Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 464 - 464 - I Choose You

"Are you not go to work, Sir?" Aunt Xia said with knitted brows seeing Dae Hyun who had changed into his casual clothes. Even though this morning he was dressed very neatly.

 "No, Auntie. Starting today I will have a day off," said Dae Hyun with a shining face like there was no burden at all.

 Aunt Xia didn't ask any further. Maybe because Dae Hyun just came from out of town so he can take a break for a while.

 Dae Hyun walked to his feet with a smile that was so blooming on his lips. Approached his little wife who looked busy with planting media. There was also Chung Ho there who was helping her plant something. They seemed to be engrossed in what they were doing on their own.

 "Honey, what did you plant?" Dae Hyun approached Soo Yin and hugged her from behind.

 Chung Ho felt bad and self-conscious enough not to bother his boss. Then he left the greenhouse. After all, his heart also felt hot to see the intimacy between them.

"Dae Hyun, stop bothering me," Soo Yin said as she moved her shoulders so that Dae Hyun would remove his chin from her shoulder.

 "I just wanted to cheer you up," Dae Hyun whispered. He tucked Soo Yin's hair behind her ear. Then sniffed Soo Yin's neck to smell her scent. He kissed her neck several times and it bothered Soo Yin quite a bit.

 "Shouldn't you be going to work? Why are you relaxing like this right now?" Soo Yin tilted her head while narrowing her small eyes.

 "From now on I just want to be with you all the time. There's no need to be afraid that anyone will disturb us." Dae Hyun kissed Soo Yin's neck one more time until Soo Yin immediately pushed her husband's body away.

 "Did something happen between you two?" Soo Yin immediately turned her body so that they were currently facing each other. Felt suspicious that something bad must have happened.

 "No, honey. Our relationship is fine. I just want to set up a restaurant with you," said Dae Hyun with a chuckle. He didn't want to let Soo Yin think and feel guilty about what happened to him.

"Dae Hyun, I don't like being lied to. Don't lie to me again," said Soo Yin, looking at her husband sharply.

 Dae Hyun took a deep breath even though he didn't want to tell the truth. But it turned out that Soo Yin can read his mind.

 "I've told the truth if I married you," said Dae Hyun with a smile.

 "What?" Soo Yin's heart seemed to stop beating for a moment. Her body staggered and floated in the air until she almost fell if Dae Hyun didn't quickly support her.

 "Honey, are you all right?" Dae Hyun immediately led Soo Yin to a bench not too far away.

 This morning, Soo Yin had told her husband not to say anything about them because she wasn't ready if her life was filled with hatred again. She couldn't stand it if her ears had to hear the insults she felt in the past.

 "Why did you say it? Didn't I tell you not to say it for a while," Soo Yin said bitterly and her eyes sparkled with fear.

"Honey, at first I didn't want to say that. But Park Soo Hyun and Aeri have already opened their voices. Badmouthing you in front of my mother. There's no way I'll just keep silent hearing you're always being blamed." Dae Hyun embraced Soo Yin's face, staring at her so deeply.

 "What did Aeri say about me?" asked Soo Yin curiously.

 "She said that you were the one who caused our household to fall apart. Aeri also instigated mother, saying you were the one who tried to seduce me. There's no way I'll just stay silent without explaining anything to provide a defense," said Dae Hyun.

 "Then what was their reaction?"

 "Of course they are all angry and asked me to choose between you and Jo Yeon Ho...." Dae Hyun stopped his speech.

 Soo Yin was still silent with a look that didn't move from her husband's eagle eyes that were so firm. Left her mouth shut, didn't ask any further who her husband would choose because Soo Yin already knew the answer.

 "I choose you." Dae Hyun returned Soo Yin's gaze with tenderness. Convinced her that he didn't regret his choice at all.

"Then, what about Yeon Ho?" Soo Yin really didn't expect her husband to choose her over his son. She knew that the choice would be very hard for him.

 "If he wants to be with me it won't be a problem. I will always be a father to him forever," said Dae Hyun, answering all the doubts in Soo Yin's heart over everything that happened.

 "He must be very sad because you left him," said Soo Yin sadly. Her chest felt hurt because she had hurt Jo Yeon Ho's feelings. He must have been heartbroken by what had happened.

 "Slowly he will also understand and accept everything."

 "Then, did Aeri ask for a divorce?"

 "She doesn't want a divorce." Dae Hyun took a deep breath.

 "That's not important. In the end she will also give up. How can she stand the gossip that befell in her life," continued Dae Hyun. Maybe the news of their quarrel will soon enter the mass media.

 Dae Hyun rested Soo Yin's head in his chest when her eyes were already teary.

 "I'm just afraid that you'll regret choosing me." Soo Yin's feelings were very touched and sad because Dae Hyun preferred her.

 "Don't say that. I will never regret what I thought for a long time. I don't want the past to happen again. Stupidly not trying to fight for my happiness." Dae Hyun rubbed Soo Yin's back gently.

 "In fact, I'll regret it if I didn't choose you," added Dae Hyun. 

Soo Yin is still dreaming because Dae Hyun is willing to leave his big family just for her sake.

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