In the old Yamazaki home, Daiki faced off with his father.

Unlike the mansion in which Daiki and his family lived, the old Yamazaki house did not have the ostentatious air of wealth. However, its traditional architecture was quite amazing for the modern era. The simplicity was not seen in many parts of Mountain Ridge.

From the zen garden to the ponds with lively koi fish, the home had a quiet air of class.

"How far do you want the Yamazaki name to fall?" Elder Yamazaki asked with a strange calmness before sipping on his green tea.

Daiki looked at his father with a little apprehension. When the old man was unhappy, he would be calmer than usual, and he was already a very composed man.

Daiki could not recall a single incident in which he had raised his voice, even when he and his siblings were naughty.

His innate demeanour had a certain force of power that forced people to obey without the need for yelling.

"Father, Akira is a good girl. She has done nothing wrong." Daiki defended Akira immediately.

"I do not doubt that she would have been a wonderful granddaughter had she been raised by you and your wife. However, even if she is a good girl in her heart, she is not one of our own." The old man placed his cup on the low table.

"Father, I don't know what you have heard, but Akira is not a frivolous or money-hungry girl. It was hard for me to get her to come and live with us." Daiki responded.

The old man sighed.

"You are a bright and experienced man, and I feel at peace knowing that you will be in charge of the family when I am gone. However, you lose your good sense when it comes to your wife, and now it seems, your daughter."

"Father…" Daiki started.

The old man raised his hand.

"Your sister told me about the incident in Saffron Garden. I know she exaggerated the incident and Akira's role in the matter. However, it is an example of how your indulgence can cause a lot of harm." The old man looked with his penetrating eyes at Daiki.

"Ask yourself, if you had not allowed that girl from your wife's family to become part of your household, would the incident have occurred? You knew that she had a calculating and scheming mind, but you let her stay because of your wife."

"In the end, isn't your wife the one suffering? I have heard that some people are already rebuking her for treating her niece as a replacement. Do you see how your efforts to protect your wife hurt her because of your indulgence?"

Daiki felt like a young boy again as he was lectured by his father. He always used logic to explain things, even when he and his siblings were young. Unfortunately, his words could also make one feel like they were as stupid as a rock.

"I have no interest in interfering with your family. However, when your family is involved in a scandal, it will affect the other members of the clan. If people doubt your judgement, they will doubt the company. The reliability of the Yamazaki name will be questioned."

"Moreover, the younger members of our family need to marry well. Even though we are not in the ancient days, people will judge their potential spouses by their background. If we are linked to another incident like the one with Saffron Garden, how will the younger ones survive?"

Daiki understood. He had ignored his judgement and feelings for the sake of his wife when it came to Hanae. If he had shown her Hanae's faults, she might have also seen the light. They would not be in this situation. But…

"Father, Akira is not like Hanae. If you believe in my judgement, you can trust that she is a good girl." Daiki did not want dirty water to be splashed on Akira.

The old man looked at Daiki and sighed.

"I am not like your grandmother. I do not believe in good or bad luck. I have no deep superstitions. My concerns are actually for the girl."

Daiki was surprised and wondered if his father was playing another complex manipulation game.

"Have you considered the future that the young girl will have after coming to Mountain Ridge? The city seems peaceful, but you know that sharks are swimming all around. Already, she has been subjected to her maternal cousin's malicious ways, and her name has been ruined after being here for about a week." The elder continued.

"She might have understood that this city is not for her, hence her initial refusal to come here. But now, you have destabilised her life by forcing her to relocate to Mountain Ridge. If she cannot adapt to this society and its evils and temptations, she will have nothing. She might lose everything that made her the good girl you claim she is."

"Leaving her alone or giving her money to ease your guilt might have been kinder." He sighed again.

Daiki knew that his father was right. It was his selfishness and longing that made him bring back Akira to Mountain Ridge. She probably had friends, a budding career and a full life. But he had not been willing to miss out on knowing her.

And after meeting her, he could not let go.

"I will protect her. And she is a strong girl. When you meet her, you will know she is the best granddaughter in the world." Daiki said with conviction.

The old man was surprised by his son. He had never spoken up for anyone with so much praise. However, since he had already said his piece, he did not keep pushing. If Daiki had not taken his words to heart, speaking further would not change anything.

"Then, I will look for an opportunity to meet with her." He said.

Daiki was relieved. If his father was willing to give her a chance, then it was alright. No one could see Akira and not love her. Anyone who did not like her was a rotten apple.

"Where is Mother? I have not seen her around." Daiki asked.

His mother would probably have appeared to say choice words to him if she was in the house.

"She went out with your sister." The old man said. "You can return home. I need to work on my calligraphy."

Daiki looked at his father speechlessly before standing up. He had not been offered even a cup of tea, and he was already being chased away.

He had been planning to hang around a little, and hopefully, his brother and his overbearing wife and the mischievous twins would be gone. Maybe he would go to the country club and play a round of golf before returning.

As soon as he was gone, a handsome young man came into the room and looked at Elder Yamazaki. His calm aura mirrored Elder Yamazaki's, but he still had a youthful air, unlike the experienced and stable old man.

"Teacher, Grandma Yamazaki probably went to Uncle Daiki's house." He said as he prepared more tea.

"I know." The old man said.

"Why didn't you tell him?" He asked.

"Didn't I tell him to return home?"

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