"Miss, everyone has gathered at the dining table. Go, let us finish everything," said Eun Hee.

 "Yeah, in a bit. Looks like I have to go to the toilet," Soo Yin said nervously and then walked to the toilet.

 Eun Hee then returned to the dining room to finish her task.

 "Eun Hee, where's my wife?" Dae Hyun whispered in a low voice.

 "She is in the toilet, sir," said Eun Hee.

Aeri looked suspiciously at Dae Hyun who was whispering something to Eun Hee. Moreover, since earlier Dae Hyun forbade anyone who wanted to sit on a chair near him.

 "Okay, tell my wife to come here quickly because everyone has gathered," Dae Hyun said to Eun Hee.

 Eun Hee nodded her head.

Inevitably this time Soo Yin had to meet all of them because it was impossible to dodge continuously. With her chin up, Soo Yin stepped into the dining room. She remembered that if she walked in front of the enemy, she should not walk with her head down so that they won't underestimate her.

 Aeri's chest rose and fell when she saw Soo Yin's arrival. No wonder Dae Hyun looked relaxed. It turned out that he had been hiding the woman's arrival for a long time.

 "Good night, everyone," Soo Yin greeted, spreading her smile as wide as possible so as not to be nervous.

Everyone turned their heads towards the source of the sound and the atmosphere in the dining room was suddenly quiet for a moment. Many immediately looked at her with disapproving faces.

 "Soo Yin, you finally came. Grandma thought you weren't coming with Dae Hyun," said Hae Sok, who was the happiest of all.

 "Sorry, Grandma," Soo Yin said as she bowed.

 Aeri then stood up and approached Soo Yin.

 Seeing Aeri who seemed to be about to do something to Soo Yin, Dae Hyun also stood up to get ready if something unexpected happened.

 "Aeri, what are you going to do?" said Dae Hyun in a cold tone.

 "Welcome, Soo Yin." Aeri then kissed Soo Yin's cheeks in turn. It took everyone by surprise. Because they thought that Aeri was going to be violent to Soo Yin. This was beyond their expectations.

Including Soo Yin who was frozen in place. But quickly realized because it could be that Aeri was currently planning something.

 "After all, Soo Yin is my sister. I should have welcomed her well. I'm sorry if all this time I've been very rude to you. Because as a woman I was very shocked to know Dae Hyun is in a relationship with another girl," said Aeri with a meaningful smile.

 "Sit down, dinner is about to start." Aeri pulled a chair for Soo Yin and led her to sit down.

Dae Hyun who was already wearing a tense face immediately sat back in his chair. This was really unexpected because Aeri's attitude suddenly changed.

 Aeri then returned to her seat with everyone's gazes following her. Including Mrs. Park who couldn't understand if Aeri would do that. Even though she didn't even want to apologize. There was only a look of hatred when the two meet.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is what I'm doing very strange? Shouldn't you be happy because I've accepted Soo Yin gracefully? After all, Dae Hyun loves her very much. As a good wife, I have to obey whatever my husband does," said Aeri while chuckling.

 Everyone just kept quiet without intending to comment at all. Precisely what Aeri did raised many questions in their minds.

"Everyone, let's start eating. I've also been very hungry since earlier," said Aeri. Then she spooned the food into Dae Hyun's plate.

 "Honey, eat a lot. Because you have to have strong stamina. Usually young girls want more like we used to." Aeri chuckled with a shy face.

 "You too, Soo Yin. Eat nutritious ingredients so Yeon Ho gets a new sibling soon." Aeri also spooned food into Soo Yin's plate until it was full.

Soo Yin looked at Aeri questioningly. Because this was beyond her expectations for Aeri to behave like that. If she looked at the look in her eyes, Soo Yin also didn't find the look of hatred in her eyes like before.

 "Aeri, what are you doing? Why are you suddenly acting like this?" whispered Shin-hye who happened to be sitting right next to Aeri.

 "Auntie, what's the matter? Is something wrong?" said Aeri casually.

"Are you out of your mind that you're turned so nice to her?" Shin-hye said in a low voice as she looked at Soo Yin with disapproval.

 "I'm still sane, Auntie. I'm just trying to accept the situation so I don't lose Dae Hyun. From now on I will learn to be a good wife for my husband," said Aeri.

 Mrs. Park wore a complicated expression at this point. Still can't believe what she saw. How can Aeri accept another woman in her household?

"Aeri, grandma is happy if you two get along like this," said Hae Sok. Expressed her happiness because Aeri no longer hated Soo Yin even though it was very strange.

 "Thank you, Grandma. I realized that I had been wrong all this time. I shouldn't have behaved like that. If Dae Hyun had been honest from the start, maybe I would have accepted all of this more," said Aeri with a smile that was always on her lips.

 Everyone started eating quietly.

Soo Yin just looked at the food that was so full on her plate. Just looking at it already made her not in the mood to eat.

 "Soo Yin, why don't you eat? Is the food bad? If you don't like it then let the waiters cook it for you again," said Aeri.

 "No need, the food is very good," Soo Yin said with a faint smile and then shoved a mouthful into her mouth.

Dae Hyun swapped Soo Yin's plate which was very full of food with his plate.

 "Just eat mine," said Dae Hyun because he hadn't touched it at all. After all, who will have an appetite because Aeri had put all the existing menus into one.

 "Honey, why are you the one eating it? Soo Yin has to eat a lot so as not to be skinny," said Aeri.

 "Her stomach will not fit to finish all this.. Let me eat it because my stomach is very hungry," said Dae Hyun firmly.

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