Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 468 - 467 - Don't Open (this Is Double )

Park Soo Hyun had parked his car at the Griffin Bar. He intended to find Jean there. Hoping tonight waa Jean's work schedule.

 The man stepped in unenthusiastically. The sound of disco music immediately sounded in his ears with the lights flickering which made his head feel a little dizzy.

 "What do you want to order, sir?" A waiter immediately approached Park Soo Hyun. His face was already familiar because in recent times Park Soo Hyun had often come to their bar.

 "I don't want anything. I just want to find Jean," said Park Soo Hyun in a flat tone. The memory of that night slowly replayed in his mind even if only dimly.

 "Jean? What do you need to look her for?" The waiter's brows knitted, feeling strange. It was unusual for a handsome man looking for Jean's whereabouts.

 "Where is she now?" Park Soo Hyun said without answering the waiter's question.

 "She has not worked here since a few days ago," explained the waiter.

"Why?" Park Soo Hyun's eyes immediately went wide when he knew this.

 "She didn't say much. Jean even just contacted us by phone. Some of her things are still in the drawer but she doesn't seem to have any intention of taking them," said the waiter, shrugging her shoulders.

 "May I bring it home for her?" Park Soo Hyun said quickly. It must have been since that night that Jean had not returned to the bar.

 "For what? Who are you?" asked the woman with a penetrating and intimidating look.

 "I'm a friend of Jean. Let me take them home later. I thought she is still working here," said Park Soo Hyun.

 "Okay, let me take it." The woman rushed inside.

 Park Soo Hyun waited while sitting on a chair with his head down. Felt so guilty about what he did to Jean that night. It was a shame that Jean had to come to his room. If not, maybe all of that will not happen.

 Park Soo Hyun brushed his hair by ruffling it.

Not long after, the waiter came back with Jean's bag and sweater.

 "Thank you, I'll drop you off at her house. May I know where is Jean's address?" asked Park Soo Hyun.

 The waiter felt even more strange, a friend who didn't even know her address. However, because Park Soo Hyun was a guest who usually spent quite a bit of money at the bar, the waiter finally wrote her address down on paper.

 Park Soo Hyun gave some bills to the waiter as a gratitude. Before finally leaving the bar.


 Jean had a high fever all day. This morning she took the medicine but there was no effect at all. In that house she was alone so no one took care of her.

 Jean also couldn't contact anyone because her cell phone was still left at the bar.

 Knock… knock…

 There was a knock on the door several times.

 Jean was about to get out of bed to open the door but her head was too dizzy. Until she nudged a vase that was located on the nightstand until it fell.

 The sound was quite audible outside.

 "Jean, did something happen?" said a worried Chang Yuan. He just visited Jean again after that night.

 No answer was heard from inside so Chang Yuan broke down the door even though it was a little difficult. He was afraid if Jean did reckless things.

 After trying hard enough up to several times. Finally the door opened.

 Chang Yuan was very surprised to see Jean who was already lying on the floor. The man then lifted Jean's body onto the bed. His skin felt hot when it came into contact with Jean's skin. Chang Yuan put the back of his hand on Jean's forehead. It turned out to be quite hot.

 "Mother, don't leave me. I don't have anyone in this world," Jean mumbled with her eyes still closed. Her hand stretched out as if to grab someone's hand.

 "Jean, wake up." Chang Yuan patted Jean's cheek to quickly come to her senses. But it didn't work because Jean still mentioned her mother's name.

 "Mom, I'm coming." Jean's voice sounded sad and desperate.

Chang Yuan decided to take Jean to the hospital as her body temperature was too high. Worried that Jean's condition would get worse.

 Chang Yuan laid Jean's body on the back seat. Just about to get in the car. There was a car that stopped behind him so he canceled his intentions out of curiosity who was coming.

 Park Soo Hyun had just stopped his car in front of a small and simple house. Based on the address the waiter gave, the house belonged to Jean.

 The man just watched Jean's house from inside the car. Until his eyes fell on someone who was standing near the car that was right in front of him.

 "Chang Yuan? Why did he come here? Is it to look for Jean? Do they have a special relationship for him to visit at this late hour?" muttered Park Soo Hyun. He decided to get out because of curiosity.

 Their gazes met for a moment. Chang Yuan who used to look at Park Soo Hyun while lowering his head and being polite. Now dared to lift his face. There was a look of anger radiating from Chang Yuan's eyes.

 "What are you doing here?" asked Chang Yuan coldly.

 "I should be the one asking. Why are you spending the night at a girl's house?" said Park Soo Hyun.

 "None of your business," said Chang Yuan. Since knowing what Park Soo Hyun did to Jean, Chang Yuan became emotional because the man was not responsible at all.

"Are you Jean's boyfriend?" said Park Soo Hyun while snorting.

 "Even though I'm not her boyfriend, I at least care more about her. I don't make her lost her self-respect," Chang Yuan sneered boldly.

 Park Soo Hyun immediately fell silent when he heard Chang Yuan's statement.. The words directly pierced his chest cavity until he could not say a word.

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