Shun stretched his hand and was going to put it around Kaito's shoulder for a brotherly pat. However, Wang Che stopped him and pulled him back. Shun looked at him in confusion, making Wang Che sigh at the idiotic man. 

"Do you want to snatch Kaito from his girlfriend?" He asked while flicking his forehead.

Shun finally noticed the small lady beside Kaito. He had not seen her since he approached them from the other side, so she was shielded from him. He felt a little awkward about his earlier action. 

"Hello. I am Furukawa Shun." He smiled in apology.

"I am Yamazaki Akira." Akira nodded.

The two shook hands. 

"Oh, I have heard about you from my brothers," Shun said. "But none of them told me you were so pretty." 

"Pfft!" Akira laughed. "They probably don't have good taste like you." 

She was not someone who was affected by flattery. However, when Shun said she was pretty, he used a very matter-of-fact tone. Moreover, his eyes had a purity and clarity that she had not seen in any of the second-generation children. 

It was puzzling, but it made him quite likeable.

"You have no idea. But they are manly men, so it's fine." Shun sighed. 

He also wanted to be a manly man. 

"What does that even mean?" Akira asked with a laugh. 

"Come, I will introduce you to them," Shun said carelessly. 

Akira thought about it for a moment and then shrugged. 

"Sure, why not?" She did not mind meeting a few more people, and she was a little curious about people who could raise this type of treasure. 

Kaito looked at her with a wronged expression. She looked at him flatly.

"You don't need me to keep you company. You have Wang Che here. My parents brought me here to make new friends." She paused. "FYI, my parents do not like you right now. Be careful if you see them."

She waved her fingers and laughed cruelly as she left with Shun. 

'Is she holding a grudge against me?' Kaito wondered as he tried to think if he had done something wrong lately. 

"Do you know where I can find something to eat?" Akira asked as they walked away. 

"You have come to the right guy. I know this hotel like the back of my hand." Shun responded. 

As their voices faded away and they disappeared among the other guests, Kaito and Wang Che turned away and looked at each other. 

"Why didn't you stop them?" Kaito asked Wang Che. 

He had missed Akira a lot and wanted to spend more time with her. But now, she would probably go back to her parents after hanging out a bit with Shun. It was so unfair. 

"Why didn't you stop them?" Wang Che smiled. 

"You are the host of the party. It is your responsibility to ensure that your guests are happy. Do I look happy?" Kaito said pettily. 

"I didn't invite you. I didn't even know you had a surname. I thought you were one of those people with only one name." Wang Che said. 

He would never have guessed that Kaito was a member of a family like the Takahashi. He had read some information about the local families, but he did not go too deeply. And even if he saw the name Takahashi Kaito, he would never think of this man. 

The impression he gave him before in Supreme City was of a dangerous man. And it was not the kind of danger that came from wealthy, scheming families. He had the aura and appearance of someone who had a lot of blood on his hands. 

Just like Hu Lei. 

Wang Che was not unfamiliar with people from the underworld. Carving himself a path in the world of racing and other motorsports was not easy. He began his journey to success as a race car driver after leaving the Wang family. 

Even though he was not naïve when he was younger, he was still shocked by how dirty that industry could be. The people involved in the world did not depend on clean motorsports income only. Most of them dealt with drugs, firearms and even murder. 

Somehow, he survived that world and came out on top. It made him smarter and sharper. Therefore, he could recognise dangerous people. And Kaito was very dangerous. 

He just could not picture him as a young master. 

"It is an identity I recently picked up," Kaito responded carelessly. 

The two of them stood silently for a while.

"So, what's new in Supreme City?"

"Do you really want to know?" 

"Not really. I would also rather be talking to my Akira instead of you." There was an accusation in Kaito's voice. 

"Don't blame me if you can't keep a hold on your girlfriend. She was lured away due to your lack of ability." 

Kaito was annoyed by Wang Che's attitude. "At least, I am better off than you. I do not use evil plots to trick a guileless man." 

"Tricks are also part of one's abilities." 

"Don't sound so proud. Shun might not be able to see through you, but the Furukawa family will expose your intentions immediately. And they are known to dote on their Baby Shun like crazy people. I hear if anyone says a single word against Shun, his brothers materialise and beat people up." Kaito laughed.

"I met them last week. They loved me. The whole family is quite supportive of me pursuing Shun." The smugness on Wang Che's face was obvious. 


"Do you want me to give you tips on how to be more likeable to Akira's parents?" He asked with exaggerated pity in his eyes. 

"You must have used a despicable method." 

"You can keep thinking that if it will help you sleep at night. But I will be waiting for you to beg for my help." Wang Che checked his phone with his superior smile. "It is almost time for my speech. Enjoy the party." 

As Wang Che walked away, Kaito could barely resist taking out one of his concealed weapons and dealing with him. 

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