His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy


Three weeks after the Clarion Extreme banquet, Akira walked into the Stillwater Medical Research Institute. She had been meaning to come to the facility, but she never seemed to find a moment for the visit. 

She did not have a lot of time to spare. She worked on her various projects and spent free time with Kaito while living in the apartment. She would also go back to the mansion every few days and spend time with her father and mother. 

As for Seiji, he did not live far from her apartment, so she saw him almost as much as she saw Hina. In the recent days, he decided to start working out with her in the morning, except when he was at the hospital. 

Therefore, she had not found a chance to check on the 'zombie drug' research she had asked Hina to conduct for her.

After Akira obtained a special visitor pass from the reception and started walking as directed, she found Seiji and another male doctor standing in a zen garden. They were having a spirited discussion about increasing blood flow to penile tissues. 

She stopped in the adjacent hallway and looked at them with amusement. 

"If we could increase the mass of spongy tissue and optimise nitric oxide production, a functional enlargement would not be impossible. The main problem we are facing is the lack of sufficient blood flow, and this is your domain." The unknown doctor said. 

"I have reviewed the current results. The problem is not the lack of blood. We need sustained flow to allow maintained rigidity. I have told you before to focus on quality, not quantity. Your goals for enlargement are too lofty. I can increase blood flow, but that is useless if we cannot impede outflow." Seiji scoffed. 

The unknown doctor noticed Akira before he could respond. He indicated at her to Seiji with his chin. 

"Dr Yamazaki, a beautiful girl is looking at me with longing eyes. What shall I do?" Dr Nomura said with his usual inflated sense of self. 

Seiji turned his head and saw Akira, whose lips were twitching after hearing the other doctor's comment. He glared at Dr Nomura. 

"That is my younger sister. Does she need to look at you?" He retorted. 

Dr Nomura's eyes lit up like stars because he had been looking forward to meeting the mysterious sister mentioned by Seiji. 

"Hello, Dr Yamazaki's sister." He approached Akira of his own accord. 

Seiji could hardly resist kicking the man. "Akira, don't pay attention to this man. He is Dr Nomura and has a penchant for gossip. He is also married." 

Dr Nomura was speechless. Did Seiji have to expose everything at once? He did not even get an opportunity to shake the little beauty's hand yet. 

"Hello, Dr Nomura," Akira responded politely and obediently. 

Dr Nomura felt like his heart was touched by an angel. He looked at Seiji critically. How could the two of them be siblings? The little beauty seemed to have a kind and sweet soul while Seiji was a cold-faced demon. 

It was inexplicable. 

"What are you doing here?" Seiji asked. 

"I am coming to see Hina for something. But I could not help but listen to your fascinating discussion." She laughed with mirth in her eyes. 

Seiji felt his cheeks redden a little. As a doctor, he did not shy away from any topics, and he could talk about any physiological problem with all types of patients and doctors. However, when he thought of his sister hearing him discussing the male reproductive organ, he felt a little embarrassed. 

He glared at Nomura, who did not know his fault. Seiji recalled that he had agreed to work on the project in an offhand manner on the day Hina joined the institute. Granted, he would have still accepted to help even if he was not distracted. But the memory still annoyed him. 

Dr Nomura looked at him with wronged eyes. It was Seiji's idea to come to the zen garden instead of meeting in the lab. In Seiji's words, he would become murderous if he saw another photo or illustration of a phallic organ. 

"It is fascinating, right?" Dr Nomura decided to irk Seiji more since he was already annoyed. 

"Indeed. But my brother is right. You should not be thinking about increasing blood flow only. The new tissues might fill up with blood, but the rigidity will be lost if the other parts of the body demand the blood. Once a sexual act begins, the outflow of blood to other muscles and organs will increase. It is common sense." 

Dr Nomura's eyes lit up. "You are right. I was thinking of the problem as a cosmetic surgeon. The goal is not only aesthetics but more power." 

"Don't mention such things to my little sister." Seiji rebuked him. 

"Brother, it is just simple science. Don't get worked up." Akira laughed. 

"Yes, Brother. Don't get worked up." Dr Nomura repeated with an annoying smile. 

Seiji shivered in disgust at hearing the older man calling him 'Brother'. 

"I assume you are thinking of a solution to exert pressure on the penile veins to minimise outflow, right?" Akira asked Seiji. 

"Yes, but I am not discussing it with you." Seiji became stubborn. "Let me show you to Hina's lab." 

Dr Nomura watched the two people walk away before rushing back to his office as a flash of inspiration hit him. Perhaps, the siblings were not so different. The little beauty was a treasure that had opened his mind. Maybe, he would name the surgical method after her once he succeeded…

Akira felt a ghostly chill on her neck and tried to shake it off. She did not know that Dr Nomura, who she had just met, had such an evil albeit well-meaning plot towards her. 

"You are so awkward." She laughed at Seiji. "It is just basic biology." 

"I would rather imagine that you do not know this type of basic biology," Seiji grumbled. 

"Do you discuss basic biology with Hina?" She asked slyly. 

"Don't be nosy," Seiji responded. 

"I finally get why people call you cold-faced and rigid. You need to lighten up." Akira said casually. 

When they entered the lab, they found Hina sitting still while looking at a large screen with a range of brain scan images. Her quiet demeanour and concentration made her seem like an untouchable beautiful scholar. 

Seiji stared at the woman with a strange restlessness while Akira looked at the brain scans with a frown. She knew what Hina was working on, but she was a little afraid that the undertaking was too ambitious and would cause her friend to get stuck for years.

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