Hidden Marriage

Chapter 147: Little Treasure Tears The House Apart

Chapter 147: Little Treasure Tears The House Apart

Ning Xi, what should I do…

I’m not as good as you think I am.

It frightens me sometimes when you look at me with such trusting eyes.

If one day you find out that I’m really not what you think I am… would you leave me?

At five in the morning, Lu Tingxiao was woken up by the sound of the doorbell.

He opened the door to see Lu Jingli standing outside anxiously. "Brother, don't get mad at me, this is really urgent. If you don't go home now, Little Treasure will tear the whole house apart! They couldn’t get in touch with you, and Ning Xi’s phone isn't working, so I had no choice but to come here!"

At this moment behind him, Ning Xi instantly sounded wide awake. "What’s wrong with Little Treasure? I’m going back right now!"

Saying that, she grabbed her bag in passing and helped pack up Lu Tingxiao’s things in ten seconds. "Let’s go, let’s go!"

The three of them rushed back to the Lu residence.

As soon as they entered the courtyard, Ning Xi was stunned.

"What’s going on? What are those?" Ning Xi rubbed her eyes, and stared in shock at the shiny, silver man-shaped figures walking around. She felt as if she’d travelled to a different dimension.

Lu Jingli blinked. "Can’t you tell? They’re robots!"

Ning Xi almost went crazy. "Of course I can see that… but, why are there so many of them?"

Lu Jingli’s head hurt. "This is one of Little Treasure’s hobbies, it’s just that he hasn't taken them out in a while. But now that he’s been provoked, he’s put them all out, like zombies attacking the city…"

They could see a few dozen robots on the spot, and they were all wrecking things.

Digging up the ground, running around crazily, knocking into trees, destroying flowers; one even lifted a maid up… nearby, the servants cried out in alarm. The whole scene was a mess…

Seeing that the maid was about to fall out of the robot’s arms, Ning Xi opened the car door and rushed over to catch the girl before she hit the ground.

"Are you okay, Wan Wan?"

Wan Wan was still in shock as she patted her chest, then she looked at Ning Xi thankfully. "Thank you, Miss Xiao Xi! You’ve returned, please go see Little Young Master quickly!"

At the Lu residence, all the servants, especially the maids, took a hostile attitude towards Ning Xi, they just didn't dare show it in front of her. But Wan Wan had helped Little Treasure bring fresh juice to Ning Xi on set often, so she started to get to know Ning Xi more, and she felt that Ning Xi wasn't taking advantage of the doting attention from Eldest Young Master and Little Young Master, and wasn’t an overbearing bully for it. She was very modest and spoke well, so Wan Wan had a very good impression of her.

Seeing how Ning Xi had nimbly taken action as "the hero saving the beauty", in the car, Lu Tingxiao had a helpless expression on his face.

Lu Jingli stuck his head out of the car window and cried plaintively, "Xiao Xi Xi, you’re not supposed to do that! You stole my job! Ouch! Help —"

As he was speaking, a robot had clamped onto one of his arms.

"Brother, save me! Hurry up and turn these things off!" Right after he made noise about being the hero to save the damsel, Lu Jingli now had to be rescued himself.

Lu Tingxiao had on an expression of someone who wanted to help, but didn't know how. "Little Treasure changed the program last time, I’ll need an hour to crack it."

"An hour! Then I’m going to lose my arm! Ahhhh, hurts hurts hurts…"

"Then where is Little Treasure now?" Ning Xi hurriedly asked.

"He should be in the computer room." Lu Tingxiao swiftly came out of the car. "I’ll take you there."

"Okay!" The two of them ran to the computer room quickly.

Lu Jingli watched their backs as they left. "Two of you, hurry!"

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