Hidden Marriage

Chapter 143: Couldn’t You Just Play Along?

Chapter 143: Couldn’t You Just Play Along?

"Because they couldn’t get back to the city in time, she was sent to a small hospital in Chunfeng Town. That night, there was another pregnant woman who was also admitted…"

"Then?" Lu Tingxiao asked, even though he could already guess what happened after that.

Ning Xi shrugged. "Then it was all drama! That small hospital didn’t have enough staff and was poorly managed. They mixed the two baby girls up, and made a mistake that lasted eighteen years! Do you know Ning Xueluo even has the same blood type as me, that’s why nobody realized anything!"

"Then how did they find out?"

Ning Xi turned her head and smiled at Lu Tingxiao. "As for that, it was thanks to my wild second uncle!"

"Ning Yaobang?" Lu Tingxiao had heard of this person, but didn't really know him; he only knew that back then, he had been a well-known playboy in the capital.

"That’s right, my second uncle was a total player, and he was still fooling around with women outside even after he got married. He messed up a lot of lives, and in the end, had one son and three daughters in total!

"The Ning family wasn't sure if it was a feng shui problem, but in this generation, Ning Yaohua and Ning Yaobang just couldn’t have boys, so that illegitimate son of my second uncle became the only male Ning heir in my generation.

"My second uncle was especially cocky when he thought his son could inherit the family’s fortune, but who would have thought that he would later find out that his male heir wasn't even his real son. That outside woman had totally cuckolded him, haha! Then can you guess what happened after that?"

Lu Tingxiao really loved how Ning Xi’s eyes sparkled. He thought for a bit. "Your grandfather was angry, and had DNA tests done for all the Ning family grandchildren, and found out that Ning Xueluo wasn't a Ning family member?"

Ning Xi’s head was covered with black lines. "Couldn’t you have just played along… there’s really no fun trying to keep you in suspense!"

Lu Tingxiao laughed lightly. "Sorry, I’ll do better next time."

Ning Xi humphed, and continued. "After they investigated, they realized that Ning Xueluo and I had been accidentally switched at the hospital that year, so I was taken back to the Ning family!"

Hearing her breezy tone when she said this, Lu Tingxiao rubbed her head gently. "They didn’t treat you well?"

Ning Xi didn't think anything of it at first, but when Lu Tingxiao patted her gently on the head, for some reason, she suddenly felt that she had really been treated unjustly.

As expected, you only realize how aggrieved you are when someone cares for you; if no one cares about you, who would you share your sorrows with?

Seeing Ning Xi’s depressed mood, Lu Tingxiao opened his arms wide. "I can lend you my embrace."

Ning Xi startled, and she turned her head. "No! Do you understand that this would be tempting me into committing a crime against you?"

Lu Tingxiao didn't say anything, just kept looking at her. "What about your foster parents, did they treat you well?"

Talking about her foster parents, Ning Xi’s mood lifted a bit. "My grandmother favored sons over daughters, and really didn’t like me. When I was born, she almost drowned me in the river, and she also once ditched me somewhere. But my dad found me and brought me back. My mom… she was also very good to me, I also have a thoughtful and obedient little brother!"

Hearing how she had almost been drowned or thrown away, Lu Tingxiao’s heart clenched. And when she talked about her mother, her expression had seemed a little off, but he didn't ask further.

"I really like my old family, when they told me I wasn't their real daughter, I felt my whole world crumbling down. But the Ning family is too powerful, I couldn’t make any other choice. Back then, if I had rejected them with all my being, there might have been the slight chance that I could have stayed, but…"

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