Chu Ling had a serious look in her eyes as she went into the house. She was not looking forward to speaking with Song Lili, but she knew it was necessary.

Unlike what Song Lili thought, she had not accepted the meeting because she believed that the young woman had critical information that would affect Zhong Feng's safety. Yes, she loved her son. But she also knew him.

Even when he was a sickly young boy, he had a meticulous mind. He could assess every situation with care and discover problems before they occurred. He could not be fooled unless he was willing to be fooled.

Chu Ling was clear about the fact that it was their son who protected them, not the other way. She knew that his power was more than his fathers.

But that did not mean that she would not look out for him.

The tricks of women were different from the dangers of the business world. It was the reason that Chu Ling had been guarded and sceptic about Hu Lei. She thought his son had been hoodwinked by the wiles of an evil woman.

Now, she wondered how she had been blind about Song Lili.

She had wronged Hu Lei and Zhong Feng for a woman who was quickly revealing herself to be a snake in the grass.

When she had been a young girl, she had seemed obedient and outspoken. She did not mind Zhong Feng's antisocial personality, and she put a lot of effort into her studies. Even though she was not smart like their son, Chu Ling and Zhong Tian had thought that she wasn't bad.

After the Song family left the country, Chu Ling had kept in contact with Song Lili and her mother through letters and occasional phone calls.

Now, it seemed that her care for Song Lili was harming her son.

"Auntie Ling, thank you for meeting with me." Song Lili stood and greeted Chu Ling as soon as she entered.

The older woman nodded and sat down. "It seemed important for you to come immediately."

Song Lili noticed the cold treatment and felt awkward. But she felt that it was her last chance to do something. "It is indeed urgent. I am not sure that I should tell you about it."

Madam Zhong could see the pretentious nature of the statement. The woman wanted to say something bad about someone else, but she still wanted to look like a saint who cannot bear to malign other people.

That attitude made her extremely angry.

"Song Lili, I am a busy woman. You already insisted on coming here and said that it had something to do with Feng'er's safety. Are you trying to make me beg you?"

Song Lili realised that she had made Chu Ling angry because of acting like she was hesitant about sharing the information.

"I'm sorry, Auntie Ling. I am just not sure how to say it clearly." She paused and looked at the impatient older face before her.

"The thing is, I think that there is something wrong with Hu Lei's mental state." She finally said.

Chu Ling frowned. "What do you mean?"

"She is not mentally stable. I am afraid that she will snap and hurt Feng'er." Song Lili said in a small voice.

"Explain it clearly." Chu Ling spoke with a hard voice.

"Auntie Ling, there is a video of Hu Lei behaving violently and destroying a house. She is like an animal." Song Lili paused. "I tried to convince Feng'er, but he would not listen."

Chu Ling had ice in her eyes that was similar to her son's as she looked at the woman before her.

"So it is like that." She said slowly.

Song Lili thought that she had finally moved Chu Ling with her words. "Auntie Ling, I can show you the video if you need proof. But I swear that I am telling you the truth."

"There is no need. I believe you."

Song Lili, who had begun opening her bag to take out the hidden memory card, was pleasantly surprised. She had never thought that Chu Ling would take her word as truth without evidence.

"Really. Thank you for trusting me, Auntie Ling."

"I did not say that I trust you, Song Lili." Chu Ling paused with anger. "I have been wondering why Feng'er, who dotes on that girl to the point of threatening me, his mother, would allow a scandal about you and him to continue for so long."


Chu Ling lifted her hand and stopped Song Lili from speaking.

"Do you think I am stupid? The only thing that would stop Feng'er from exposing you is his protection for the Hu girl. Let me guess. You threatened that you would expose the video if he took action, right?"

Song Lili felt a cold chill.

"Let me ask you another question. How exactly did you come by this video?" Chu Ling asked.

Song Lili panicked. She had not imagined the conversation going on so poorly. "Auntie Ling, I did it for Feng'er. You have to believe me."

"I am not worthy of being called Auntie by you." Chu Ling said with contempt. "And keep in mind that my son is already married, and you are not close. Do not refer to him so intimately."

Song Lili realised that things had already fallen apart to a point of no return. Her face changed from politeness to a cold and calculating one.

"Even if you have rejected me, you have to consider that I still have control of an incriminating video. What do you think will happen if people find out that the daughter in law of the Zhong family is crazy?"

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