Hu Lei looked at the woman who had fallen on the carpet with a wicked smile. She blew another gum bubble and popped it loudly before turning to Zhong Feng.

"Baby, are you having fun?" She asked in a playful manner.

Actually, she had simpler ways for them to get into the apartment building and search Song Lili's place. However, she had also wanted to have a little fun with Zhong Feng. Since she had returned to Supreme City, they had done a lot of things.

However, she had never shown him the other side of her life.

She did not want him to always imagine that she had suffered during the entire time she travelled with her father. While there were many things which had hurt her, she had also had moments in which she had enjoyed herself.

She had always liked the art of disappearing in plain sight. She could make herself become a completely different person and infiltrate any place. After all, being a ninja had always been an art of concealment. Even in her dark moments, she had had ways to find a little sunshine.

And she was happy to share that with Zhong Feng.

"I am having a lot of fun." He felt happy seeing her play.

With a few steps, he reached her and pulled her into his arms. He planted a kiss on her lips. Hu Lei lifted her arms and put them around his neck, and the kiss deepened. When they were both breathless, they separated.

"How long do we have?" Zhong Feng asked.

"About thirty minutes." Hu Lei responded.

"Is that enough time?"

"If we stay in the apartment complex for too long, the security personnel might have suspicions. So, we need to hurry."

Zhong Feng took out a device from his coat pockets and clicked on it for a while.

"I have looped the security cameras in the whole building." He said.

"Alright. We are going to use the stairs to get to Song Lili's apartment. We are unlikely to meet anyone this way. When we get in, you will restore the security cameras. If there is no activity for too long, the security will have suspicions."

Zhong Feng muttered his assent.

"Let's raise some hell, baby." Hu Lei said with a giggle.

The two of them walked out of the apartment in their unusual garish characters. Even though it was daytime and there weren't many people around, they could not afford to look suspicious. Their plan went smoothly and they arrived at Song Lili's door.

Hu Lei picked the locks with her kit from her little dramatic purse. They entered and closed the door behind them. Zhong Feng restored the security cameras while Hu Lei surveyed the house. The living room was a beautiful space, but it looked as staged as the apartment on sale. It did not have a lived-in look at first glance.

"I will go search for the safe. It will be in the bedroom. You should check the study. You know what to do about obtaining any digital copies of the tape." She paused. "And anything else which might be interesting. We need to be out in twenty minutes."

Seeing this serious side of Hu Lei made Zhong Feng want to kidnap her and keep her with him forever. However, he needed to focus on the core matters. While Song Lili was nothing before him, he could not bear the thought of someone having anything that could harm his little wife.

Within a few moments, they found the study. Unlike the living room, it was quite messy with scripts, fliers and other random pieces of paper covering the desk. The laptop on the desk was open though it was sleeping. There were several cables scattered around the room.

Zhong Feng did not waste time when Hu Lei left for the bedroom. He opened the laptop and tapped on it quickly, his refined fingers flying over the keyboard. On the other hand, Hu Lei entered the bedroom and discovered her target under the untidy bed.

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