Kaito pecked her lips to calm down the huff. He did not want her to think that he did not want her, but he was also worried. He did not want them to rush into something and for her to regret it later. It would be a great loss because he was willing to wait, however long it took.

"How could I not be interested? I am just a little surprised and curious. It seems a little sudden." He responded cautiously. 

Akira looked at him for a moment to try and see through his thoughts. After a moment, she smiled at him with twinkling eyes. 

"I like to do what I want." She replied simply. "I like the freedom of choosing what to do with my life. When I was younger, every aspect of my life was controlled by someone else. I worked hard so that I can live a life free of conventions and external control." 

Kaito frowned with a little pout. "Is it just that?" 

He did not like this reason.

Akira laughed. "Do you want me to confess?" 

"That would be nice since you have evil intentions towards my body." Kaito teased. 

'What a thick-faced guy!' Akira thought.

"You have been taking advantage of me, and I have not heard a proper confession from you." Akira rolled her eyes. 

"What do you mean by that? I even proposed marriage!" Kaito tapped her nose. 

"Your offhand trickery and teasing do not count." She complained.

Kaito took a deep breath and took her hand into his own. He looked into her eyes, causing her to blush and shift from one foot to another.

"Yamazaki Akira, when I first heard of you, I thought you were interesting. And when I first saw you, I thought you were the most adorable creature on the planet. I knew then that you were the one for me. I look forward to spending a life with you, having lots of babies and growing old together." The usually wicked voice had an unusual solemnity. 

Akira felt the words were too mushy and cheesy. But her heart could not calm down when she heard them. She was overwhelmed a little because those stupid words had a hint of devotion like an eternal oath. She could not find words to say. 

She lifted her arms and hugged Kaito pulling him to lower his head. She whispered a short phrase into his ear in an almost inaudible tone. Kaito's lips arched into a smile as he hugged her back with his strong arms. 

"I want to hear it again." He said after a moment. 

Akira lowered her head a little and bit the juncture between his shoulder and neck. She did not say anything else for a long moment. Finally, she let go and looked at Kaito's face. They smiled at each other in an understanding that connected their souls. 

A few moments later, they returned to the inside of the club and bid Wang Che and Shun farewell before getting a ride to Akira's apartment. Both were sober, but they were canoodling so much in the car, attracting an unsolicited lecture from the driver on excessive drinking. 

When they entered the apartment, Kaito pressed Akira against the door as soon as it closed. He kissed her softly despite his possessive action of trapping her between his arms while towering over her. His dark eyes looked at her. 

His lips stretched into a smile against Akira's mouth. The two looked at each other in the dim light from the motion-activated night lamps. 

"I am a little nervous," Kaito said without moving. 

The soft movement brushed against Akira's lips, causing heat to rush through her body. However, she was also amused by the statement. The situation felt a little surreal, but she had a sense of satisfaction and excitement in her heart. 

"Me too." Akira also said without moving her head. 

The caress of her lips caused Kaito to groan with desire. He licked those lips with an amorous gaze. Akira was unwilling to surrender to that alluring stare easily. She captured the mischievous tongue with an open mouth and sucked on it.

"You naughty…" Kaito growled like a predator before abandoning all games. 

He pulled Akira into his arms and melded their heated mouths together. He abandoned all reason as he devoured the woman in his arms like she was a feast. He could not get close enough to her as he kissed her with a primitive wildness. 

Akira felt lost in the sensations elicited by this hottest, wildest and deepest kiss they had ever shared. She craned her neck to get closer to the man with an unfamiliar eagerness in her heart, surrendering to the heady and dizzying want. 

She felt a craving from deep within her soul as Kaito lifted her into his arms. 

Kaito freed her mouth and moved to her neck. He nibbled and sucked on the delicate flesh, marking her. Akira gasped and leaned back her head, exposing more of her sensitive neck. She dug her short nails into his nape before pulling on his thick hair. 

As Kaito walked into the dimly lit living room, they heard something fall from their blind movements. He tried to check on the falling item, but Akira pulled his hair and turned his head back. She looked at him with enamoured eyes that seemed to have only him in his eyes. 

That look in her eyes undid him. 

He knew he was not an unattractive man. But no one had ever looked at him like she did. She looked at him like she could see him up to the core of his dark soul. And still, she wanted him. There was no demand, no calculation and no concealment. 

She just wanted him. 

That thought was like a potent poison, a crippling aphrodisiac to him. Everything in his world came at a cost, and everyone had an agenda. He had never known the pure want that Akira showed him that reminded him he was more than the calculating assassin he always was. 

Kaito stopped caring about everything else as he traversed the unfamiliar house with purpose as he held the treasure in his arms. The treasure that was now nibbling on his ear…

It took everything in him not to put her on the floor and have his way with her there and then. He was thankful when he found the bedroom.

His mind cleared up a little as he looked at the explosion of pink and fluffiness in the room. His eyes caught the red panda laid on the bed on the pillow, and his eyes softened even more. 

He pecked her cheek with a devoted softness.

As he laid her on the bed, he swore to love her until her days and nights were filled with thoughts of him and him alone. 

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