Chapter 120 - Teasing Eva

It's already dark outside when they exited the company. The moment they arrived at their apartment, Vincent dropped his body to the sofa.

He thought that his presentation today would fail. But what happens instead is the contrary of his expectations. He got the biggest funds from all of the firms that signed a contract with Davies!

Until now, he was overwhelmed with all that happened earlier.

"Boss, here is your water."

"Thanks." Vincent took the bottled water from Tim. He opened the cap and drank the rest of the content; finally, it quenched his thirst.

"Boss, I will grill some fish tonight." Tim declared while he scanned the fridge. There is a grilling appliance down below their floor. It excites him to be the first one to use it.

"Okay," said Vince timidly. He leaned back and picked up his phone from the table. He patiently waited for the call to be picked up, but Hailey wasn't answering.

Meanwhile, Hailey was fidgeting in her seat. Vince is calling, but she was driving her car at the moment, and she was connected to a group video call on WhatsApp.

They were on the road, headed to Derby City, and she is racing with the men to have dinner with Andre.

'I'm sorry, Vince. I'll call you very soon!'

Vince attempted twice, but his call just ended after a specific time. He wondered why Hailey didn't pick up her phone.

But then he answered his own question. He guessed Hailey was with her friends, and they must be on the beach.

He types on his phone, leaving Hailey a message. She instantly saw it when it displayed on her upper screen.

Hailey stepped on the accelerator and trotted her car in the stillness of the evening. But it's okay; they were still in the suburban areas.

She glanced at her rearview mirror. The men are following behind, letting her lead them. But of course, she won't let them think that they only gave her a favor.

"Hail, you are going too fast." Geoffrey reminded her.

"Alright. Let's maintain this speed," she told the men.

When they were closer to the city, Hailey reduced her speed until they reached the Davies private port where her yacht docked.

Her eyes gleam upon seeing her baby. She parked her car and got out, waving at the man standing at the boarding ladder.

"Andre!" She runs toward him and throws her arms around his waist. Andre, on the other hand, his arms wide open for a warm embrace.

"Hey, young lady! You're finally here!" Andre gives her a tight hug. He has been so worried about her.

In these passing months, he couldn't be able to go home and talk to her and Bryan. But in what he sees, Hailey had been smiling brightly.

'Maybe it was true that she is already moving on.' Andre mused inwardly.

"Let's go. Dinner is almost ready," he said afterward.

"What's for supper?" Hailey asked Andre, gripping her hands around Andre's elbow.

He replied, "Of course, you're favorite."

When they all boarded, Chester steered the wheel and brought the yacht to a deeper part of the gulf.

Hailey climbed to the upper deck, and her eyes traveled to this familiar shore. She breathes the sea breeze, filling her lungs before she releases them.

Metro City is surrounded by sea and rivers, and she considers it her second home. But Australia is different because she was born and grew up here. She will always miss her homeland.

"Hey, it's time to eat," Andre called her from the lower deck.

She peeped out from the upper deck and replied, "Alright, coming! I'll need to return a call first," she told Andre, pointing her phone.

Andre nodded; he strode toward the men who started drinking. Hailey shook her head, but her heart filled with joy.

It was like the old times; although there are some changes, nothing she wished from here on is to restore the broken friendship, at least.

Hailey replied to Vince's message. Soon, he was calling her.


"How was your day?" asked Vince from the other line.

"It was great!" She answered, then she asked back. "How about you?"

"It was great as well. I'm so glad they were happy with my presentation."

"I told you, you'll do great!"

Vince groaned; he uttered, "But I wished you were here."

Hailey heaves a sighed. She wishes that too!

If only she could spend her night with Vince instead of the boys.

"I wish it too, Vince," Hailey replied. Her heart filled with longing for him. "But we will see each other soon!"

"Yes. After I finish preparing the plan for the groundbreaking, I will go back to Metro City to take care of everything for my projects here."

"Okay. I'll wait by then," she replied.

When their conversation gets sentimental, Hailey changes the topic and makes it a lively one to conceal their longing for each other.

"I'm so happy that you are now officially a part of Davies's projects."

"Yes. I can't believe it till now. Yesterday was like a dream, but today? Wow! I'm finally here!"

"I'm glad too." That was a whisper.

"Hm? Did you say anything?" asked Vince.

"Ah, the sunset is too beautiful." Her lame excuse.

Hailey pushed her lips into a smile. Indeed it was like yesterday, and now, with Vince's help, she will accomplish her dream to fulfill her forefather's legacy.

Meanwhile, the men are now merrily chatting at the dining table near the pool. Their voices are getting louder. She's afraid that Vince would hear them; Hailey comes down the ladder and heads to a quieter room where the noise cannot hear.

Then she heard Tim announcing that dinner is ready. She asked, "What's your dinner?"

"Tim is grilling a fish for our dinner."

"Great! I'm glad. Don't forget to eat on time and eat healthier food, okay?"

"Aye, my dear wife."

Hailey's heart skips a beat upon hearing Vince saying this phrase. Her chest filled with joy as she could not suppress the overwhelming emotion that flooded her heart.

"Okay, hubby. Go and eat now." She muttered lovingly that made Vince smile broader.

Vince was thinking that if Hailey is standing in front of him, he already kisses her.

"Alright. Can I message you later?" He is hoping to exchange messages before he goes to bed.

"Of course!" Hailey chuckled as to how cute Vince sounded. He didn't need to ask permission, but she understood him. He considers that she was catching up with good old friends.

"I love you, Vincent Shen."

"I love you too, my wifey."

Vince already ends the call, but she remains to stare at her phone with a sweet smile across her face.

But then, the door opens, and it surprised her to see Bryan. On the other hand, the guy was surprised to see her as well.

Bryan was holding his phone near his ear, he was talking with someone at the moment, but he froze upon seeing her.

"Bryan, why are you not answering me?"

Bryan sighed and replied, "I will call you again tomorrow. I have a dinner meeting."

"But you said that you would see me tomorrow!"

"I can't. There is an important event in the company tomorrow. I'll see you when my hands aren't full."

"Bullshit! You always reason out that!"

Bryan was annoyed listening to Eva's shrieking voice. He tempts to curse but not in Hailey's presence. "I'll hang up now."

"No. You cant!"

Bryan gapes at Hailey earnestly as she is walking toward him. But she only passed him and got out of the door.

"I'm hungry. I'll hang up now," he told Eva lazily. His voice sounded how tired he is.

Hailey was just a few steps away. She turned around and looked at Bryan with a smile.

She said, "Bryan, dinner is ready. Let's go."

After saying this, Hailey turned around and resumed walking toward the pool area of her yacht.

"Whos that girl, Bryan?" Asked Eva on the other line.

No reply from Bryan; Eva fretted. "That was her! You are with her. So this is the reason why you cannot visit me here in Sydney! You bullshit!"

Eva exploded in anger when Bryan hang up the call and didn't answer back to her. She screamed and threw her phone.

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