Nanase asked. 

"Mmmh! We are old friends, so I am assured of his character. I understand that you are worried about your girls. But they will probably pursue their career even without your support. If I can lend a helping hand, I will be happy and satisfied to hear them sing a little more." Akira said. 

"Of course, you do not have to make the decision right away. I will invite Morie to meet with you first, and you can discuss your requirements. If it is not a good match, it won't be a loss. You will have met the celebrity." She added. 

Nanase sighed. "Why are you doing this?" 

"There is no specific reason. It is just something I wanted to do. There is no harm in sharing resources with good people." Akira responded. 

The two ladies continued drinking their tea in silence. 

"Would you like to know why I do not want the twins to join the entertainment industry?" Nanase asked. 

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