"I… I am his sister. You can't kill me!" Bella hugged Adrian's waist nervously and slightly showed her head, looking at Mario who was aiming a gun at her.

"So silly. Adrian has nothing to do with the Atmajaya Family. I am his only family here. Adrian, I am your uncle. You don't have any relationship with the Atmajaya Family," Mario said loudly.

Bella looked even more frightened. "What do you really want?"

"Aksa has stolen my fiancée. So I want to snatch his sister! An eye for an eye! Adel has already run away, then, you have to replace ehr!" Mario looked at the large bed. "Go over there and take off your clothes. Fast!"

"Brother Adrian, I don't want to. I don't want to…" Bella looked panicked and kept asking Adrian for help.

Adrian hugged and protected her very carefully. "Your problem is with me, not with him."

"I have to take the photo. That way, the Atmajaya Family will release my father!" Mario said.

"Your father hired assassins, the evidence is very clear. No one will be able to save him," said Adrian calmly.

"No! You must have a way. Get into bed quickly and don't talk too much!" Mario insisted.

"You make such a fuss just because you want to save your father?" Adrian asked.

"My father is getting old. How could I let him languish in prison? I have to save him." Mario stepped forward and held out his hand, about to pull Bela. But Adrian immediately pushed him hard.

Mario felt very angry and used his gun to hit Adrian.

Unexpectedly, Adrian moved more swiftly and caught Mario's wrist, then struggled against him for the gun in Mario's hand.

Seeing this, Bella rushed to help Adrian and accidentally pulled the trigger.

The gun was supposed to release a bullet, but a strange sound came to their ears instead.

"One and one, I love mom. Two and two, I love daddy…"

"A toy gun?" Bella froze in place.

The people outside also heard the sound of the song, not understanding what was really going on inside.

"What sound is that?" Aksa asked.

Mason thought for a moment. "Perhaps the sound of a cell phone?"

"When will the guards come?" Aksa insisted.

"They were already on the top floor, climbing the wall and coming down from the top floor. By taking advantage of Mario's unpreparedness, we can kill him," Mason said calmly.

"Tell them not to hurt Bella and Adrian," said Aksa.

At that moment, the three people in the room looked at each other. Bella wanted to laugh out loud, but seeing the tense atmosphere, she didn't feel like it was the right time to laugh.

"That… Ahem. Since everything has happened and you are all gathered here, you should talk about it clearly," after learning that the gun was a fake, Bella finally calmed down.

Mario didn't fight back and threw the gun away. "I want to save my father."

"I couldn't save him. He deserves it," Adrian replied coldly.

"I just wanted to save my father," Mario repeated once more.

"Didn't you hear what Brother Adrian said? He already said you couldn't save him. He has killed people and the evidence is clear. If he was released, wouldn't this be unfair to the dead? Quickly confess, what did you do to Sis Adel?" She asked.

"The medicine will only put her to sleep for a while. Nothing will happen," said Mario.

Adrian grabbed Mario by the collar and asked angrily, "If I hadn't come here, what would you do to Adel huh?!"

"I won't hurt her. I just meant to take some photos and threaten your family to save my father," Mario lowered his head after saying it.

Bella looked at him coldly. "Do you think we will believe it? Even if you only wanted to take photos, that's still a crime!"

"I'll give you two options. Call the police and surrender, or open the door now." Adrian didn't want to talk nonsense with Mario anymore.

At that moment, a red dot appeared on Mario's body.

He moved a few steps, but the red dot still followed him.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot!" Bella stood in front of Mario and tried to protect him without thinking. She waved her hand repeatedly at the window, her face looking frantic.

"Bella, what are you doing?" Seeing Bella who put herself in danger, Adrian immediately reprimanded her.

Bella smiled. "As he said, you guys are family. He just wanted to save his father and he did nothing. It's still not too late to give up and admit his mistakes. If he gets shot in front of you, you will suffer later."

Adrian looked at Bella. The girl was only 19 years old and they had only worked together for a month. But she seemed to be able to understand him deeply.

Although he never wanted to acknowledge the Hermawan Family as his family, he also didn't want to see Mario die.

What Mario did was actually not wrong. He didn't want to lose his fiancée so he went to Iris and looked for Adel to ask her for help.

He wanted to save his father so he invited Adel to meet again, about to take some of her naked photos and threatened the Atmajaya Family to help him free Eka.

"Mario, put your hands up and surrender," said Adrian.

Mario laughed. "I want to meet Anya."

"My aunt isn't someone you can easily meet," Bella immediately refused. "Right now, it's best for you to surrender yourself to the police."

"Can I exchange Lili's secret for my father's freedom?" Mario asked.

"Lily?" Adrian turned to Bella. "Isn't Lili my brother's girlfriend?"

"Sis Lili will be Brother Aksa's fiancée tomorrow. What do you know about her?" Bella asked.

Mario laughed again. "I know that Lili is not the biological child of the Mandala Family. I also know that she lied to marry me. As long as you guys are willing to help me, I'll tell everyone."

Adrian was deep in thought. Tomorrow, Lili and Aksa's engagement will be announced in front of everyone. If it's true that there's something Lili is hiding…

"Wait a minute. I'll call and ask about this matter first," after careful consideration, Adrian decided to tell Anya about this matter.

Anya is wearing a face mask. Tomorrow is Arka's wedding day. She must look beautiful and take good care of her skin.

When she heard her cell phone ring and saw that it was Adrian who called her, she answered immediately, "Adrian, what's wrong?"

"Mom, Mario wants to tell you something about Lili," Adrian said over the phone.

"Adrian, why did you meet him? I don't want to know anything. Lilli will be your brother's fiancée tomorrow." Anya didn't want to hear Mario say that Lili was not a nice woman.

Aren't they adults? Why did Mario have to tell his ex-fiancée's bad side after their relationship ended?

Even though she didn't meet Mario in person, Anya already knew what Mario wanted to say.

"If Lili is really the daughter of the Mandala Family, how could she be engaged to me? You've all been fooled," Mario sneered.

Anya was stunned when she heard Mario's voice. "Adrian, who's talking? Is that Mario? Did he mean that Lili is not the real daughter of the Mandala Family?"

Actually, the Atmajaya Family doesn't care about Lili's family background because Aksa loves her simply because of it's Lili, and not the last name she carried. But if Lili got engaged to Aksa because there was another plan she was hiding, things would be different.

"My father is too old to be in prison. I requested my father to be released on parole, but was refused. As long as he can be transferred to the hospital, I will tell you everything about Lili. Otherwise, I can confirm that all of you have been deceived by her.. If she really gets married and becomes part of your family, you will regret it!" Mario said it out loud, worried that Anya couldn't hear his voice.

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