"Sis, Bella is my daughter. Adrian and Bella's relationship is not like a typical brother and sister relationship. I am worried. I admit that Adrian is a good boy. But I don't want Bella to have anything to do with him. That's why I asked Anya for help. But look what Anya and Aiden did to me!"

Maria was amused by this story and asked someone to make tea for them so they could chat and relax.

"Raisa, you are too much. Take it easy. Try to put yourself in Anya's position. Bella is your daughter, but Adrian is also her son. Adrian is a very good boy, we all can see it with our own eyes. But the insults that come out of your mouth are truly cruel. You can't call him an illegitimate child," Maria tried to persuade her patiently.

"When I'm angry, I can't keep my mouth shut. Anya has said it before but I'm still having a hard time doing it," Raisa said shyly.

"You also said it in front of Anya? You, you… Have you gone mad? Bella has worked really hard at the Pratama Group, but you want to destroy her work instead. Wait until Arka and Sabrina's marriage ends. After that, take her back to her school and leave Indonesia," said Maria.

Raisa held her teacup tightly. Her heart still felt anxious.

"Sis, don't you remember what happened to Jenny and Jonathan? She went to study abroad and came back secretly…"

"So what? After that, Jenny still left for school and in the end, she returned to marry Jonathan. Same thing with Bella. Just tell her to go back to school so she can forget about Adrian. As for the future, talk about it later. Why are you so offensive? Anya and Aiden must be very offended. Now what are you going to do? Fighting your own daughter and forcing her to stay away from Adrian?" Maria asked.

Raisa laughed. "Sis, I really want to meet Bella and force her to resign from her job."

"Look, young people today have their own desires. They don't like it when their parents interfere in their business. You want to tell Bella to resign and stay away from Adrian. If she gets mad at you, you'll definitely regret it later," Maria said sincerely.

Raisa panicked when she heard this, "Sis, what should I do?"

"Pretend you don't know and don't let your mouth insult Adrian again. Support Bella to do whatever she likes. Say that men like smart women. I'm sure Anya must have told Adrian not to get too close to Bella and keep his distance from her," Maria said with a smile.

Raisa nodded. "Thank you for the advice. I already know what I have to do."

"Do you really know?" Maria was still unsure.

"I will just tell her that Adrian likes smart women and supports her in pursuing her studies, then pursuing love. That way, after Arka's marriage is over, Bella will come back with me, leaving Indonesia," Raisa smiled.

Maria nodded with satisfaction. "You have to control your emotions. You are Sabrina's aunt. If you are not allowed to interfere in the wedding party, it won't look good for both families. Don't worry. Let me tell Aiden."

"Thank you, Sis," Raisa immediately smiled.

"If you don't change, you're going to keep fighting with your in-laws after Bella gets married later. Look, she and Adrian aren't even in a relationship yet, but you're already looking into trouble with Anya. Don't you want to have a good relationship with Bella's in-laws?" Maria felt that Bima's suggestion was very good.

Only families with an upbringing like the Atmajaya Family can face someone like Raisa.

Bima understands Raisa's nature and chooses not to care about her anymore.

Maria is the eldest daughter-in-law, coming from a large family. Her nature is very gentle and kind.

Anya is also very tolerant so she doesn't really care about Raisa.

Ivan is a quiet and caring person. He knows how to take care of other people. So all this time, Raisa has lived very comfortably in the Atmajaya Family.

But once her child grows up, Raisa will feel what other people feel one day.

The Mahendra family is a family from her side. So, of course they will always pamper and love her, no matter what she does.

The Atmajaya family, which is her husband's family, is an educated and tolerant family so that no one cares about her character.

What if Bella gets married one day?

Can Raisa's life still be peaceful?

If Raisa had a fight with her mother, how could Bella live happily and peacefully with her in-laws?

Maria feels that Bella is much more compatible with Adrian than Maya. As a parent, she also wants the young people in her family to live happily.

It's just that Raisa's attitude is too hard to deal with. Maria and Bima can ignore it, but not necessarily someone else.

Maria felt a little sorry for Bella for having such a childish mother. Wouldn't her mother's nature hinder her happiness to be with the man she loves?

"I don't want to make a fuss either. But I can't let my daughter suffer," Raisa said.

Maria stroked her hand gently. "When Bella just came to Indonesia, I was a little worried about her. But she is happy to be living with Anya and she works well at the Pratama Group. That's why I'm advising you this way."

"Sis, what do you mean?" Raisa looks a little embarrassed.

"Do you not understand? Don't involve parental problems in children. You are always bringing up Uncle Eka's problem. You must know that as a part of the Atmajaya Family, you also have to take care of Adrian, lest anyone hurt him. Don't call him illegitimate children and don't let Anya hear about it. I might be able to ignore it, but it's not easy to persuade Aiden," said Maria.

"I understand. Should I ask my dad to do something? In the past, when Uncle Eka went bankrupt, it was my father who helped him," Raisa said.

"No need. The fewer people who know this, the better. No one in your family knows about this matter, right?" Maria asked.

Raisa didn't say anything.

How could she hide a secret? If she knows, it means her whole family knows too.

"Forget it. Your parents and siblings are much more reliable than you. If Uncle Eka doesn't do anything, we can rest easy. But if he dares to seek trouble with the Atmajaya Family, we will not remain silent," Maria's voice sounded lower than usual. "You can ask your father to convey it to him."

"I see," Raisa did nothing. She was only quick at spreading gossip, but couldn't do anything else.

"Uncle Eka is back, but no one is afraid of him. What can he do even though Adrian is really his grandson? His daughter is dead. Does he want to destroy his grandson too this time? If he dares to touch Adrian, Aiden and Anya will never forgive him," said Maria.

"He brought his son to Indonesia this time. He still has to think about his son every time he wants to do something. Don't worry, Uncle Eka will listen to my father's words." 

Finally, there is something Raisa can do. Then, she went straight to her mother's house that night.

At dinner, Maria guessed that Anya's mood had stabilized so she called her.

"Anya, Raisa came to the house this afternoon and I already reprimanded her. She heard that Uncle Eka already knew about Adrian's problem, so she immediately went home, asking her father for help to stop Eka. Raisa also cares about Adrian," said Maria.

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