The four people were in a good mood after the hotpot. Seiji decided not to return to his house near the hospital. Instead, they all piled up in Daiki's car and returned to the mansion while praising Akira endlessly for the meal.

Akira's lips twitched as she listened to them. She had not even done anything except preparing the soup base.

Their mood was good as they walked from the car to the house. Sayaka had long put aside the unpleasantness of the afternoon, and Seiji was no longer haggard and tired.

However, as soon as they entered the house, their good spirits plummeted.

"Where were you?" Kazuo asked harshly as soon as the group of four stepped into the house.

The man looked at them with a wave of unfounded anger and disappointment. The four of them were put off by the question, but Daiki was the angriest at the audacious tone from his son.

"Oh, do we need to report our whereabouts to you?" He asked coldly.

Kazuo realised immediately that he had spoken disrespectfully to his parents.

"I am sorry, dad. I am just a little worried." He apologised.

Daiki scoffed. "So? What are you doing here?"

He was displeased by his son for ruining his good mood. He had tasted something made by his cute daughter, and he was planning on sleeping while savouring the happy moments. Now, his flow had been broken.

Kazuo looked at Akira in surprise.

"You did not tell dad about that incident?" He asked.

Kazuo knew that his mother was also there in Saffron Garden, but he did not dare to question her.

Daiki realised that the drift of conversation was familiar. Kazuo probably had something to accuse Akira of, and it related to his wife's strange mood.

"If you are not going to speak clearly, you can go home." His face darkened.

Kazuo felt like his father was being unreasonable. "Dad, something big happened! Akira and Hanae quarrelled in public in Saffron Garden. The news has already spread everywhere. By tomorrow, everyone in our circle will know about it."

Daiki frowned. He had not heard anything about the incident, but he had not checked his phone after leaving the office.

"Who told you this?" Sayaka stepped forward and asked with anger.

Kazuo felt a little doubt at his mother's unusual and aggressive appearance.

"As I said, everyone is talking about it. Aunt Kaoru called me and Chiharu after taking Hanae to the hospital." Kazuo responded.

The four people were flabbergasted by the news. They had been away for only a few hours, but things had already escalated to another level.

"Oh, what illness did she contract?" Seiji asked coldly.

"Seiji, I know that you do not like Hanae, but Akira was in the wrong this time. When Hanae was brought back home, she was in a bad shape. She left her mother a message before attempting to commit suicide. If it was not for a miracle, she could have died." Kazuo explained.

"I am sure it was a miracle," Seiji responded with heavy sarcasm.

As a doctor, he did not take suicide lightly, but he was also not gullible like his older brother. He knew that Hanae was always full of tricks, so he did not believe that Hanae had any intentions of actually committing suicide.

If she did, she would not have warned her mother by sending a message first. Her actions were probably designed to shift the blame for whatever she did to Akira.

"How can you be so cold?" Kazuo was disappointed in his younger brother.

"Enough!" Daiki interrupted. "Kazuo, do you know what really happened at the restaurant?"

Kazuo was a little tongue-tied. Kaoru was not clear about the message sent by Hanae. Plus, what he heard from the grapevine indicated that a girl made a scene at Saffron Garden and was dragged out by the employees.

As for the rest, he had filled it in for himself, especially after seeing the pale and washed-out face in the hospital.

"I am not sure of the details, but Hanae is the one fighting for her life in the hospital." He did not think there was anything wrong with his assumptions.

"I don't know how many times I have told you not to be so muddleheaded." Daiki was disappointed. "I do not expect you to be exceptional, but do not be led by the nose all the time. How can you not even see through small tricks?"

Although Daiki did not know what had happened, he was sure that the occurrence was initiated by Hanae. And if she was willing to go as far as this, it had to be a major mistake. He looked at his wife with concern.

"Dad…" Kazuo began stubbornly again.

"Go home. We will talk tomorrow." Daiki waved his hand.

Kazuo, who had been truly chased away from the house for the first time, felt like the world was upside down. Hadn't his mother told him and Chiharu that they should stay over when they could?

In the end, he could only walk out of the house and into his car. He took his phone and called Chiharu.

"Dear, are you still at the hospital? I will come to pick you up." He spoke in a softer voice.

"Alright. How did it go? What did your parents say?" She asked in her usual calm voice.

"They did not even listen. They don't seem to even care about what happened to Hanae. I don't know what's happening." He sighed.

Chiharu was shocked. Sayaka had always valued Hanae and treated her well. If her attempted suicide did not move her, something major must have happened.

"What about Akira?" She asked.

"She did not say anything. She just kept her cold face and looked at the scene like it had nothing to do with her." His anger was sparked.

"She is really something. Alright. Let's talk more when you pick me up." Chiharu said before hanging up her phone.

Kaoru, who was standing close to Chiharu, looked expectantly after the end of the call.

"What time is Sayaka coming?" She asked as if it was a matter of course.

"She is not. Tell me clearly what your daughter did." Chiharu had a harsh demeanour as she looked at the older woman.

"I am not sure. I think it was just an argument with Akira." Kaoru said with shifting eyes.

"Don't treat me like my mother-in-law. I know Hanae is too proud and self-loving to attempt suicide. What really happened?"

Kaoru capitulated. "It wasn't something big. She said a few embarrassing words to Sayaka. Who knew that my sister would decide to cut ties? It was that Akira's fault. If she had not returned, everything would be fine."

Chiharu looked at the woman with disgust. The only reason she was still helping the stupid mother and daughter pair is that they had proven to be effective at controlling Sayaka. And anyone who controlled Sayaka held the real power in the Yamazaki family.

If it wasn't for them, Kazuo would still be a small manager in the family company instead of a director. Moreover, she would be a secretary instead of a valued member of the marketing department.

"Do I need to emphasise the importance of reputation in this city? But never mind that. If you want to give Hanae a chance to still have a future in the upper-class society, you need to send her to a psychiatric facility." She said.

"No, no, my daughter is not crazy. She is not going to a mental hospital." Kaoru shook her head.

"Don't worry. It is more of a spa centre. Remember, your daughter has been pushed to the brink after being pressured by her cousin. Mental healthcare is no longer a taboo subject. Do you understand?" Chiharu emphasised.

Kaoru saw the light and nodded with a smile.

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