"Where is Little Fai?" Hu Lei asked the butler as soon as Song Lili was escorted off the property.

"He went to look at some herbs with the old master in his courtyard. I can take you there if you are anxious to see him." The butler replied.

"Just tell me the direction and I will find my way." Hu Lei waved her hand casually.

She did not want to trouble the old man who seemed to have a lot of responsibilities in the home. Seeing the kind intentions, the butler smiled and told Hu Lei how to get to the courtyard.

Hu Lei felt cheerful as she walked through the Zhong property. She almost skipped like a child with joy. The source of her happiness was obvious: she had finally gotten rid of the poisonous thorn in the flesh known as Song Lili.

In the beginning, she was planning on just threatening Song Lili with the blackmail materials she had found. Her original intention was to keep them as a layer of security in case the woman made a comeback.

However, she could not let things go easily after her audacious act of coming to the Zhong home with such evil intentions. A woman who could easily turn her back against those who were kind to her could not be let off easily.

Just as she had told Song Lili, she would let a few of the powerful people that Song Lili was blackmailing know about their freedom and her current situation. She would get a few free favours, and Song Lili would get what she deserved.

Her smile widened as she thought of the potential misery.

"Little big sister, you look scary when you smile like that." Hu Fai spoke as soon as Hu Lei stepped into the garden.

Elder Zhong looked at Hu Lei and laughed. "Today is a good day. If you had not come, I would have looked for you."

"Grandfather, how have you been?" Hu Lei asked wholeheartedly.

When she had met Elder Zhong, he had been good to her, unlike his son and daughter-in-law. She had found him to be like an old fox, but he also did not have bad intentions.

"I would feel better if I had some more premium tea from Apothecary." He said in a dignified manner with a small cough.

Hu Lei laughed. "I have a couple of bags from when I stayed with grandpa in Herb Town. I can give you a little bit."

"Just a little?"

"You can't blame me. Ah-Feng has stopped drinking a lot of coffee. He is now an official tea drinker." Hu Lei said with a sweet and shy smile filled with pure love.

"That brat wants to fight me?" Elder Zhong lifted a fist and shook it.

"Actually, grandpa said that if you want tea, you can visit him in Herb Town. He swore he would give you a good price." Hu Lei laughed at the gesture.

"When can I meet grandpa?" Hu Fai chimed in.

Elder Zhong's eyes glinted with a strange light. "You have never met your grandfather?"

Hu Lei could already see some evil machinations in the old man's mind, but she could do nothing to stop what she knew was about to happen.

Hu Fai shook his head with a frown. He knew about the Huo family from Hu Lei and Zhong Feng, but they had also told him that it was not the right time to meet that side of the family yet. After all, his face had been exposed a lot during the Murong family scandal.

"Your grandfather must be looking forward to meeting you. I would feel very lonely if I was him. Maybe Little Lei can send him a photo of you." Elder Zhong said with a sympathetic look at the boy.

Hu Fai felt that what the old man was saying was right. He looked at Hu Lei with hopeful eyes.

"We can send him a photo." She said with a sigh.

"How about one with the three of us? I'm sure the old man will be pleased with something a little lively." Elder Zhong laughed merrily.

Hu Lei knew the impure intentions behind this suggestion because Grandpa Huo also behaved in a similar petty manner when Elder Zhong was mentioned. Their rivalry from their youth did not seem like it would ever stop.

She took out her phone, and the three of them took a nice picture. However, when one looked at Elder Zhong's smiling face, they could see the smug superiority.

She sent the picture to her grandpa before putting away the phone. She could only apologise to him in her heart for helping Elder Zhong this time.

When Elder Huo received a message from his granddaughter, he was pleased, especially when he saw the notification that it was a photo. However, as soon as he opened the message, he felt like cursing the Zhong family. He almost did until he remembered that his cute granddaughter was now a member of that family.

He tried to ignore the annoying old face and looked at his grandson. He was small for his age, and he looked a bit unhealthy. However, based on the reports he had received about his earlier childhood and health condition, the boy was almost completely recovered.

It was obvious that the Zhong family treated him well.

But it would have been better if he could spoil the boy himself before he grew up.

He had lost a chance with his granddaughter. He could not allow the Zhong family to steal another of his family members without fighting back.

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