Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 239 - 239 - Don't Want To Interfere

With a flat facial expression, Dae Hyun led Aeri to sit on the bed. Unlike Dae Hyun, this time it felt like Aeri wanted to laugh happily because it seemed that Dae Hyun would be discouraged from divorcing her.

His attitude was very different from the night Dae Hyun found out that she was pregnant. Aeri hadn't realized that Dae Hyun was up to something.

 Dae Hyun kept grumbling to himself, if it weren't for Doctor Kang's idea. He felt very reluctant to do all of that. For him there was no more trust in people who had betrayed because Dae Hyun was tired of always being fooled by Aeri.

"Finally you came home," said Aeri in a hoarse voice that she made as weak as possible. Her hand was about to touch Dae Hyun's face which was right in front of her, but Dae Hyun immediately moved his body a little so that Aeri couldn't touch him.

 "Hmmm," said Dae Hyun curtly.

 "What's wrong with you, mom?" Jo Yeon Ho asked, who was sitting next to Aeri.

"Mother is fine. Maybe it's because of your sibling that I am like this," said Aeri while rubbing her stomach. She glanced at Dae Hyun, who turned his head away.

 Mrs. Park opened the door without knocking first. In her hand there was a tray filled with breakfast for Aeri. She was indeed the type of woman who cared deeply for her children. There was a smile on her lips when she saw Dae Hyun who was covering Aeri's feet with a blanket.

"Sorry, mom disturbed those of you who were gathered," Mrs. Park said as she stepped in.

"Mother, why bother bringing breakfast for me? I can go down by myself to pick it up," Aeri said, pretended to refuse. In fact, as long as she found out that she was pregnant, she rarely even went down the stairs. Will always told the servants to serve her.

"It's okay, earlier the waiter was busy in the kitchen, so coincidentally mother wanted to take Dae Hyun and Jo Yeon Ho to breakfast. So I bring it here," said Mrs. Park while putting the tray on the nightstand.

 "Dae Hyun, I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to hurt you," Mrs. Park said while looking at his son.

Hearing his mother apologize made Dae Hyun feel very sad. The woman who gave birth should not apologize for a small mistake.

 "Mother is completely innocent." Dae Hyun embraced Mrs. Park. During his life his mother rarely scolded him because since he was a child, Mrs. Park had always been gentle and affectionate in caring for her two sons.

 "Mom, next time don't be angry with Dae Hyun. He acted like that maybe because he was still shocked to find out if I got pregnant suddenly," Aeri defended. Tried to win over Mrs. Park and Dae Hyun. Sincerely hoped that her efforts were successful.

For Soo Yin's business, someone had already taken care of it so Aeri didn't need to worry.

"Mother just begged you to discourage ...." Mrs. Park stopped her words. Realized that Jo Yeon Ho was among them.

"Aeri, after I come back from Nami Island, I'll take you to the doctor for a womb check." As much as possible Dae Hyun tried to make his face looked happy but still couldn't. It was very different if he was around Soo Yin who he always wanted to persuade and pay attention to her.

 "You're going out of town?" asked Aeri.

 "I'll be there not long. Maybe only about two days. Actually today I will also take you to the doctor but it's a shame because I have to leave this morning," Dae Hyun said with a flat expression. It felt like his lips felt very heavy to smile.

 "Well, you better have breakfast before leaving," Mrs. Park said.

 Dae Hyun nodded his head in agreement to his mother then asked Jo Yeon Ho to come down.

Aeri was very upset because he just left her. She thought Dae Hyun had changed but left her alone in the room. Actually, she wanted to come down but suddenly Aeri thought of something.

If Dae Hyun was going out of town then he definitely needed clothes to bring because Dae Hyun definitely hadn't had time to prepare them.

Aeri immediately got out of bed and then stepped into the dressing room where there was a wardrobe. One by one Aeri had lowered them.

Took out one big suitcase to put ten sets of clothes. By doing all that, Mrs. Park will be moved and trusted her even more. Although Aeri was not sure if Dae Hyun will be touched by what she did. But it wouldn't hurt to try.

 Aeri stopped her activities to fold Dae Hyun's clothes into the suitcase. Somewhat surprised by the change in Dae Hyun's attitude, who suddenly asked her to have her womb checked.

 Aeri's hands suddenly trembled thinking about what Dae Hyun might do. It seemed that Dae Hyun was not as stupid as back then and so easily got fooled. No wonder if today he turned out nice. Although indeed his attitude was still indifferent and cold.

 Aeri hurriedly put all the items that Dae Hyun was going to bring. It would be better if she thought of a way to make Dae Hyun stop from asking her to have a womb check.

 Luckily she wasn't stupid so it was easy to guess what Dae Hyun was going to do.


There were only three people in the dining room because Park Soo Hyun had already left for the hotel. Everyone was silent, there was only the clink of the spoon and the plate shouting to each other. Mrs. Park actually wanted to say something but Jo Yeon Ho was still there. It was inappropriate for a child his age to listen to adult chatter. So that after finishing breakfast, Mrs. Park told Eun Hee to take Jo Yeon Ho to play outside for a while.

"Dae Hyun, I hope you give up your intention in divorcing Aeri. Don't you feel sorry for her who is pregnant?" Mrs. Park said gently without emotion.

Talking to Dae Hyun only needed words of understanding. If she used emotions, Dae Hyun wouldn't listen to her. Her slightly wrinkled hand gripped Dae Hyun's fingers.

Dae Hyun turned his head, looking closely at his mother.

 "Mother, I've wanted this separation for a long time. It's enough to survive with Aeri. I want to find my happiness with another woman, Mom."

 Mrs. Park tried not to get emotional at Dae Hyun's statement that it seemed like he already had another woman.

"I want to know who that woman is. The woman who has succeeded in turning you away from Aeri."

 "If later I parted with Aeri, I will introduce her to you. What is clear is she is a simple woman. One more thing, Mother, don't think that she teased me. Because I teased her," Dae Hyun said with full emphasis on the last sentence.

 "Dae Hyun, Aeri is pregnant with your child. What will the public say if you divorce her?" Mrs. Park said.

"Mom, I beg you, please believe in me this time. I'll find out everything," Dae Hyun said as he looked hopefully.

These were the words Dae Hyun uttered when he was caught together with Aeri at a hotel seven years ago. No one believed him. So that now there was a feeling of guilt felt by Mrs. Park because she only believed Aeri's words than her own son.

"All right, I will believe you this time. I will not interfere with your problems anymore. This is your life, so decide according to what you expect. Hopefully you do not take the wrong step and can find your happiness," said Mrs. Park while smiling warmly.

Indeed, Mrs. Park already realized that Dae Hyun seemed unhappy with his marriage. He always spent more time working than his family.

"Thank you mom." Dae Hyun felt relieved to be able to convince his mother.

 From earlier it turned out that Aeri was overhearing their conversation. Her body immediately went limp because of Mrs. Park could not possibly defend her again. It turned out that her guess was correct if Dae Hyun wanted to plan something. Aeri's hands were clenched tightly and her lips were pressed tightly together.

 "Mother, I better go now," Dae Hyun said as he rose to his feet.

 "Didn't you bring your clothes?" Mrs. Park asked.

 "I've prepared it in the car," Dae Hyun said.

Knowing that Dae Hyun was leaving, Aeri immediately hid in an unseen place. She was very upset that her efforts were in vain. It was useless to prepare the clothes if Dae Hyun had even prepared them in advance. Aeri was sure that it was Soo Yin who helped to prepare it.

 Actually Aeri wanted to say to Mrs. Park if the woman Dae Hyun meant was Soo Yin. But there were no evidence whatsoever that she had. If so, Mrs. Park will hate her too.

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